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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 4,Why dont you talk to your parents?,Section A 1,1a2d,1. I have to study,too much,so,I dont get enough sleep.,2. I have too much homework so I dont have any free time to do things I like.,Look at these problems. Do you think they are serious or not?,1a,4. I have too many after-school classes.,5. I got into a fight with my best friend.,3. My parents,dont,allow me to,hang out,with my friends.,I have to study,too much,so,I dont get enough sleep.,我要学的太多,因此我睡眠不足。,许多,(1)too many + n,复,(2)too much +n,不,实在太,(3)much too +adj.,【2013,山东德州,1】 Whats the matter?,I have a stomachache. Maybe I have eaten,_,. A. too much B. too many C. much too,so,conj,.,因此,表示因果关系,后,+,表示结果的句子,不与,because,同时使用),【2013,浙江舟山、嘉兴,1】18. The shops were closed_ I didnt get any milk.,A. so B. as C. or D. but,A,A,My parents,dont,allow me to,hang out,with my friends.,我的父母,不允许,我和我的朋友们出去,闲逛,【,解析,】,allow sb. to do sth,允许某人做某事,allow doing sth,允许做某事,We dont allow _(smoke) in the reading room.,Our teacher allows us _(go) out for a walk.,smoking,to go,Listening,Listen and circle the problems you hear in 1a.,1b,1. I have to study too much so I dont get,enough sleep.,2. I have too much homework so I dont,have any free time to do things I like.,3. My parents dont,allow,me to hang out,with my friends.,4. I have too many after-school classes.,5. I got into a fight with my best friend.,Pair work,1c,Look at the problems in 1a and make conversations.,Whats wrong?,Im really tried because I studied,until,midnight last night.,Why dont,you,go to sleep,earlier this evening?,go to sleep,去睡觉,(,强调“入睡,睡觉,”,这一动作),Im really tried because I studied,until,midnight last night.,我真的很累,因为我昨天晚上一直学习到半夜。,until,直到,.,时,【2013,山东临沂,2】23. Please hold on to your dream _ one day it comes true.,A. ifB. untilC. unless D. though,B,Why dont you +V,原,?= Why not +V,原,?,为什么不,.,呢?,【2013,天津,4】35. Why not go to Lao Teahouse tonight? _.,A. It doesnt matter B. Thank you,C. Sorry to hear that D. Sounds great,【2013,广东广州,4】25.I feel really tired. _,A. Lucky you! B. Youd better work harder.,C. Congratulations! D. Why not go and have a rest?,【2013,四川凉山,3】37. Its a nice day, isnt it?,Yes._ going hiking and relax ourselves?,A. Why not B. Why dont C. What about,What about,doing,sth ?=How about,doing,sth? .,怎么样?,D,D,C,Listening,Listen. Peters friend is giving him advice. Fill in the blanks with,could,or,should,.,2a,1. You _ write him a letter. ( ),2. You _ call him up. ( ),3. You _ talk to him so that you can,say youre sorry. ( ),4. You _ go to his house. ( ),5. You _ take him to the ball game. ( ),could,should,should,could,could,Why Peter doesnt like the advice,a. Its not easy.,b. I dont want to wait that long.,c. I dont want to surprise him.,d. Im not good at writing letters.,e. I dont want to talk about it on the phone.,1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _,d,e,a,c,Listen again. Fill in the blanks.,b,2b,Pairwork,Role-play a conversation between Peter and his friend.,2c,Whats the matter, Peter?,Well, you should call him so that you can say youre sorry.,I had a fight with my best friend. What should I do?,You,look,sad, Kim Whats wrong?,Well, I,found,my sister,looking through,my things yesterday. She took some of my new magazines and CDs.,Role-play the conversation.,2d,Hmm thats not very nice. Did she give them back to you?,Yes, but,Im still angry with,her. What should I do?,Well, I,guess,you could tell her to say sorry. But why dont you forget about it so that you can be friends again?,Although,shes wrong,its not a big deal,.,Youre right. Thanks for your advice.,No problem.,Hope,things,work out,.,You,look,sad, Kim.,金,你看起来很伤心。,系动词:后,+,adj.,作表语,一是,:(be),am /is /are,be quiet=keep quiet,保持安静,二保持:,stay/keep,(表示持续状态),stay healthy=keep healthy,保持健康,三变化:,become/get/turn,(表示状态变化),四起来:,sound/look/smell/taste/feel (,表示感觉,),1.Jack usually gets _ when he speaks in public.,A. happily B. exciting C. worried D. tired,2.Toms father looks very _. But he is very kind.,A. seriously B. serious C. friendly,C,B,Well, I,found,my sister,looking through,my things yesterday.,昨天我发现我妹妹翻了我的东西。,find sb. doing sth,发现某人正在做某事,类似动词:,hear,,,watch, see, feel,,,notice,【,贵州安顺,】When I went into the room, I found _ in bed. A. him lying B. he lying C. he lies D. him was lying,A,look through,浏览,30. Here is the book. First _ it and then tell me what you think of it.,A. look intoB. look through,C. look upD. look after,【,拓展,】,与,look,相关的短语:,look for,寻找,look after=take care of,照看,look like,看起来像,look the same,看起来一样,look over,检查,look out,小心,从里向外看,look up,向上看,查单词,look around,环视,look forward to,期望,B,Yes, but,I,m still angry with,her.,是的,但是我仍然很生她的气。,angry,adj.,生气的,angrily,adv.,生气地,(1)be angry with sb.,对某人生气,【with,后接人,】,(2)be angry at/about sth,对某事感到生气,【at,后接事,】,(3)be angry to do sth,做某事感到生气,My father was very _(,对,生气,)his computer. He hit the computer _(angry),( ) I was very angry _ myself _ making such as a stupid mistakes.,A. at; at B. with; for C. at; with D. with; at,angry at,angrily,B,11.Although,shes wrong,Its not a big deal,.,尽管她错了,但,也不是什么大错,。,although= though,尽管,引导让步状语从句。,【,注,】though / although,不能与,but,连用,【2013,福建福州,3】41. The boy can speak both English and Japanese ,_ he is only ten. Wow, what a clever boy!,A. if B. because C. although,C,however,adv,,在句中作插入语,起连词的作用,一般用逗号与句子分开,可以放在句首或句中,意为“然而,尽管如此”。,12.,Hope,things,work out,.,希望事情顺利解决。,hope to do sth,I hope to visit Guilin.,hope + that,从句 (表示希望),I hope that youll be better soon,wish v,希望,wish to do sth,I wish to visit Guilin.,wish sb.to do sth,希望某人做某事,I wish you to go.,wish +that,从句 表示愿望,从句用虚拟语气,I wish I were you.,work out,:,计算出(答案、数量、价格等),制定出(计划等),解决;找出,的答案,30. The teachers encourage their students to _ the problems by themselves, and in this way students can enjoy success.,A. give up B. work out C. look through,B,Section A 2,3a3c,Read the article again and fill in the chart.,Problems,Advice,His parents fight a lot, he really doesnt like it.,Talk about the feelings with his family. Do more jobs around the house.,His brother isnt nice to him. He refuses to let him watch his favorite TV show.,Sit down and communicate with his brother.,Read the article again and fill in the blanks.,1. Sad and Thirteen has some _. He cant _ his family. His parents _ a lot. Its the only _ they have. When they _, its like a big black cloud _ their home. He doesnt like it.,get on with,problems,argue,fight,communication,hanging over,His brother always watches TV whatever he wants until midnight. He _ to let him watch his favorite TV show. So He always feels _ and _ at home.,refuses,lonely,nervous,2. Robert Hunt thinks Sad and Thirteen should _ these feelings to his family. He should _ to help.,offer,talk about,Maybe he _ jobs around the house so that they have more time _. Second, he could sit down and _ his brother. He could _ that he _ him watching TV all the time, however, he should let him watch his _.,dont mind,could do more,for proper communication,communicate,with,explain,favorite show,Do you agree or disagree with Mr. Hunts advice? Why?,1. I agree with his advice. Because more,communication can make family,members understand each other,better and know about the feelings,they have.,3b,2. I dont agree with his advice. I,dont think their parents should,fight any more. They should care,more about their children and,spend more time with them.,Which words or phrases in the letters have the same or similar meanings as the following? Write a sentence using each word or phrase.,make sth. clear ,explain,Can you explain to me how to do this,math problem?,talk _ _,_,communicate,The two friends hasnt communicated with each other for two years.,3c,worried _ _,_,get along with _,_,_,nervous,He was very nervous during his first job interview.,get on with,Linda cant get on well with her elder sister.,not allow _ _,_,The workers refused to work on weekends.,refuse,.My problem is I cant,get on with,my favorite.,我的问题是我不能喝我的家人和睦相处。,get on with sb. =get along with,和某人和睦相处,get on well/ badly with,相处的好,/,坏,What kind of persons do you prefer to make friends with?,I choose my friends on their characters and how we _.,A. get in B. get up,C. get onD. get off,C,When they,argue,its like a big, black cloud,hanging over,our home.,当他们争吵的时候,就像有一大团乌云笼罩在我们家。,argue,争吵 ,argument n,争论,have,an,argument with sb.,与某人辩论,argue with sb.,与某人争吵,argue with sb. about sth,为某事与某人争吵,argue about sth,争论某事,hang over,挂在,.,之上,hang out,闲逛,Also, my,elder,brother is not very nice to me.,elder,用来表示兄弟姐妹及子女之间的,长幼关系,,常用作定语,older,泛指,新旧、老幼或年龄的大小关系,,可以用作表语,是,old,的比较级形式。,Im surprised that John is only 25. I thought he was _ , for he seems to be in his thirties.,A. old B. older C. young D. younger,B,be nice to sb.,对某人友好,be friendly to sb. be good to sb.,He always,refuses,to let me watch my favorite TV show.,他总是拒绝让我看我最喜欢的电视节目,refuse to do sth,拒绝去做,refuse,=say no to,v,拒绝,The boy refused _(go) to see his father with us.,(,) He,refused,when I asked him for help.,A. said yes B. said no C. said hello,to go,B,(1),instead,副词,代替,,常放在句首或句尾,表示前面的事情没做,Instead,he watches whatever he wants,until,late at night.,相反,他却想看什么酒看什么, 一直到深夜,(2)instead of +,n/doing,代替,而不是,放在句中,Health is very important to us. We should eat more vegetables and fruit _ rich food. A. instead B. instead of,C. because of D. because,Weve got no coffee. Lets have tea _.,A. either B. however C. yet D. instead,B,D,2) whatever = no matter what,.,任何;无论什么,_ happens, I wont change my mind.(,无论什么),Whatever,If your parents are having problems, you should,offer to help.,如果你的父母有问题,你应该主动提供帮助。,(1) offer to do sth,主动提出做某事,(2)offer sb. sth= offer sth to sb.,主动提供某人某物,( )The little boy _ his seat to the old lady on the crowded bus.,A. offered B. brought C. lent D. took,A,Secondly,why dont you sit down and,communicate,with,your brother?,其次,你为什么不能坐下来和你的哥哥交流一下呢?,communicate v.,交流,communication n.,交流;沟通,communicate with sb.,和某人交流,辨析,: second,和,secondly,second,用作序数词或形容词, 意为“第二”,常修饰名词。,secondly,是副词,意为“其次,第二”,常用来修饰整个句子。,如:,2) secondly,adv.,第二;其次,First, its very expensive.,Secondly, its ugly.,首先,它很贵。其次,它很难看 。,The,second,day of a week is Monday.,一周的第二天是星期一。,5. Can you,explain,to me how to do this,math problem?,explain,v.,解释;说明,explain + that / what/ why,等从句,explain sth. (to sb.),(向某人)解释某事,e.g. Can you,explain,what this means?,你能解释一下这个的意思吗?,Please,explain,it to me.,请你向我解释一下吧。,Section A3,Grammar focus4c,make sth. clear (,同义词,) _,talk (,同义词,) _,not allow (,同义词,) _,worried (,同义词,) _,get along with (,同义词,) _,communicate,(名词),_,old (,比较级,) _,Revision,一、按要求写出下列词汇或词组。,get on with,communicate,explain,refuse,nervous,communication,older/ elder,根据课本内容,完成下列句子。,1.,你看上去很疲劳,怎么了?,You _ tired. Whats _ _?,2.,昨晚,我一直学习到午夜,因此我没有睡足觉。,I studied _ _ last night so I didnt _ _ sleep.,Grammar focus,until midnight,look the matter,get enough,3.,我应该做什么?,_ _I do?,4.,你为什么不忘掉此事呢?尽管她错了,,但那不是一件大事。,_ _ you forget about it?,_ shes wrong, its not _,_ _.,What should,Why dont,Although,big deal,a,5.,他应当如何做?,_ _ he do?,6.,他应当和他的朋友谈一下,以便他能向他道歉。,He _ _ _ his friend,_ _ he can say hes sorry.,What should,should talk to,so that,7.,或许你应当去他家。,_ you _ go to his house.,8.,我猜我可以,但是我不想让他吃惊。,I guess I _, but I dont want to _ _.,Maybe could,could,surprise him,Grammar,1.,掌握提出问题的方法,,Whats,wrong,?,Whats,the matter,?,Whats,the problem/the trouble,?,并能讨论所给出的建议。,with sb.,2.,情态动词,should,,,could,等,should,,,shouldnt,“(不)应该”,常用来提出请求和建议,could,“可以”可也用来给出建议。,用,could,给出建议一般是指自己不太肯定,或者只是很多建议中的某一个,,仅供参考;而,should,就是自己很肯定的或唯一的最好的一个建议,。,区别,should (shall) could (can),情态动词,+,v,可表示说话人的语气,,可表达建议、要求、可能和意愿等,没有人称和数的变化 。,用于提建议的句型有:,(1)What about,doing,sth ?,=How about,doing,sth? .,怎么样?,(2)Why dont you,do,sth?,= Why not,do,sth?,为什么不呢?,(3)Lets,do,sth.,让我们一起做某事吧。,(4)Shall we/I,do,sth?,我们做,好吗?,(5)had better,do,/,not d,o sth,最好做,/,不做某事,(6) Will/Would you please,do,sth,请你做,好吗?,(7) Would you like,to do,sth?,你想去做某事吗?,(8)Would you mind,doing,sth,?你介意做某事吗?,【,回答,】,(1).,同意对方的建议时,一般用:,Good idea./ Thats good idea.,好主意,OK/ All right./ Great,好,/,行,/,太好了,Yes, please ./ Id love to,是的,/,我愿意,I agree with you,我同意你的看法,No problem,没问题,Sure/ Of course/ Certainly,当然可以,Yes, I think so,对,我也这样想,(2).,对对方的帮助或要求表示委婉谢绝时,一般用:,I dont think so,我认为不是这样,Sorry, I cant,对不起,我不能,Id love to, but, Im afraid,我愿意,但恐怕,1. We shouldnt _ (argue) with our parents.,2. You shouldnt _ (use) the phone in the classroom.,3. Could I use your dictionary?,Well, you _.,A. can B. could C. should D. might,argue,use,A,Exercises,4. Youd better _ (go) to school by bike.,5. How about _ (go) hiking this afternoon?,go,going,4a,Practice,Fill in the blanks with,although,so that,or,until,.,1. A: Whats wrong?,B: My sister borrows my clothes without asking. What should I do?,A: Well, you could tell her that this makes you angry _ shell ask you next time.,so that,点拨:,so that,意为“因此”,,引导目的状语从句,,表示前一句所表述的动作的目的。在从句中常使用,can /could / will/ may/ should,等词。,拓展,:,so that,意为“如此,以至于”,常用于结果状语从句,,表示上文动作所产生 结果。,2. A: I dont have any friends at my new school. What should I do?,B: _ you dont have any now, youll soon make some.,Although,点拨:,although,意为“尽管,但是”,不能说,,thoughbut,。句意“尽管你现在没有朋友,但不久你就会有朋友的。”,3. A: Im worried about my school grades. Whats your advice?,B: You shouldnt wait _ the last minute to study for a test.,until,点拨:,until,用于否定句中,表示句子的动作直到,until,短语所表示的时间才开始发生,即表示动作的起点,。一般译为“直到,才” 。,4. A: Mike is my best friend,but he always copies my homework. What should I do?,B: _ hes your best friend, you should still tell him that copying others homework is wrong.,Although,点拨,:句意“,尽管,他是你的最好的朋友,但你还是应当告诉他,抄袭别人的作业是不对的。”,可知空格处应用,although,。,I,m worried about,my school grades.,我很胆小我的学习成绩。,【,解析,】,be worried about sth.,担心某事,【,拓展,】,worry v,担心 ,worried adj.,焦急的,worry about = be worried about,为,担心,Dont be _(worry). Youll catch up with others.,( ) Dont _ about things so much. It will make you stressed out.,afraid B. worry C. worried D. Terrified,worried,B,4b,Write one piece of advice for each problem. Then compare your advice with your partners and decide whether the advice is good or bad.,1. Im very shy.,Advice:,_,_,Why dont you talk loudly in front of your classmates for many times?,2. My sister and I fight all the time.,Advice:,_,_,_,Maybe you should think about what you always fight about and try to have a talk with her about it.,3. My sister spends all evening on the phone.,Advice:,_,_,4. My cousin borrows my things without,returning,them.,Advice:,_,_,You could tell her you need a good rest to study well at school tomorrow.,Maybe hes forgetful. You could call him and tell him you need them recently.,5. My parents wont be let me have a pet.,Advice:,_,_,When you get a good grade at school, you could talk about it with her.,My cousin borrows my things without,returning,them.,我堂弟借我东西没有还我。,return v,归还,=give back,return . to . = give back to .,把,.,还给,., v,回来;返回,= come back,【2012,浙江宁波,】He borrowed my iphone 4 and didnt _ (,归还),it to me.,return,Choose one of the problems and ask your classmates for advice. Decide which classmate has the best advice.,Problems,You,left,your homework at home.,Your best friend is more popular than you.,You are afraid of speaking in front of people.,Your best friend does not trust you any more.,You parents always argue.,4c,leave-left v,遗忘,留下,leave sth . somewhere,把某物忘在某地,leave sb. by oneself,把某人单独留下,My best friend is more popular than me. I want to be like him. What should I do?,You could try to be friendlier.,You should just be yourself.,What problems do you have?,at school,too much homework,too many examinations,cant get good grades,have to go to school early,have to wear the school uniform,too many rules to obey at school,at home,have to get up too early,have no enough money,have no time to watch TV,argument between parents,A: Whats the matter?,B: What should I do?,A: Why dont you,Give advice to your partners problems and make conversations.,discuss with teachers to have fewer exams,try to do things quickly and go to bed early,try to spend less money,work harder at school,Section B1,1a2e,Review,Giving advice,Im a little bit shy. Im afraid of speaking in front of people. What should I do?,You should be more confident. You should play sports with your friends after class.,I left my homework at home.,You should tell it to your teacher. You could call your parents and ask them to bring it to school.,Order the things,What activities do you like to do to help lower your stress? Order them,1- 8 with 1 being the most favorite thing you do to lower stress.,1a,_ play sports,_ hang out with friends,_ talk to parents or other family members,_ spend time alone,_ play computer games,_ read books,_ watch movies,_ other: _,Tell your partner about your answers in 1a.,I always hang out with my friends to lower stress.,I like to listen to music to lower stress best.,Id like to play sports when Im stressed out.,1b,Talking,Listening,Listen and check the problems Wei Ming talks about.,1c,_ My parents give me a lot of,pressure,about school.,_ I dont get enough sleep.,_ I dont have enough free time.,_ I had a fight with my parents.,_ I have to,compete with,my classmates,at school.,My parents give me a lot of,presure,about school.,我父母在学习上给了我很多压力。,press v,按;压 ,pressure,压力,可数名词 (物理学)压力,air pressure,气压,blood pressure,血压,不可数名词 还可指精神上、外界施加的压力,= stress under pressure,在压力下,I have to,compete with,my classmates at school.,在学校我不得不和我的同学们竞争。,compete v,竞争;对抗 ,competition n,竞争,compete with sb.,和某人竞争,compete for,为,参加比赛,We are ready for the coming _(compete).,You should all,_,each other to improve.,你们都应该互相竞争,而全面发展。,competition,compete,1. Although you may be _ with your parents, you should talk to them. Ask them why they give you so much _.,1d,Listen again. What advice does Alice give to Wei Ming? Fill in the blanks.,pressure,unhappy,2. Life shouldnt just be about _. Free time activities like _ and hanging out with friends are important, too.,3. You shouldnt _ with your classmates to


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