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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 5,Amazing things,Reading,The,ghost in the park,McDonalds hamburger looks the same after 14 years,Before reading,ghost,Preview Tasks,Learn the new words P58-60,1.A,whisper,is a _.,A.big cry B.song C.soft noise,2.,As usual,means _.,The first time B.as they often do C.seldom,3.To,reply,means _.,to think B.to say something again,C.to say or write something as an answer,Can you find the right meaning?,4.,Weak,means _.,A.clever B.small C.not strong,5.,To,leave,means_.,A.to find out B.to look for C.to go away,6.If you,wonder,you _,want to know something B.feel great,C.say something happily,Can you find the right meaning?,Read the caption and the picture,Where did the story happen?,Who might see a ghost?,Task1,Fast Reading,What,was the“ghost”?,A,little cat,was.,Where did the whisper come from?,It came from the bushes behind the tree.,Who found the“ghost”?,Andy.,Millie was afraid when she heard the whisper.,2.The whisper came from the top of the big tree.,3.Amy told Andy everything.,4.A teacher helped Andy find the ghost.,5.Andy found a small cat in the bushes,6.They took the little cat home.,Task,2 Listening,(T or F),T,F,F,F,T,F,Millie,Andy found,to the animal centre,bushes behind the,Task 2-Put the sentences in the correct order,write the numbers 1-7 in the boxes.,We ran away quickly.,b.Andy found a little cat in the bushes.,c.We sat under a big tree in the park.,d.Suddenly,we heard a whisper.,e.We turned around but saw nothing.,f.Andy went to the park.,g.I told Andy about the strange sound.,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Task 3 Scanning for details,How many,people are there in the story and who are they?,Where,did the two girls usually play in the,park,?,What,did they do after they heard the strange whisper?,How,did the two girls,feel?,Who,did they meet on their way home?,How,did Andy find the cat?,How,did Millie and Andy feel when they learnt the ghost was a weak cat?,Where,did they take the cat?,Henry:What did Millie and Amy hear?,Andy:They heard a _.They were very _,and left the park quickly.,Henry:What did you find?,Andy:I found a little cat in the _.,Henry:Why did the little cat sound like a ghost?,Andy:It was very _,so when it _,it sounded like a whisper.,Henry:Wheres the little cat now?,Andy:We took it to the _.,Henry is asking Andy about the“ghost”,help Andy answer his questions,whisper afraid,bushes,weak,miaowed,animal centre,One Sunday morning,Millie and Amy w_ to Sunshine Park.As usual,they s_ under the big tree.Suddenly,they h_ a whisper from the bushes behind the tree.They t_ around but s_ nothing.They w_ very afraid and l_ the park quickly.On their way,they,m_Andy,and t_ him everything.Andy w_ what it _.Then he went to the park and s_ the bushes.At last,he f_ a little cat in the bushes.Later that day,they t_ the little cat to the animal centre.,ent,eard,at,urned,aw,ere,eft,et,old,ondered,was,earched,ound,ook,Task,4-,Retelling,go to Sunshine Park,Sit,hear a whisper,turn around but,see,nothing,Leave the park,stand and listen,search and find a cat,take to,Pay attention to the tense!,meet and tell,Task5:Role-play,go sit hear,can see say,tell stand take,find is are,w,e,nt,s,a,t,h,ear,d,c,ou,ld,s,aw,s,ai,d,t,o,ld,st,oo,d,f,ou,nd,t,oo,k,/,e,/,/,u,/,/,au,/,/,u,/,/,u,/,/,:e,/,/,e,/,/,/,/,O:,/,Task,5,Memory Storm,Try your best to remember the past form!,/,ne,/,was,were,Helping animals is,helping ourselves.,Read the passage freely and find some questions you dont understand.,朗读并找出问题,.,智者善于动脑,,勇者敢于提问!,Language points,像往常一样,他们坐在一棵大树下。,As usual,they sat down under a big tree.,usual adj.,通常的,平常的 ,,usually adv.,像往常一样,莉莉在数学考试中取得了第一名。,As usual,Lily got first in the maths teat.,2.They turned around but saw nothing.,turn around,转身,翻转 当宾语是名词时,可放在,turn,和,around,之间或后边,当宾语是代词时,只能放在,turn around,的中间。,请翻一下书,turn around the book/turn the book around,请把它翻一下。,Turn it around,please.,3.Nobody replied.,reply,作不及物动词或名词,意为“答复,回答”,当其后跟宾语时,后面要加,to.,请回答我的问题。,Please reply,to,my question.,I waited after I asked a question but no one_me.,4.,她们很快离开了公园。,They left the park quickly.,(1)leave(,过去式,)left,不及物动词,意为离开,离开上海,leave Shanghai,前往某地,动身去某地,leave for,你什么时候动身去北京?,When are you leaving for Beijing?,(2)leave,作为及物动词,意为留下,,给某人留下某物,leave sb sth,replied to,5.,在他们回家的路上,on their way home,在去公园的路上,on the way to the park,6.What happened?,发生什么事啦?,happen,动词,意为发生,强调偶然发生,(1),某地、某时 发生了某事,sth happen+,地点,/,时间,意为 某地,/,某时发生了某事,A robbery happened in that street.,(2)sth happen to sb,意为 某人出了某事(常指不好的事发生在某人身上),你怎么啦?,What happened to you?,(3)sb happen to do sth,意为某人碰巧做某事,我碰巧在街上遇见了她。,I happened to meet her in the street.,7.Andy wandered.,安迪想知道,(1)wonder,不及物动词 想知道,我想知道明天我们去哪里。,I wonder where to go tomorrow.,(2)wonder,作名词,表示奇迹,奇观等,长城是世界七大奇迹之一,The Great Wall is one of the Seven Wonders of the world.,8.,他搜查了灌木丛。,He searched the bushes.,search,作动词,指寻找,后面跟寻找的范围,search for,后面跟寻找的目标,搜某人的身,search sb,搜寻某人,search for sb,警察正在灌木丛中寻找那位小男孩。、,The police are searching the bushes for the boy.,9.,自言自语,say to oneself,心中想,think to oneself,10.,米莉和埃米很吃惊,它是一只小猫


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