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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,英语 长句的翻译,英语长句翻译步骤(,六步法):,1、紧缩主干,2、区分主从,3、辨析词义,4、分清层次,5、调整搭配,6、润饰词句,英语长句的翻译方法,1、包孕法,2、切断法,3、拆译法,4、逆序法,5、重组法,1、Embedding包孕法,The so-called embedding means placing the modifiers (including phrases and clauses) before the word being modified, thus the modifiers are embedded in the Chinese sentences.,This is quite opposite to the English sentence order in which modifiers longer than two words usually take the end-position. The pre-position embedding makes the Chinese version compact and coherent, therefore, it is frequently adopted in translating attributive and appositive clauses.,Congress has made laws requiring most pressure groups to give information,about how much they spend and how they spend it, the amount and sources of funds, membership, and names and salaries of their representatives.,A bar of iron placed in a coil,through which a current is flowing,becomes magnetized.,The General Assembly may establish such subsidiary organs,as it deems necessary for the performance of its function.,2、Cutting切断法,在语句的联接处,如使用关联词的地方,并列或转折的地方,后续成份、主体连接处等,以及按照意群将长句断开译成若干汉语分句。,The idea of a fish being able to generate electricity strong enough to light small bulbs,even to run an electric motor,is almost unbelievable.,We sincerely hope that your congratulations will be matched by your collective endeavor to seek a just and practical solution to the problem which has bedeviled the United Nations for so many years.,3、Splitting,将词,词组、句子,从句干中拆出来另行处理,或者放在句首,后者放在句子末尾。,1)Splitting s Single Word,A cold that rapidly grew worse caused his,unlamented,return to Paris.,An outsiders success could even,curiously,help two parties to get the agreement they want.,The number of the young people in the United States who cannot read is,incredible,- about one in four.,Characteristically,Tedder concealed his feelings and watched and learned.,Let us admit,and regret, that he honestly believes it impossible to differ from him honestly,.,2)Splitting Phrases,There is a tide in the affairs,not only of men but of women too, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.,My mother , Jane Lampton Clements, died in her 88,th,year,a mighty age,for one who at 40 was so delicate of body as to be accounted a confirmed invalid destined to pass soon away.,我的母亲简.兰普顿.克来门斯是在她88岁那年去世的。这对于一个40岁时就身体纤弱,被公认有痼疾缠身、注定不久于人世的人来说,,是难得的高龄,。,The foreign visitors watched,in a fascinated manner,the tournament held in Beijing, which exhibited a superb performance in smash service, twist service, steady service, high drop and killing and ended in a draw.,外宾观看了在北京举行的这场锦标赛。这场比赛在发扣球、转球、保险球、吊球和扣杀方面技术都十分精湛,最后达成平局。,他们看得简直入迷了。,With the fear of,largely imaginary plots,against his leadership, his self-confidence seemed totally to desert him.,3)Splitting Clause,This land,which once barred the way of weary travelers, now has become a land for winter and summer vacations, a land of magic and wonder.,这个地方现在已经成了冬夏两季的休假胜地,风光景物,蔚为奇观;,而从前精疲力竭的旅游者只能到此止步,。,Plastics is made from water,which is a natural resource inexhaustible and available everywhere,coal,which can be mined through automatic and mechanical processes at less cost,and lime,which can be obtained from the calcination of limestone widely present in nature.,On the marble fireplace in the mathematics building at Princeton University is carved, in the original German,what one might call his (Einsteins) scientific credo,: “God is subtle, but he is not malicious.”,在普利利顿大学数学大楼里,大理石壁炉上用德文刻着:“上帝是难以捉摸的,但他决无恶意”,。这句话可称作是他的(爱因斯坦的)科学信条。,4、Reversing,拆开英语原句,按照汉语表达法重新安排,原文语序进行全部或局部变换。,In reality, the lines of division between sciences are becoming blurred模糊, and science again approaching the “unity” that it had two centuries ago -,although the accumulated knowledge is enormously greater now, and no one person can hope to comprehend more than a fraction of it.虽然现在积累起来的知识要多得多,而且任何个人也只可能了解其中的一小部分,,但事实上,各学科之间界线却变得模糊不清,科学再次近乎于两百年前那样的“单一整体”。,Such is human nature in the West,that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers.,许多人常常宁愿牺牲比较高的工资以换取白领工资的社会地位,,这在西方倒是人之常情。,Perhaps the factor that makes a positive outcome most likely is,the clear recognition by the Japanese government and business community that there is an overriding need for innovation, and a wide agreement that the national interest requires that major effort be concentrated in this area.,日本政府和企业社团清楚的认识到革新是压倒一切的需要,而且人们普遍认识到民族利益要求集中对这个领域付出巨大的努力。,上述这些认识也许就是很可能导致积极结果的因素,。,It is extraordinary,that in all the years the British spent in Egypt they never got to know the real people of Egypt.,英国人在埃及消磨的岁月这么长久,而对真正的埃及人民缺一无所知,,这是颇不寻常的。,完全倒置,And he knew how ashamed he would have been (1)if his girl friend had known (2) his mother (3)and the kind of people in which he was born,(4) and the kind of people among whom he was born.(5),他出生在这类人中间,(5)出生在这样的地方(4),他有这样的母亲,(3)这些如果让他女朋友知道了的话,(2)他明白有多么丢人。(1),Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world;(1)they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds,(2) if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals.(3),如果没有那些以昆虫为食的动物保护我们,(3)昆虫会吞噬我们所有的庄稼,害死我们的牛羊家禽,(2)使我们不能生存于世。(1),5、Recasting,长句译成若干小分句,The big problem of comprehension of the English text and the bigger problem of how to express it in rich, present-day Chinese which ranges from the classical to the colloquial both have to be solved in the course of translation.,了解英语原义是一个大问题,现代汉语既然是文言口语兼收并蓄,怎么用这样丰富多彩的文字来表达英文原文是一个更大的问题,这两个问题在翻译中都要得到解决。,1.If you go to visit Nobels old residence, the house in which the great chemist remained a bachelor throughout his life, you will catch sight of a shelf laden with experimental records.,2.They (the poor) are the first to experience technological progress as a curse which destroys the old muscle-power jobs that previous generations used as a means to fight their way out of poverty.,3. 成功是通过克服困难得来的。没有困难,便没有成功。如果没有值得我们竞争或奋斗的东西,也就没有什么成功可言。因此,人们时常处于不断努力的状况下,这是一件好事。,Success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties. If there were no difficulties, there would be no success. If there were nothing to struggle or compete for, there would be nothing achieved. It is well, therefore, that men should be always under the necessity of exerting themselves.,


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