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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英语句子的基本结构,句子种类两种分类法,按句子的用途可分四种:,1),陈述句,(肯定、否定):,He is six years old.,2),疑问句,(一般、特殊、选择、反意):,Do they like skating?,How old is he?,Mary can swim,cant she?,3),祈使句,:Be careful,boys.,Dont talk in class,4),感叹句,:How clever the boy is!,按句子的结构可分三种:,1)简单句,2)并列句,3)复合句,1),简单句,:只有一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)。,e.g.,He,often,reads,English in the morning.,Tom and Mike,are American boys.,She,likes drawing,and often,draws,pictures for the wall newspapers.,我们可以给句子的,动词加上副词,修饰,给,名词加上形容词、介词短语,修饰,给句子加上,状语,进行修饰等,以使整个句子的意思变得更加的丰富和充实。但不管如何变,都只有,一个主谓结构,。,He worked,hard all his life,.,(划线部分在句中作状语,修饰动词worked),He is a school student,in No.1 Middle School,.,(划线部分在句中作定语,修饰名词student),2)并列句:,句型:,简单句+并列连词+简单句,并列句是由两个或两个以上的简单句连接而成。并列句中的各简单句意义同等重要,,相互之间没有从属关系,是平行并列的关系,。它们之间用连词连结。,e.g.You help him,and,he helps you.,并列句的分类,1、表示连接,两个同等概念,,常用,and,not onlybut also,neithernor,then,等连接。,e.g.The teachers name is Smith,and,the students name is John.,2、表示,选择,,常用的连词有,or,eitheror,otherwise,等。,e.g.Hurry up,or,youll miss the train.,3、表示,转折,,常用的连词有,but,yet,while,等。,e.g.He was a little man with thick glasses,but,he had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting.,4、表示,因果,关系,常用的连词有,so,for,等。,e.g.August is the time of the year for rice harvest,so,every day I work from dawn until dark.,3)复合句:,含有一个或一个以上从句的句子。,从句包括,名词性从句,(主语从句、宾语从 句、表语从句和同位语从句),定语从句和状语从句,等。,句型,主句+连词+从句;或连词+从句+主句,e.g.The foreign visitors took a lot of pictures,when they were at the Great Wall,.,复合句就是,含有两个或两个以上主谓结构,的句子。这种结构中,必定有一个主谓结构是句子的主句部分,而另一个主谓结构则是句子的次要部分,即从句部分。,As is known to all,China is getting more and more powerful.(As 引导一个定语从句),Where there is a will,there is a way.(Where引导一个表地点的状语从句),Exercises 判断句型,1.Having finished his homework,the boy went on to help his mother.,2.What he says doesnt suit what he does.,(,简单句,划线部分在句中作状语,修饰整个句子),(,复合句,包含两个名词性从句:What he says 是一个主语从句;what he does 是一个宾语从句),3.We often study Chinese history on Friday afternoon.,4.The boy who offered me his seat is called Tom.,5.There is a chair in this room,isnt there?,简单句,复合句,简单句,6.He is in Class One and I am in Class Two.,7.He was fond of drawing when he was yet a child.,8.My brother and I go to school at half past seven in the morning and come back home at seven in the evening.,并列句,复合句,简单句,9.Neither has he changed his mind,nor will he do so.,10.What he said at the meeting is very important,isnt it?,11.The farmer is showing the boy how to plant a tree.,12.Both Tom and Jack enjoy country music.,并列句,复合句,简单句,简单句,1._ down the radio-the babys asleep in the next room.,A.Turning B.To turnC.Turned D.Turn,2.Would you like a cup of coffee _ shall we get down to business right away?,A.andB.thenC.or D.otherwise,3.She set out soon after dark _ home an hour later.,A.arrivingB.to arrive,C.having arrived D.and arrived,4.She thought I was talking about her daughter,_,in fact,I was talking about my daughter.,A.whom B.whereC.which D.while,5.Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase,_ was very reasonable.A.which price B.the price of which C.its price D.the price of that,6.After ten years,she changed a lot and looked different from _ she used to be.A.that B,whom,C.what D.who,7._ several times about it,but he could not give the correct answer.A.Being asked,B.Having been asked,C.He would ask,D.He had been asked,8._ the days went on,the situation there got worse.A.With B.Since C.While D.As,9.Who do you think the doctor will have _ first,John or Kate?A.examine B.to examine,C.examining D.examined,10.She won the first prize in the speech contest and _ surprised us.A.which B.it C.as D.who,11.He made another wonderful discovery,_ of great importance to science.A.which I think is,B.which I think it is,C.which I think it,D.I think is,12.She is American,_ she knows little about American history.A.so B.yet C.and D.therefore,13._ the text a second time,the meaning will become clearer to you.A.Read B.Reading,C.If reading D.When you read,14._,so he didnt come to school last week.A.Though he was ill,B.Being ill,C.Having been ill,D.He was ill,


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