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attractions,AAAAA,黄山风景区、西递景区、宏村景区、古徽州文化旅游区(徽州古城、棠樾牌坊群、呈坎景区、唐模景区、潜口景区),AAAA,屯溪区:新徽天地,醉温泉度假城、花山谜窟,渐江风景区、徽州文化博物馆,徽州区:丰乐湖景区,黄山区:太平湖景区、九龙瀑景区、翡翠情人谷景区、芙蓉谷景区、东黄山旅游度假区,休宁县:齐云山风景名胜区,黟县:南屏风景区、赛金花故居,归园、打鼓岭景区,祁门县:牯牛降风景区,Catalogue of National 5A/4A Tourist Attractions,Other parts of the scenic spot,2024/10/7,5,Location,tourist attractions,屯溪区,屯溪老街、小华山,戴震公园、新安江延伸段、程大卫故居、戴震纪念馆、小龙山,徽州区,新四军军部旧址、徽州文化园,黄山区,黄山虎林园、石门峡景区、黄帝源景区、永丰苏雪林故里,休宁县,皖南野生动物园、熊猫生态乐园、古城岩景区、三溪大峡谷、龙源谷景区、盐铺山越风情园、夹溪河漂流、白际、,三棵树景区、上丰花果山生态旅游区,黟县,桃花源漂流、卢村、塔川、龙池湾景区、美溪打鼓岭、木坑竹海景区、秀里影视村、梓路寺,歙县,斗山街、许国石坊、太白楼新安碑园、陶行知纪念馆,祁门县,历溪景区、坑口景区,6,The 2 part of introduction,Natural,/Cultural,scenery,Traditional dishes,/,Special snack,s,OK,Lets go for our Traveling!,7,Situated in Xiuning County of southern Anhui,8,9,Brief introduction about Qiyun Mountain,Mt.Qiyun known as the White Mountain In ancient times,is located near the Yanqian Town,15 kilometers away from the west of Xiuning County,Anhui Province.A stone penetrates the sky,and it is as high as the clouds,hence the name of Qiyun Mountain(as-high-as-the-cloud mountain).It is a scenic area of mountain with the characteristics of,Taoist culture,and red morning/evening glow.Qiyun Mountain was listed as a cultural relics site under the provincial protection in 1981,and listed by the State Council in 1994 as one of the cultural relics sites under the national protection.,10,The Supreme Simplicity Temple,of the Daoist temple is the most magnificent one of all the temple on the,Yuehua Street,located in the south and facing the north,with the tall and erect,Incense Burner Peak,standing in front of it.,11,Stone Inscription,12,There are plenty of tablet and stone inscription on Mt.Qiyun.They amounted to over 1,400 throughout history,but were corroded by nature and destroyed by man over the years,and today only 462 exist.The fairly early stone inscriptions include those of the Daguan era of Northern Song dynasty.and the Shaoxi era of the Southern Song dynasty,and about 80%are those of the Ming and Qing dynasties.,Heavenly magical beautifulness,marvelous prominent peak,wonder from time immemorial,13,14,2024/10/7,15,Brief introduction about Tunxi Ancient Street,It is situated in the,center of Tunxi District,the location of Huangshan City Government.,Itdates back to the,Song Dynasty,(960-1279),with centuries-old history.Emperor Huizong(1082-1135)moved his seat of government to Linan(now is Hangzhou),when many architects and workmen were conscripted to construct the new capital.After returning to their hometown,they imitated the structural style to build architecture along the street,sothe Ancient Street was formed.At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644),a merchant in Anhui invested money to build 47 stores so as to attract businessmen,which contributed to the communication of it with outside world.Gradually it developed into the distribution center for materials in and out of Anhui in the Qing Dynasty(1644-1911).,2024/10/7,17,Beginning of the street,end of the street,2024/10/7,18,There are two well-known museums in the street.,2024/10/7,19,Tunxi Museum,Wancuilou,2024/10/7,20,2024/10/7,21,Traditional dishes,Hui cuisine,one of the eight most famous cuisines in China,features the local culinary arts of Huizhou.The highly distinctive characteristic of Anhui cuisine lies not only in the elaborate choices of cooking materials but also in the strict control of cooking process.Most ingredients in cuisine,such as pangolin,stone frog,mushroom,bayberry,bamboo shoot,etc.,The Hui dishes preserve most of the original taste and nutrition of the materials.,Dishes are mainly stewed(炖)and pickled(腌制),The food is generally slightly spicy and salty.,Fresh Mandarin fish with pickled in dilute brine is at room temperatures of around 25 environment,six or seven days after the fish has a special smell.And then take it into the pan.and fry it,with a slice of pork,bamboo shoots,and small fire stew to soup concentrates.The food are fragrant and fresh,the fish is soft.And it is the representative dishes of HuiZhou dishes.,M,andarin fish(臭鳜鱼),臭鳜鱼,Hair,y,tofu(毛豆腐):,1.,F,resh bean curd,2.


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