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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,Getting HSE Right,STOP,for Safety,STOP,for Safety,Introduction,to,STOP,STOP,for Safety,STOP,系统介绍,STOP,is an HSSE observation programme which helps us to achieve HSSE excellence.,STOP,是一种,HSE,观察项目,它可以使我们的,HSE,工作更加出色,S,AFETY,安全,T,RAINING,培训,O,BSERVATION,观察,P,ROGRAM,项目,STOP,for Safety,What is,STOP,什么是,STOP,STOP,Philosophy,STOP,理论基础,The key to reducing incidents and injuries is to modify behavior by observing people,talking with them to encourage safe work practices and so eliminate unsafe acts and behaviors.,减少伤病事故的关键就是通过观察人们的行为,和他们沟通去改变他们的行为习惯,鼓励正确的做法,消除不安全行为和习惯,No accidents,没有事故,No harm to people,不伤害任何人,No damage to the environment,不破坏环境,STOP,Philosophy,BYACO,HSSE Philosophy,BYACO HSSE,宗旨,All injuries and occupational illnesses can be prevented,任何伤害和职业病都是可以预防的,Safety is everyones responsibility,安全是每一个人的职责,Management is directly accountable for preventing injuries and occupational illnesses,管理层对防范伤害和职业病有直接责任,Safety is a condition of employment,安全也是雇佣合同的一部分,Training is an essential element of a safe work place,培训是一个安全的作业场所的重要因素,Safety audits must be conducted(ASA,Walkthroughs),必须有安全检查(双向沟通式或随访式),Safe work practices should be reinforced and all unsafe acts and unsafe conditions must be corrected,安全的做法要加以强调,不安全的行为和状态要立刻纠正,STOP is based on these HSSE principles:,STOP,必须建立在以下,HSE,原则上,The Principals of,STOP,It is essential to investigate injuries and occupational illnesses as well as incidents with the,potential,for injury,伤病事故及重大隐患能立刻被调查,Safety off the job is an important element of your overall safety effort,工作之外的安全是我们全过程安全努力的重要部分,Preventing injuries and occupational illnesses is good business,伤害和职业病预防是一项积极的工作,People are the most critical element in the success any,HSSE and health programmes,人的因素对于成功运行,HSE,项目非常关键,Principles of,STOP,continued,STOP,必须建立在以下,HSE,原则上,The Principals of,STOP,STOP support,s the,idea,of,“,people talking with other people about safety,”,using effective communication skills.,STOP,系统支持用有效的沟通技巧去理论安全,Helps,observe,analyse,and,take corrective action,on,unsafe acts and conditions,and,reinforce,s,safe,working,practices,针对不安全行为及状况,观察、分析并采取正确的方式,同时鼓励安全的做法,Works with,Other HSSE,programmes,配合其他,HSE,项目共同运行,Safety,Orientation,Induction,安全培训,ASA,s,双向安全检查,Safety Assessments,安全评价,Incident Reporting System,事故报告,How Does,STOP,Work,如何运作,STOP,ASA,双向安全检查,Stands for Advanced Safety Audit,although we have broadened this to include health,and environment.An ASA consists of an HSE,themed,in-depth“conversation”which has resulted from a conscious decision by the instigators)to engage an individual.It should result in a locally“agreed”resolution.,An example of a conversation starter might be”Tell me about the,highest risks in your job?”,ASA,是双向安全检查的缩写,现在我们已经把它扩展到环保和健康,,ASA,的关键是双向沟通,通过对话来了解一个人对,HSE,的理解和执行情况,例如,ASA,的开场可能是“说说看你的工作中最大的危险是什么?”,STOP,Stands for Safety Training and Observation Programme and is primarily about observing the acts of people going about their work,commending good behaviour or discussing any unsafe behaviours you have noticed,which have the potential to result in an incident.The emphasis is on reporting behaviours;good or bad and it should result in a locally“agreed”resolution.,An example of an unsafe act might be someone walking down the stairs with a bundle of papers in one hand and a mobile phone in the other.,STOP,侧重于观察,观察正在作业的员工,表扬他们好的做法,讨论你认为不安全的行为,最后不论好坏都以一种大家可以接受的方式报告。例如一个不安全的行为可能是有人一只手拿着一叠纸,另一只手握着手机上下楼梯。,Prepare,Observe,Discuss,De-brief,Record,Follow up,Decide,Stop,Observe,Act,Report,Witness,Report,TL Resolution,Investigation,ASA,vs.vs.,INCIDENT,Proactive,Reactive,INCIDENT,事件,Is an unsafe situation,accident or near-hit.The emphasis is on reporting things that have happened,mostly as a result of peoples behaviours.It covers anything that is a risk to health,safety,security and damage to the environment.,An example of an incident might be someone falling down the stairs and breaking a finger as a result of not holding onto the handrail.,是一种不安全情形或者是几乎构成的事故,或者已构成事故,关键是要报告已发生的一切,很多时候,事故,/,事件是人为的因素。,例如,某人上下楼梯从不抓扶手,终于有一天他摔倒并折断了一截指骨。,Prepare,Observe,Discuss,De-brief,Record,Follow up,Decide,Stop,Observe,Act,Report,Witness,Report,TL Resolution,Investigation,ASA,vs.vs.,INCIDENT,Proactive,Reactive,STOP AND GIVE IT YOUR FULL ATTENTION,开始实施,STOP,并全神贯注,OBSERVE FOR UNSAFE ACTS AND CONDITIONS AND THINK HOW THEJOB CAN BE DONE MORE SAFELY,观察不安全行为及状态,并且,思考讨论如何更安全地完成工作,ACT/TALK WITH THE PERSON,和被观察者交流互动,RECORD YOUR ACTIONS ON A STOP CARD,用,STOP,卡记下你的行为,STOP,for Safety,The,STOP,Cycle,STOP,循环,STOP,Coffee spilled and not cleared up,咖啡洒在地上但未及时清理,Employee slips on spill,有人摔倒在打翻的咖啡上,Employee slips and sprains ankle,滑倒扭伤了脚踝,Employee falls and breaks leg,摔断腿,Employee falls and strikes head on edge of counter,摔倒头部遭撞击,1 FATAL,一人死亡,30MAJORS(Disabling Injuries),残疾,300RECORDABLEINJURIES,可记录伤害,3,000NEAR MISSES OR FIRST AID,差点造成的事故已需要初级医务护理,30,000HAZARDS,Unsafe Acts,不安全行为,Employee-Created Unsafe Condition


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