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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,实用大学英语,Practical College English,Unit One,Section A Listening and Speaking,学习语音基础知识,掌握,Classroom English,的相关表达,Section B Reading,阅读两篇有关,The College Life and Study,的文章,Section C Trying Your Hand,了解词类,句子成分以及它们之间的关系,学习英语句子的种类和五种基本句型,Highlights,Section A Listening and Speaking,音素和国际音标,1,什么是音素,:音素是语音的最小单位。,2,音素的分类,:元音和辅音。,3,音素的个数,:共,48,个,元音音素,20,个,辅,音音 素,28,个。,4,什么是音标,:记录音素的符号叫做音标。,5,什么是国际音标,:国际音标是由国际语音,协会规定的一套音标,用来,记录世界各主要语言的语音。,7.,开音节,:,a),辅音,+,元音,+,辅音,+e : name, bike, home, due,plane, shine,b),辅音,+,元音,: he, go, hi, do, be, tree, three, hello,8.,闭音节,:,a),辅音,+,元音,+,辅音,: bad, bed, sit, hot, cup,let, mad, map,b),元音,+,辅音,: it,is, of, in, on, up, out, ant,9.,重读音节,:,单词中发音特别响亮的音节。,元 音,12,个单元音,长元音,a:,:,i:,:,u:,短元音,i,u,e,8,个双元音,ai,ei,i,i ,e ,u ,au,u,辅 音,10,对,清辅音,p,t,k,f,s,t,tr,ts,3,个鼻音,m,n,3,个似拼音,h,r,l,2,个半元音,w,j,单元音共十二,四二六前中后,双元音也好背,合口集中八个,辅音共计二十八八对一清又七浊,,四个连对也包括。有气无声清辅音,,有声无气浊辅音,发音特点应掌握,巧记,48,个国际音标,第一部分,元音,(20),第一组,字母元音,ei i:,ai u u:,音标:,ei,字母:,A(a),单词:,c,a,ke,ei :,双元音,由,e,和,i,两个单音组成,,e,重读,,i,轻读,口形由半开到合,,字母,A,就发这个音,。,二、学单词,b,a,by t,a,ble c,a,ke,婴儿 桌子 蛋糕,ei,ght tr,ai,n tr,ay,八 火车 托盘,三、练句子,A b,a,by,is on a t,a,ble.,一个小宝宝坐在桌旁。,He is eating a c,a,ke.,他正在吃蛋糕。,一、发音规则:,ei a ei ai ay,音标:, i:,字母:,E(e),单词:,s,ee,i:,:,前元音,嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,嘴角向两边张开,露出微笑的表情,,与字母,E,的发音相同。,二、学单词,b,ee,tr,ee,j,ee,p,蜜蜂 树 吉普车,sw,ee,ts chin,e,se l,ea,f,糖果 中国人 树叶,三、练句子,The b,ee,s are flying around the tr,ee,.,蜜蜂围着大树飞。,A j,ee,p is under the tr,ee,.,吉普停在大树下。,Thr,ee,boys are catching the b,ee,s.,三个男孩在抓蜜蜂。,一、发音规则:,i: ee e ea ie ei,音标:,a,i,字母:,I(i),单词:,i,ce,ai,:,双元音,由,a,和,i,两个单音组成,,a,重读,,i,轻读,舌尖抵住下齿,,,口形由开到合,,与字母,I,的发音相同。,二、学单词,b,i,cycle,i,ce-cream,l,i,brary,自行车 冰淇淋 图书馆,cr,y,t,ie,eye,哭 领带,眼睛,三、练句子,M,i,ke is r,i,ding a b,i,cycle.,迈克骑着自行车,I,vy is eating an,i,ce-cream.,艾维吃着冰淇淋。,They are going to the l,i,brary.,他们要去图书馆。,一、发音规则:,ai,I y ie eye,音标:,u,字母:,O(o),单词:,c,o,ld,u,:,双元音,由,和,u,两个单音组成,,重读,,u,轻读,口形由半开到小,,与字母,O,的发音相同。,二、学单词,r,o,bot g,oa,t r,oa,d,机器人 山羊 马路,s,oa,p b,ow,l sh,ou,lder,香皂 碗 肩,一、发音规则:,u o oa ow ou,三、练句子,A r,o,bot is crossing the r,oa,d.,一个机器人正在过马路。,A,g,oa,t is foll,ow,ing the r,o,bot.,一只山羊跟在机器人后面。,音标:,u:,字母:,oo,单词:,r,oo,m,u:,:,后元音,嘴形小而圆,微微外突,舌头尽量后缩。,字母,”U”ju:,是由辅音,j,和元音,u:,结合成的一个新的长元音,去掉,j,的发音,你就会发,u:,音了。,第二组,短元音, e, i ,音标:,字母:,A(a),单词:,c,a,t,:,前元音,嘴张大,嘴角尽量拉向两边,成扁平形,舌尖抵下齿。,一、发音规则:, a,二、学单词,a,nt,a,pple,a,xe,蚂蚁 苹果 斧子,fl,a,g b,a,t m,a,p,旗帜 蝙蝠 地图,三、练句子,A,nt ,a,nt,cuts an,a,pple.,蚂蚁,蚂蚁,砍苹果。,The,a,nt cuts the,a,pple with an,a,xe.,蚂蚁用斧头砍苹果。,音标:,e,字母:,E(e),单词:,r,e,d,e,:,前元音,嘴形扁平,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,一、发音规则:,e e ea,二、学单词,e,gg b,e,ll br,ea,d,鸡蛋 铃铛 面包,h,ea,d br,ea,kfast sw,ea,ter,头 早餐 毛衣,三、练句子,E,gg,,,br,ea,d,,,I like them.,鸡蛋,面包,我喜欢他们。,I have,e,ggs and br,ea,d for my b,rea,kfast.,我早餐吃鸡蛋和面包。,音标:,字母:,O(o),单词:,d,o,g,:,后元音,口腔打开,嘴张大,舌头向后缩,双唇稍收圆。,一、发音规则:,o a au,二、学单词,cl,o,ck b,o,x m,o,p,闹钟 盒子 拖把,b,o,ttle w,a,tch s,au,sage,瓶子 手表 香肠,三、练句子,There is a cl,o,ck in the b,o,x.,盒子里有一个闹钟。,My mom is cleaning the floor with a m,o,p.,我的妈妈在用拖把拖地。,音标:,i,字母:,I(i),单词:,l,i,p,i,:,前元音,嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,嘴形扁平。,一、发音规则:,i,i e y ey,二、学单词,p,i,g ch,i,ck h,i,ll,小猪 小鸡 小山,pupp,e,t monke,y,mon,ey,木偶 猴子 钱,三、练句子,I see s,i,x l,i,ttle p,i,gs and s,i,x l,i,ttle ch,i,cks.,我看见,6,只小猪和,6,只小鸡。,The p,i,gs and the ch,i,cks are on the h,i,ll,。,小猪和小鸡在山上。,音标:,字母:,U(u),单词:,s,u,n,:,中元音,嘴唇微微张开,伸向两边,舌尖轻触下齿,舌后部稍稍抬起。,一、发音规则:, u o oo ou,二、学单词,d,u,ck b,u,s b,u,g,鸭子 公共汽车 小昆虫,s,o,n bl,oo,d t,ou,ch,儿子 血 触摸,三、练句子,A b,u,g is on a d,u,ck.,一只小虫子在鸭子身上。,The d,u,ck is on a b,u,s.,鸭子坐在公共汽车上。,第三组,其他元音, :,u : :,音标:,字母:,er,单词,:,fath,er,:,中元音,嘴唇微微张开,舌身放平,舌中部微微抬起,口腔自然放松发声。,二、学单词,t,o,mato teach,er,doct,or,西红柿 老师 医生,coll,ar,cam,e,r,a,pict,ure,衣领 照相机 图片,三、练句子,Pet,er,s moth,er,is,a,teach,er,.,彼特的妈妈是老师。,Pet,er,s fath,er,is,a,doct,or,.,彼特的爸爸是医生。,Pet,er,s broth,e,r is,a,driv,er,.,彼特的哥哥是司机。,一、发音规则:, o er or ar e a ure,音标:,:,字母:,ear,单词,:,ear,th,:,:,中元音,嘴形扁平,上下齿微开,,舌,身平放,舌中部稍稍抬高。,二、学单词,n,ur,se p,ur,se b,ur,n,护士 钱包 燃烧,sk,ir,t p,er,fume,ear,th,裙子 香水 地球,三、练句子,The g,ir,l is a n,ur,se.,这个女孩是个护士。,She has a p,ur,se.,她有一个钱包。,H,er,sk,ir,t is p,ur,ple.,她的裙子是紫色的。,一、发音规则:,: ur ir er ear,音标:,u,字母:,oo,单词,:,b,oo,k,u :,后元音,嘴唇张开略向前突出,嘴形稍收圆并放松些,舌头后缩。,二、学单词,b,u,ll p,u,sh b,oo,k,公牛,推 书,f,oo,tball w,oo,d w,o,lf,足球 木头 狼,三、练句子,A b,u,ll is reading a b,oo,k.,一头牛在看书。,A w,o,lf is playing f,oo,tball.,一只狼在踢球。,一、发音规则:,u u oo o,音标:,:,字母:,or,单词,:sh,or,t,: :,后元音,双唇收得小而圆,并向前突出,舌身往后缩。,二、学单词,b,al,l w,al,l h,or,se,球 墙 马,d,oor,dr,aw,f,our,门 画画 四,三、练句子,A sm,al,l b,al,l is near the d,oor,.,一个小球在门边。,A big picture is on the w,al,l.,一张大图在墙上。,一、发音规则:,: al or oor aw our ore,音标:,:,字母:,R(r),单词:,c,ar,:,:,后元音,口腔打开,嘴张大,舌身放平,舌尖不抵下齿,下巴放低,放松发音。,字母,R,就发这个音。,二、学单词,gr,a,ss st,ar,c,ar,d,草 星星 卡片,au,nt p,al,m h,ear,t,阿姨 手掌 心脏,三、练句子,Twinkle,,,twinkle,,,little st,ar,.,星星,星星,眨眨眼。,I draw some st,ar,s and gr,a,ss on the c,ar,d.,我在卡片上画了些星星和小草。,一、发音规则:,: a ar au al ear,第四组,其他双元音,au i e,u i,音标:,au,字母:,ou,单词:,h,ou,se,au,:,双元音,由,a,和,u,两个单音组成,,a,重读,,u,轻读,口型由大到小。,二、学单词,m,ou,se bl,ou,se h,ou,se,老鼠 女式衬衣,房子,fl,ow,er b,ow,c,ow,花朵 弓,牛,三、练句子,A m,ou,se is on a c,ow,.,一只老鼠在牛身上。,They are in,a big h,ou,se.,它们在一间大房子里。,一、发音规则:,au ou ow,音标:,i,字母:,ear,单词:,cl,ear,i,:,双元音,由,i,和,两个单音组成,,i,重读,,轻读,双唇始终半开。,二、学单词,ear,b,ear,d t,ear,耳朵 胡须 眼泪,b,eer,d,eer,th,ea,ter,啤酒 小鹿 剧院,三、练句子,Little d,eer,,,little d,eer,.,小鹿,小鹿。,Why are your eyes filled with t,ear,s,?,你的眼睛为什么充满了泪水。,Come h,ere,,,come h,ere,。,过来,过来。,Let me touch your,ear,s.,让我摸摸你的耳朵。,一、发音规则:,i ear eer ea ere,音标:,e,字母:a,ir,单词:,h,air,e,:,双元音,由,e,和,两个单音组成,,e,重读,,轻读,舌端抵下齿,双唇半开。,二、学单词,p,ear,b,ear,h,air,梨 熊 头发,ch,air,squ,are,m,are,椅子 正方形 母马,三、练句子,I comb my h,air,in the mirror.,我梳梳我的头发。,I put my b,ear,on,the ch,air,.,我把我的小熊放在椅子上。,一、发音规则:,e ear air are,音标:,u,字母:,ure,单词:,s,ure,u,:,双元音,由,u,和,两个单音组成,,u,重读,,轻读,双唇由收圆到半开。,二、学单词,p,oor,g,our,d t,our,ist,穷人 葫芦 游客,c,ur,et f,ur,ious p,ure,耳匙 暴躁 纯洁的,三、练句子,Im s,ur,e the p,oor,dont have jewels.,我肯定穷人们没有金银珠宝。,一、发音规则:,u oor our ur ure,音标:,i,字母:,oy,单词:,b,oy,i,:,双元音,由,和,i,两个单音组成,,重读,,i,轻读,口形由圆到扁,由开到合。,二、学单词,b,oy,t,oy,c,oi,n,男孩 玩具 硬币,oi,l s,oy,a j,oy,油 大豆,开心,三、练句子,The b,oy,is playing with t,oy,s.,男孩在玩玩具。,He has great of j,oy,.,他玩得很开心。,一、发音规则:,i oi oy,Dialogue 1,Teacher: Good morning, everyone.,Students: Good morning, Mr. Wang.,T: Who is,on duty,today?,S: I am. Everyone is here except Li Ping. Today is Thursday, September 10th, Teachers Day. Happy Teacher,s, Day, Mr. Wang. Thank you very much for teaching us so well. Here is a,card,for you,with our best wishes,.,T: Oh, such a lovely card. Thank you. By the way, I went into your,dormitories,last night. I found the floor was dirty and some people forgot to,put away their bedclothes,. I hope you can,tidy up,your rooms everyday, OK?,S: Yes, Mr. Wang.,T: Now lets get started.,(Just then Li Ping comes.),Li Ping: Sorry, Mr. Wang, Im late.,T: Could you tell me why?,Li Ping: This morning I wanted to buy you some fresh flowers for Teacher,s, Day. Im,really sorry. I,looked around the whole street,and still couldnt find any.,T: Never mind. Studying hard is the best present for me. Well, come in and sit down.,Lets begin our lessons.,Dialogue 2,do the exercises,做练习,orally,口头地,英语口语,oral English/ spoken English,hand in,上交,available,可获得的,有空的,可找到的,Students: Mr. Wang, what is todays homework?,Teacher: For todays homework, do the exercises,on Page 10,.,S: Shall we do them orally or write them in our exercise books?,T:,First write them down in your exercise books, then practice them orally until you have learned all of them by heart.,S: It will take us a lot of time.,T: I won,t ask you to hand in your exercise books until the day after tomorrow. Can you manage to recite them next week? I think youll have plenty of time.,S: Well, well try to finish the homework on time.,T: OK. If you have any questions,come to my office tomorrow,afternoon. I will be,available from 1:30 to 5:00,.,S: Thank you very much.,Passage 1,Few days ago, I watched a video which was taken by certain member of Taiwan University for teaching students how to improve English listening skill.,Some advice is given from the lecturer. The source of the information is the Writing Center website.,Today, I try to watch English movie without Chinese translating subtitles. At the beginning, it is very difficult to understand what the actors are talking about.,But gradually, I can figure out more and more words. I know that the method does work to improve my listening skill. Certainly! My English listening ability is not good enough. It is fun to learn things and I always believe that.,Passage2,Many Chinese students have studied English for more than ten years. However, when they meet a native speaker, they are still unable to speak English very well. They seem to have mastered the basic language structure, but a conversation in English will make them feel uncomfortable. They are afraid that other people might find out their mistakes.,Many students who are bad speakers of English can write English perfectly. This proves that they are unable to think about their ideas in English. The center of the problem is that they lack practice and positive belief in themselves.,Why should you be afraid? Do you fear those native speakers with whom you are speaking? Dont be shy! They will not laugh at you just for a little mistake you make. The best way to get rid of mistakes is to learn to speak by speaking more. I am sure that continual practice will help you succeed.,Section BMy College Life,New words & Phrases and Expressions,Text,Exercises,New Words,various,vers,词源:,vary(动词),变化;变异,various(形容词),各种各样的;多方面的,同义词:,different,various styles 风格不同;款式各异,various method 不同方法,These data have been collected from,various,sources.,这些数据是从各方面搜集来的。,campus,kmps,释义:,(名词)大学或学院的校园,campus life 校园生活,arouse,raz,释义:,(及物动词)唤起;引起;激发,to arouse one from a deep sleep,从沉睡中唤醒某人,enthusiasm,njuzz()m,释义:,(名词)热情;热衷的事物,同义词:,passion,to arouse the enthusiasm/interest,激起人们的热情或兴趣,benefit,benft,释义1:,(不及物动词vi.),得益,受益(常与 by, from连用),benefit from,:从中受益,She benefited from that experience.她得益于那个经验教训。,释义2:,(及物动词vt.),使(某人)受益,The health program will benefit everyone.,这项健康计划将能使所有人受益。,adapt,dpt,释义:(动词),adapt oneself to,使(自己)适应(新的或变化了的情况),He should adapt himself to his new conditions.,他应该使自己适应新的情况。,surroundings,srandz,词源:,surround,(动词)围绕,环绕,surroundings,(名词)环境;周围的事物,to adapt myself to the new surroundings,使自己适应新环境,mature,mt,释义1:(形容词adj.),成熟的,a mature man 一个成熟的男士,释义2:(及物动词vt. ),使成熟,This experience matured her greatly.,这个经历使她极大地成熟了。,释义3:(不及物动词vi.),成熟,They have matured way beyond their age.,他们已经成熟得远远超过了他们的年龄。,


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