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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,WELCOME,Module 11,National heroes,Unit 1,What did,Zhan Tianyou,do?,1. Who was he?,He was,Zhan,Tianyou,.,He was the,engineer,of the railroad.,He,built,a famous railroad.,2.,What did he do?,Background knowledge,詹天佑,(18611919),,江西人,1872,年,年仅,11,岁的他便怀着学习西方技艺的理想到美国就读在美国,目睹北美及西欧科学技术的巨大成就,特别是机器,火车,轮船的迅猛发展,他怀着为祖国富强而发奋学习的信念,刻苦学习,于,1877,年以优异的成绩中学毕业,考入耶鲁大学土木工程系,专攻铁路工程四年后,他以突出的成绩在毕业考试中名列第一,并于毕业后回国,1905,年,清政府决定兴建我国第一条铁路京张铁路(北京至张家口)英俄都想插手,由于中国人民的强烈反对,他们的企图没能得逞在这关键时刻,詹天佑毫不犹豫地接下了这个艰巨的任务,全权负责京张铁路的修筑,1908,年,8,月,京张铁路建成通车,原计划,6,年完成,结果只用了,4,年就提前完工。一些欧美工程师参观后赞叹不已。,周恩来同志曾高度评价詹天佑的功绩,说他是“中国人的光荣”到晚年,詹天佑积劳成疾,不幸于,1919,年病逝,New words learning,bridge,build,engineer,foreign,government,musuem,patriotic,桥,建筑,建造,工程师,外国的,政府,博物馆,爱国的,railway,tunnel,Russian,through,go through,over,national,hero,铁路,隧道,俄国的,通过,穿过,穿过,在,的上面,民族的,英雄,想一想,Complete the passage with these words.,bridge build engineer foreign government,museum national hero patriotic railroad tunnel,Zhan,Tianyou,is a (1) _. He was the (2) _of a (3) _ in the mountains with many (4) _ and (5) _. The Chinese (6) _ wanted a Chinese engineer to (7) _ it. They didnt want (8) _ engineers. Theres a (9) _ about him in,Badaling,. Its a very (10) _ story.,National hero,engineer,railroad,bridges,tunnels,government,build,foreign,museum,patriotic,LISTENING,1.,What are they talking about?,2.Did Tony see a film about,Zhan Tianyou,on TV last night?,3.What does,Daming,think of the film?,They are talking about the film about,Zhan Tianyou,No, he,didn,t.,Daming,thinks its a very patriotic story and,a very good film.,Listen again and choose the correct answer.,1.,A railroad is for,trains / buses.,2. A bridge goes,over / under,a river.,3.A tunnel goes,though / over,a mountain.,_,_,_,Phrases in Unit 1,think of,last night,work on,fromto,Its very difficult to do,go through,go over,认为,昨夜,从事,从,到,(做某事)非常难,穿过,越过,Answer these questions:,1.,What,did Zhan,Tianyou,do?,2.,When,did Zhan,Tianyou,die?,3.,Where,did the railroad start?,4.,What,did the Chinese do when he died?,He,died,in 1919.,It,started,in Beijing.,They,opened,a museum about his life.,He,built,a famous railroad.,5.,Where,did it finish?,6.,Why,didnt the government want foreign engineers?,7.,When,did Zhan,Tianyou,work on it ?,Because they,wanted,a Chinese engineer,to build it.,He,worked,on it from 1905 to 1909.,It,finished,in,Zhangjialou,.,Notes:,在前两个模块中,我们学习了行为动词一般过去时的肯定、否定及,一般疑问,的表达方式,那么行为动词一般过去时的,特殊疑问句,该如何表达呢?请看下列例句:,When,did,he,die,? He,died,in 1989.,他是什么时候去世的?他是,1989,年去世的,.,What,did,she,want,? She,wanted,some juice.,她想要什么,?,她想要一些橘汁。,How long,did,the space flight,last,? It,lasted,21 hour.,航天持续了多长时间?持续了,21,个小时。,从以上例句我们可以看出:特殊疑问句的句式,=,疑问词,+,一般疑问句句式。,只是,,注意,:必须关注助动词的时态和动词的还原。,Write questions 16 about Zhan,Tianyou,.,What / Zhan,Tianyou,/ want to do ?,When / he /start ?,When / he / finish ?,What /the British and the Russians/want ?,Why /the Chinese /not agree?,When / Zhan,Tianyou,/ die?,Speaking,Think of a hero and do questions and answers,Who was he/she?,When was he/she born?,Where was he /she born?,What is his/her job?,(What dose he /she do?),5. Why is he /she famous today?,You can go on line to get the information.,邓亚萍,袁隆平,杨利伟,Focus,:,Past simple regular verbs.,Wh,-questions and answers.,Culture note,:,Some familiar heroes can be,chosen for the students to,talk about.,总结总结吧,Giving a talk about a hero,Who,is/was he/she?,When,and,Where,was he /she born?,What,is,his/her job?,Why,is he/she famous?,Why,do you like him/her?,HOMEWORK,Thanks! Everyone.,Bye-bye!,


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