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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1 Friendship,基础知识自测,.,高频单词思忆,1.She was very,_,(,心烦,)to hear that she failed in the exam again.,2.If the weather is good,well eat_ (,户外,).,3.Business has,(,遭受,)loss since,the economic crisis(,经济危机,)happened.,upset,outdoors,suffered,4.When he was abroad,his parents were,(,担心,)about his safety.,5.The old lady has got a,(,疏松的,)tooth.,6.There were several new events _(,增加,)to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.,loose,added,concerned,7.The big earthquake that happened in Sichuan destroyed the town of,Beichuan,e,.,8.According to the law,t,are not allowed to smoke or drink.,9.He,i,all the“No Smoking”signs and lit up a cigarette.,ntirely,eenagers,gnored,二、词组互译 将下列词组或短语译成中文或英语。,1._,将,加起来,2._,使,平静下来,3._,关心、挂念,/,和,有关,4._,一连串的,一系列、一套,5._,与,相处,进展,6._,经历,仔细检查,完成,7._,根据,8._,为了,9._,故意,10._,参加,加入,add up,calm down,be concerned about/with,a series of,get along with,go through,according to,in order to,on purpose,join in,11.be crazy about _,12.set,sth,.down _,13.have(got)to do,sth,_,14.fall in love with _,15.face to face _,16.walk the dog _,17.hide away _,18.suffer from _,19.have trouble with,sth,_,20.make an/every effort to do,sth,_,对,狂热,放下,记下,登记,不得不,必须做某事,爱上,喜欢上,面对面地,溜狗,躲藏,隐藏,因,而受苦,有,麻烦,有困难,努力去做某事,三、词组运用,翻译填空 根据汉语意思,从上述短语中选一个恰当的词组完成句子。,请把我说的话全都记下来。,Please _all that I said.,2.,把分数加起来看看你能拿几分。,_your scores and see how many points you can get.,3.,由于雪灾很多人不得不留在广州过年。,Many people _ spend the Chinese New Year in Guangzhou because of the snow disaster.,4.,李明在这里定居后,和邻居们相处得很好。,Since Li Ming _ here,he has _ his neighbors.,set down,Add up,had to,settled,got along well with,5.,我的假期完全被一连串的雨天毁了。,My vocation was completely spoiled by_ rainy days.,6.,伊拉克已经经历了太多的战争。,Iraq has _ too many wars.,7.,作为中国人,我们对,2008,年奥运会特别关注。,As Chinese,we _ very _ the 2008 Olympic Games.,8.,英国的年青人对,哈利波特,的喜爱近乎狂热。,Young people in Britain _“Harry Potter”.,9.,为了学好英语,她尽了很大努力。,_ improve English,she makes _.,10.,你想和我一起参加英语角吗?,Would you like to _the English Corner together with me?,a series of,gone through,are concerned about,are crazy about,In order to,a great effort,join in,.,词义辨析,1.She refused to offer any help,,,which quite _ all the,people present.,A,ignored B,settled C,upset D,suffered,2,“,If you _ your diet,,,trouble will follow,,”,my doctor,warned me.,A,pack B,ignore C,recover D,concern,3,He devoted himself _ to his research work,,,having no,time for play.,A,exactly B,gratefully C,loosely D,entirely,C,B,D,4,Im afraid its not within my _ to get the work done in,such a short time.,A,energy B,strength C,power D,force,5,She drew back the _ at nine in the morning to let some,sunlight in.,A,curtains B,suitcases C,partners D,teenagers,6,I cant express how _ I am for all youve done for me.,A,grateful B,loose C,calm D,Entire,7,In order to build the dam,,,they moved the local people and,_ them in another place.,A,recovered B,ignored C,concerned D,settled,8,The doctors are delighted to find that the patient is beginning to,_ from heart trouble.,A,uncover B,discover C,recover D,cover,C,A,A,D,C,9,The train arrived at _ 8 oclock,,,neither earlier nor later.,A,clearly B,exactly C,widely D,nearly,10,Steve gave me some useful _ on how to take good,pictures.,A,powers B,tips C,items D,Thunders,11.The protesters _ the meeting by shouting and throwing stones at the windows.,A,attended B,held C,upset D,Mixed,12.Now there are still some people in the west of China_ poverty.,A,suffered B,suffered from,C,suffering D,suffering from,B,B,C,D,13.Now there is no time left for _ new stories because the time for printing has come.,A,adding B,adding up,C,adding up to D,adding to,14.,Mr.Wang,is a person who is easy _.,A,to get along with B,to get along,C,to be gotten along D,getting along with,15.With her help I can _ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.,A,get over B,get in,C,get along D,get through,16.All morning _ she waited for the medical report from the doctor,,,her nervousness grew.,A,while,B,when,C,as,D,before,A,A,C,C,17._,,,he does get annoyed with her sometimes.,A,Although much he likes her B,Much although he likes her,C,As he likes her much D,Much as he likes her,18.I didnt tell him _.,A,how long I have married B,when I had been married,C,how long I had married D,when I got married,19.This novel was concerned,the Second World War,while most teenagers are more concerned,the heros love story.,A.with;aboutB.with;at C.for;about D.about;with,20.Theyve decided to have another,discussion,their methods of work.,A.concerns B.concerned,C.as concern D.concerning,D,D,A,D,21.With a lot of difficult problems,the,manager felt like a cat on hot bricks.,A.settledB.answered,C.to settleD.to answer,22.The voyage was completed,so James Cook made up his mind to,down in London.,A.settle B.write,C.set D.sit,C,A,23.It is to be,that your health is,since youve been sitting by the desk all day long.,A.expecting;suffering,B.expected;suffering,C.expecting;suffered,D.expected;suffered,24.I have nothing to confess.,you want,me to say?,A.What


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