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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Without grammar,little can,be conveyed,Without vocabulary,nothing,can be conveyed.,Grammar,typical examples,1.,The stranger robbed his wife.,2.,He was then bright in the eye.,3.,Calculation never makes a hero.,4.,Do you have a family?,5.,Susan is really a cat,so she is,the last person I want to see,in this city.,6.Her mother died of difficult labor,7.Both of them are not my brothers.,Every man cannot be a writer.,All that glitters is not gold.,8.During foggy weather the trains are,late more often than not,.,9.,You should know better than to go,swimming immediately after a meal.,10.Only that I know you might be,wanted,I should detain you a,little longer,11.,He is anything but a scholar.,12.You could not have made things,worse.,13.He knows no better than those,old methods to solve every problem.,14.You cannot be too cautious.,15.It never rains but it pours.,16.This is no other than the book we,want to buy.,17.James is not so much a writer as a,reporter.,18.She will be more than happy to,see you.,vocabulary,paparazzi encyclopaedia,superstitious vivisectionist,countermeasure contaminate,telecommunication pajama,extracurricular,money laundrying,一 构词法,dis,disappear,disagree,dislike,dishonest,discontinue,disconnect,distract,mis mistake,mislead,misguide,misbelief,misunderstand,fore forehead,foreground,forefather,forecast,foretell,pseudo pseudoheart,pseudoscience,pseudoname,pre,preview,predict,preface,preheat,prewar,prehistory,re review,retell,rewrite,rearrange,reorganize,re-emphasize,recreate,il/ir illegal,illogical,irregular,immoral,immortal,ex ex-husband,ex-president,exwife,mal malfunction,malnutrition,maltreat,-ist tourist,artist,communist,dentist,ful/less,careful,careless,useful,useless,helpful,helpless,-ish,selfish,foolish,bookish,childish/childlike,post postwar,postgraduate,by byproduct,bywork,bypass,over overeat,overdress,oversleep,overemphasize,-ly manly,fatherly,scholarly,motherly,二 造词法,make,maker laptop-maker,car-maker,shoe-maker,watch-maker,TV-maker,law-maker,trouble-maker,-mate deskmate,classmate,roommate,schoolmate,teammate,inmate,三 词尾象形归类法,1.light,right,night,flight,tight,might,sight,2.dip,kip,lip,tip,zip,lipstick,the tip of the iceberg,3.altitude,latitude,attitude,aptitude,fortitude,四 拟声法,carnation cuckoo giggle sofa,pudding coffee golf murmur,crash crack meow,bow-woo babble/gurgle,五 形象分析法,tryst trysting place,eye,bird,六 缩略词,motel,motor and hotel,telecast television and,broadcast,smog smoke and fog,brunch breakfast and lunch,七 头脑风暴法,First give a certain topic,and then name all,the related words by all people involved such as,“what do you think are qualities of being a good,language teacher?Can you find out as many,adjectives as possible which can describe the,qualities of a good teacher?”,八 联想法,比如,family,第九 同义法,beautiful,pretty,handsome,good-looking,ugly,plain-looking,doctor,physician,surgeon,dentist,十 反义法,optimistic,pessimistic,maximum minimum,active passive,positive negative,十一 加长法,classic,classical,economic,economical,historic historical,comic comical,politic political,electric electrical,十二 动词词组,break,up,down,through,out,turn,on,off,up,down,out,over,十三 收集习语法,1.paint the town red,eg.He is going out tonight to paint,the town red.,2.take up with sb,eg.As she is such a pretty woman,many men would like to take up,with her.,eg.After he met her at the bar last,night,he took up with her.,3.write sb/sth off,eg.After a hot argument,she wrote,off her boyfriend.,4.Keep ones nose clean,eg.The newly-released inmates are trying to keep their noses clean.,5.make waves,eg.Teenagers tend to make waves,with their parents and teachers.,Many super-stars like to make,waves in order to be kept in the,media.,6.Play cat and mouse,eg.The police played cat and,mouse with the criminals.,


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