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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 5 - 6,一、探究主题:,1,、谈论人们正在做的事情,2,、描述天气,二、探究目标:,1,、能用现在进行时的各种形式进行准确的描述和表,达正在发生的动作,2,、学会谈论人们正在做什么,能就发生的事做现场,报道,3,、能用恰当的语言描述天气,重点短语,1,do ones homework,做某人的作业,do housework,做家务,2,talk on the phone,在电话里交谈,讲,电,话,talk about,谈论,talk,to(with)sb,和某人交谈,3,write a letter,写信,write a letter to,sb,给某人写信,4,play with,和,一起玩,5,watch TV,看电视,His family has a shower.,他们家有一个淋,浴。,His family are watching TV.,他全家在看电,视。,TV show,电视节目,6,wait for,sb/sth,等待某人,/,某物,7,some of ,中的一些,8,in the first photo,在第一张照片里(介词用,in,序数,词前面有,the,),in the last photo,在最后一张照片里,a photo of ones family,某人的家庭照片,9,at the mall,在购物街,at/in the library,在图书室,at/in the pool,在游泳池,10,read a book = read books,= do some reading,看书阅读,11,thanks for = thank you for,为某事而感谢(后接动词要用,v,ing,),重点,短语,重点句型,1.,他正在干什么?,What is he doing?,他正在吃饭。,He is eating dinner.,他正在哪里吃饭?,Where is he eating dinner?,他正在家里吃饭。,He is eating dinner at home.,2,你想什么时候去?,When do you want to go?,让我们六点钟去吧。,Lets go at six oclock.,3,他正在等什么?,What is he waiting for?,他正在等公交车。,He is waiting for a bus.,4,他们正在和谁说话?,Who are they talking with?,他们正在和,Miss Wu,说话。,They are talking with Miss Wu.,5,你们正在谈论什么?,What are you talking about?,我们正在谈论天气。,We are talking about the weather.,6,他们都正在去上学。,They are all going to school.,7,这儿是一些我的照片。,Here are some of my photos.,这儿是一些肉。,Here is some of meat. (some of meat,不可数,故用,is),8,谢谢你帮我买这本书。,Thank you for helping me buy this book.,9,family,家;家庭。强调,“,整体,”,,是单,数;强调,“,成员,”,时,是复数。,重点句型,重点短语,1 take photos/ pictures,照像,2 take photos/ pictures of,sb,/,sth,给某人或某物照相,3 have a good time,have fun,have a great tame,玩得愉快,4 work for,sb,/,sth,为某人工作,Eg,: Yuan,Yuan,works for,CCTVs,Around The World show,5 on vacation,度假,Eg,: There are many people here on vacation.,6 someothers,一些,另外一些,.,.,Onethe others,一个,另一个,Eg,: There are many students in the classroom. Some are writing, others are reading.,重点短语,7 put on,穿上(动作),wear,穿着(状态),Eg,: Tom is putting on his coat now.,8 on the beach,在沙滩上,Eg,: Tom and his family are playing on the beach at this moment.,9 this group of people,这一群人,10. in this heat,在这么热的天气里,重点句型,1,How is the weather?,天气怎么样?,Its raining.,在下雨。,2,What are you doing?,你正在做什么?,Im watching TV.,我在看电视。,3,What are they doing?,他们在做什么?,They are studying.,他们在学习。,4,What is he doing?,他在做什么?,He is playing basketball .,他在打篮球。,5,What is she doing ?,她在做什么?,She is cooking .,她在做饭。,难点解析,1,、,询问天气情况的句式:,(,横线内容可替换,),How is the weather in Beijing?,(How is the,weather today?),Whats the weather like in Beijing?,( Whats the weather like today?),2,、,回答上面问题的句式:,Its + adj. (,形容词,),Eg,: Its windy.,3,、,Hows it going (with you)?,Not bad.,Great!,Terrible!,Pretty good.,4,、,Thank you for joining,CCTVs,Around The,World show.,5,、,I am surprised they can play in this heat.,6,、,Everyone is having a good time.,7,、,People are wearing hats and,scarfs,.,wear,指穿衣服的状态。,put on,指穿衣服的动作。,谈论天气的日常用语,1. Its sunny/rainy/cloudy.,今天是晴天,/,雨天,/,阴天。,2. Lovely,weather,isnt,it?,天气真好,是吗?,3. It looks like rain.,看起来要下雨。,4. Its raining cats and dogs.,正是瓢泼大雨。,5. It seems to be cleaning up.,天似乎要转晴。,6. Its blowing hard.,风刮得很大。,7. Its snowing heavily.,正在下大雪。,8. The snow wont last long.,雪不会持续太久。,9. Its very foggy.,雾很大。,10. The fog is beginning to lift.,正在收雾。,11. Its thundering and lightening.,雷电交加。,12. Whats the weather like today?,今天天气怎么样?,13. Whats the weather report for tomorrow?,天气预报明天怎么样?,14. Its quite different from the weather report.,这和天气预报相差很大。,15. Its rather changeable.,天气变化无常。,16. Whats the temperature?,温度是多少?,17. Its two below zero.,零下二度。,18. The temperature has dropped a lot today.,今天温度低多了。,I,、单词拼写,1. Look! Some boys are _(,游泳,) at the pool.,2. She likes _(,看,) TV after dinner.,3. Thank you for _(,告诉,) me about the weather.,4. Is your sister _(,做,) her homework?,5. Cindy is _(,看,) a book in her room.,6. Look at those people _(,打,) beach volleyball. They are my friends.,7. I am _(,惊讶的,) he is wearing two coats in this heat.,8. Look! The man _(,躺,) under the tree is enjoying the cool.,9. The weather today is pretty _(,晴朗,).,10. Do you like wearing _(,围巾,)?,practice,、完成下列句子,1,你妹妹正在做什么?,她正在做她的家庭作业。,What _your sister _?,She _ _ _ homework.,2,瞧,孩子们在公园里玩得十分高兴。,Look,,,the children_ _ _,_ _in the park.,3,北京的冬天寒冷而且有风。,_ _ in Beijing is_ and_ .,4,感谢您收看天气预报节目。,_ _ _ _ the Weather Show.,5,周末大家都很轻松。,_ is pretty _ on weekends.,、用所给词的适当形式填空:,1 What time _ your brother _(finish) his homework every evening?,2 I _(not watch) TV now.,3 Look. Somebody _(swim) in the river.,4 _(do) your homework yourself.,5 He cant _(read) books because he is too young.,6 They like _(play) football on weekends.,7 Kate often _(help) his mother _(clean) the house.,8 Dont talk. The,child_(sleep,).,9 Its six oclock. The,Blacks_(have)dinner,.,10 Look. The,girl_(dance,).,V,、,句型转换,1. Lily is writing a letter to,her pen pal,.(,对划线部分提问,),_ _ Lily writing a letter to?,2.My father is at work.(,改为同义句,),My father _ _.,3.Its,sunny,today.(,对划线部分提问,),_ _the weather_?,4.My father is,reading newspaper,in the living room.(,对划线部分提问,),_ _ your father _in the living room?,5.The girl,in red,is drawing a picture.(,对划线部分提问,),_girl_ _a picture?,( ),1. - What _ he do? - He _ an actor.,A. is, isB. does, doesC. does, isD. is, does,( )2. - What time does she get up? - She _ up at 6:10 am.,A. is getting B. getsC. to getD. get,( )3. - What can Tony do? - He can _ the guitar.,A. is playing B . Playing C. playsD. play,( )4. - What are you doing?,- I _ a letter to my pen pal.,A. write B. am writing C. writesD. am write,( ),5. - _ you watching TV? - Yes, I _.,A. Do, doB. Can, canC. Are, amD. Are, do,( )6. Look!,Daved,-on the phone.,A. talksB. are talkingC. talkD. is talking,( )7. - _ Mary cleaning her room? - No, she is _.,A. Does, reads B. Can, readC. Is, readingD. Does, reading,( )8. Lets _ to the movies now. That _ great.,A. going, sounding B. go, soundsC. go, sound D. going, is sounding,( )9. - Whats the man _? - I dont know.,A. talkingB. waiting C. taking D. listening,( )10. - Whats Cindy doing? - She is _ with her friends.,A. playing B. playing the volleyball C. looking photos D. eating dinner,( )11. - _ is the weather in Beijing now? - Its _.,A. What, windingB. How, windyC. When, windsD. Why, windy,( )12. - Whats the weather _ in your hometown?,- Its terrible in summer, too cold and humid.,A. likesB. is likingC. likeD. liking,( )13. Thank you for _,CCTVs,Around The World show.,A. joinB. is joiningC. to join D. joining,( )14. - _ it going? - Great! The weather is cool.,A. WhatsB. HowsC. Why isD. Wheres,( )15. People are really _ on the beach in summer,(,夏季,),A. relaxedB. relaxingC. relaxD. to relax,


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