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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,The Simple Future Tense,一般将来时,一般将来时:,表示一个将要发生的动作或状态。常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如:,tomorrow(明天),before long(不久),the day after tomorrow(后天),next week(下周),soon(很快),in the future(将来),in three days(三天后)someday(将来的某一天),我们,除了用“,be going to动词原形,”可以表示一般将来时外,我们还可以用“,will动词原形,”来表示一般将来时,next week,What,is,he,going to,do next week?,He,is going to,go fishing.,will,She,s going to,shop/go shopping.,What,is,she,going to,do?,will,What,is,the cat,going to,do?,will,It,is going to,drink/eat.,will,What,are,they,going to,do this evening?,They,are,going to,watch TV.,will,They,are going to,dance.,What,are,they,going to,do?,will,Ask and answer,(What is he going to do?),will,引导的,一般将来时,:,表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态,最基本的结构:,will,+动词原形,“主谓(宾)句型”的一般将来时:,肯定句:,主语+,will,+动词原形+(宾语)+其他,Some day people will go to the moon.,否定句:,在,will,的后面加,not,即可。,will not 可缩写为 wont,They wont use books.,一般疑问句:,把,will,提到句子主语之前,结尾变问号。,Will students go to school in the future?,特殊疑问句:,特殊疑问词+will+主语+动词原形+其他?,What will your dream school have?,“,There be,”句型的一般将来时,肯定句:,There will be,+名词+其他成份,注意,:无论后面加单数名词或复数形式,,be,都必须用原形。,There will be only one country.,否定句:,在,will,后面加,not,.,There wont be only one country.,一般疑问句:,把,will,提到,there,之前。,Will there be only one country?,Yes,there will./No,there wont.,注意:在口语中,所有人称都可以用will.,肯定,否定,一般疑问,回答,I will have,many presents.,I wont have many presents.,Will I have many presents?,Yes,I will.,No,I wont.,He will do dull jobs.,He wont do dull jobs.,Will he do dull jobs?,Yes,he will.,No,he wont.,There will be a computer in it.,There wont be a computer in it.,Will there be a compuer in it.,Yes,there will.,No,there wont.,They will do heavy work.,They wont do heavy work.,Will they do heavy work?,Yes,they will.,No,they wont.,will句式总结:,一般将来时两种基本句式的区别:,在初中阶段来讲,”be going to+动词原形”和“will+动词原形”这两种表示将来时态的结构没什么区别。但在现代英语中,特别是在口语中,表示将来时多用“be going to+动词原形”这一形式。另外他们主要区别在于“be going to+动词原形”表示一个,事先考虑好的意图,,相当于“打算、计划、准备”,而will则表示,未经事先考虑的意图。,I feel terrible,I think,Im going to,be sick.,Im going to,be 16 years old next year.,Look at the clouds!It,s going to,rain!,(表示有迹象要发生某一动作时,要用,be going to,),be going to与will的区别,will,be going to,事先考虑好的意图,或做好安排.,未经事先考虑的意图,临时决定的,。,If you want to go,Ill,meet you at 5 oclock.,(临时的决定),一般将来时在使用中的一些注意事项:,在含有条件状语从句或时间状语从句的复合句中,,从句用一般现在时,,,主句用将来时,,且用,will,而不用,be going to,。如:,Mum,will go,to Beijing if it,doesnt rain,tomorrow.,When you,get,home,you,ll find,a new bike in your garden.,It will be与There will be 的区别,It will be:将会怎样。,It will be,rainy/cool/warm,.,There will be:将会有什么。,There will be,rain/wind/snow.,“,in,与,after,+时间,”都可表示“在之后”。,当它们用于一般将来时态时,,in,后接“,时间段,”,,after,后接“,时间点,”。,Hell come back,in three years.,他三年以后回来。,2.Hell come back,after three oclock.,他三点钟以后回来。,例句:,.,I will call you this evening.,2.Students will use computers to learn in the future.,3.He will help his sister with her lessons.,4.We wont be free(空闲的)this afternoon.,5.She will not listen to me.,6.The birds wont fly away to the south when the weather turns cold.,7.There will be a strong wind soon,8.I will not tell it to him.,9.I think it will be very hot in Beijing next summer.,10.He will use his pen and his calculator.,11.Will there be heavy rain and strong winds?,.,hope that you a good time this evening.,A.have B.are having C.will have D.has,2.Look at those big black clouds.It rain.Lets hurry.,A.must B.will C.would D.is going to,3.There,a basketball match this afternoon.,A.will have B.will be C.has D.have,4.We,to the park if it is fine tomorrow.,A.will go B.go C.goes D.to go,注意:will与be going to的区别,be going to可以表示明显将要发生的情况,C,D,B,A,明天不用上课。,There _ _ _ class tomorrow.,也许在,100,年后人们将活到,200,岁。,_ people _ _ _ _ 200 years old,_ 100 years.,3.,许多女孩子喜欢养宠物。,Many girls like _ a pet.,There will be a sports meeting tomorrow.(,一般疑问句,),_ _ _ a sports meeting tomorrow?,我想将会有更多高楼,更少汽车,更少污染。,I think there will be _ tall buildings,_ cars,_,pollution.,你认为,Sally5,年后会成为什么?,What _ _ _Sally _ _ in 5 years?,will be no,Maybe will live to be,in,keeping,Will there be,more fewer less,do you think will be,明天的天气会是怎样?,What _ _ _ _ _ tomorrow?,有一天我将会和好朋友乘火箭到月球度假。,One day I will _ _ _ _ _ _ vacation _,my friends.,10.,我帮妈妈做家务。,I _ my mother _ housework.,11.,科学家尝试让机器人做同样的事情。,Scientists _ _ _ robots do the _ things _,human,(人),.,will the weather be like,fly rocket to the moon for with,help with,try to make same as,根据括号中的提示完成句型转换。,1.The students will go to the zoo this Sunday.(变一般疑问句),2.Mike will finish middle school in one year.(变否定句),3.Hell ring you,tonight,.(对划线部分提问),4.,She,will come to see us this weekend.(对划线部分提问),Will the students go to the zoo this Sunday?,Mike wont finish middle school in one year.,When will he ring you?,Who will come to see us this weekend?,试翻译以下句子,:,1、明天他将教我英语。,2、他们下个星期带我们去颐和圆。,3、西蒙十分钟后将干什么?他将帮助妈 妈打扫房间。,Hell teach me English tomorrow,.,They will take us to the Summer Palace,next week.,What is Simon going to do in ten minutes?,Hes going to help his mother clean the room.,.,Functional Practise,:,.,hope that you a good time this evening.,A.have B.are having C.will hav


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