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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Thank-you letter,感谢信,1.Read the following samples of thank-you card and letter,then learn to write your own.,Read and Translate,SAMPLE 1,Dear Jack,Thank you for inviting me for dinner.,I had a very good time tonight.,Your friend,Jane,Read and Translate,Mr.Ford,24 Oakwood Lane,Moorestown,NJ 09876,Dear Mr.Ford:,It was a pleasure speaking with you on the phone last week.,I want to thank you for arranging for me to meet with Bill,Stern on Monday,May 24 at 10:30 a.m.In preparation for,this meeting,I am reviewing the Annual Report you sent me.,Thank you again for your kind assistance.,Sincerely,Henry Smith,SAMPLE 2,Key:,Chinese Version of the Samples:,样例1,Read and Translate,亲爱的杰克,,谢谢你邀请我吃晚饭。今晚我过得很愉快。,你的朋友,,简,Mr.Ford,24 Oakwood Lane,Moorestown,NJ 09876,尊敬的福特先生:,很荣幸上周与你电话交谈。,我想感谢您为了安排了5月24日(周一)上午10点半与比尔,的见面。为了这次面谈,我正在回顾您发给我的年度报告。,再次感谢您的帮助。,您真诚的,亨利 史密斯,样例,2,Now lets try to make your own thank-you letters.,Exercises,1.把下面的一封简单的感谢卡改写成一封正式 的感谢信(可适当补充内容)。,Exercises,Paul,,Thank you for your flowers.I love them very much.And I,feel better today.,With love,Susan,May 3th,2008,Dear Paul,I feel deeply grateful for the flowers you sent to me today.,And I appreciate it so much for your visit in your busiest,month.I have been in hospital for a week,which also made,me absent from my job.The good news is that I will be,completely recovered within 3 days.So I will keep you,informed as soon as I go back to work.,Thank you again for your kindest concern.,Yours sincerely,Susan,2.把下面的感谢信翻译成英语。,尊敬的先生/小姐,,谢谢您三月四日的来信及随信附上(enclose)的说明书,该说明书描述了此新药的功能,这对给我们患者很有帮助,我们表示非常感谢。,您忠诚的,Xxx,Exercises,May 6th,2007,Dear Mr./Ms,Thank you for your letter of Mar.4,enclosing an,instruction of the new medicine.This information is,a help to our patients.We feel so grateful for that.,Yours faithfully,Li Ming,3.根据以下内容,写一封感谢信。,你于2008年4月24日星期四写了一封感谢信给罗伯茨先生,感谢他帮你写了推荐信。这对你找工作很有帮助。,Exercises,April 24,2008,Dear Mr.Roberts:,Thank you so much for writing me a letter of,recommendation for my job search.It will be a great,help for me to find a good job.,Thank you again.,Sincerely,John,1.One More Sample of Thank-you Note:,Dear Prof.Wang,Ive just got the good news that I have passed the entrance examination for a post-graduate program with satisfactory result.Im going to Beijing University of Technology for the interview.I feel so excited about it.,You have offered me great help all this time.,Read and Simulate,But for your kind encouragement,I would never have achieved such success.My gratitude to you,is beyond words.My parents join me in giving you our heart-felt thanks.,With respect,Yours sincerely,Lu Shi-qi,Read and Simulate,Read and Simulate,2.Translate the following thank-you note into Chinese.,Dear Dr.Smith,Thank you very much for agreeing to write a,letter of recommendation for me.Ive appreciated,your help all the more since I learned how busy,you would be at the end of the term.I am,enclosing a stamped envelope addressed to the,graduate school of the university so that you can,just drop your letter in mail.I will let you know at,once if I get the scholarship.,Thanks again for all your kind support and,understanding.,Yours sincerely,Bill Miller,Read and Simulate,Key:,尊敬的史密斯博士:,非常感谢你同意为我写推荐信。得知您在期末这时,间特别忙,我尤为感激您的帮助。随信附上一个给该大,学的研究生院的邮资已付的信封,以便您直接把信寄出。,如果我能到奖学金,我会立即奉告。,再次感谢您的支持和理解。,您的真诚的,比尔米勒,Read and Simulate,


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