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,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,The Subjunctive Mood,I wish,I,were,as tall as you.,my computer,were,as small as his.,Part 1,wish,(that)sb.,与现在/将来事实相反的情况(用过去式),与过去事实相反的情况(用过去完成式),be were,be able to were able to,2. can /may /will could/ might/ would,3. have/ has had,4. do / does did,1. was/were had been,2. did had done,I wish,I were,a bird and,could,fly in the sky and view the whole city.,I wish (that) every day,were,my birthday and I,could have,nice cakes to eat.,I wish.,I wish I,had studied,harder,.,I wish I,had passed,the exam.,Subjunctive Mood,类别,例句,用在动词,wish,后,表示不太可能实现的愿望;如果指现在或将来的愿望,从句的动词用V,ed1,; 如果指过去,从句用had + V,ed2,; 主句中的wish的时态不影响从句中的动词的虚拟语气形式;如果从句中用,would,可以表示“请求”, 通常意味着说话人的不快或不满,1. I wish (that) I,were,an actor.,2. I wish I,knew,more about the history.,3. I wish I,had been to,Finland.,4. He wished his girl friend,were there,.,5. She wished she,hadnt done,it.,6. I wish you,would stop,asking such silly questions.,Part 2,if,真实条件句(条件状语从句),虚拟语气,What,will,you do if,it,rains,tomorrow?,I,will,stay,at,home surfing on the Internet.,We,ll,have music lesson instead of PE in the classroom if it,rains,tomorrow.,真实条件句,if用于虚拟语气:对,现在事实,的假设,if从句,一般过去式,(be 都用were),主句,should (would,could might) +动词原形,What would you do if you were a teacher?,If I _a teacher, I.,were,If he,werent addicted to,games,he,would make,greater progress in his studies.,What,would happen,if he,were not addicted to,games?,2.What,would,you do if you,won,the lottery?,If I,won,the lottery, I,would,If I,had,a lot of money,I,would,.,I,would,.,if,条件从句,had done,主句,should (could might would),+have done,been done,if用于虚拟语气:对,过去事实,的假设,If I _busy last night,I _ to see the,film with you .,had not been,would have gone,If he more carefully,he the car,accident yesterday,.,would not have had,had driven,If he _ (,not receive,) the infected blood transfusion that day,had not received,he,(not infect) with AIDS.,could not have been infected,If I _(know) your telephone number,I _ (telephone) you already.,had known,would have telephoned,Subjunctive Mood,情况,例句,现在,1. If I,were,tired, I,would have,a rest.,2. If I,knew,his address, I,could write,to him,过去,1. If he,had set out,earlier, he,would have,caught,the early bus.,将来,1. If I,should have,time tomorrow, I,would go,to the library.,2. If he,were to come,here this evening, we,would invite,him to attend the party.,3. If it,rained,this afternoon, the football match,would be postponed,until next Saturday.,Subjunctive Mood,省略 if 的条件从句的结构,说明,例句,如果虚拟条件从句的谓语含有were, had 或should, 即可省略if,将were, had 或should放到主语之前,1.,If she were free,now,she would go with you.,2.,If I were to do,the experiment, I would save some money.,3.,If he had not come, they would have gone.,4.,If he should give up,smoking, his illness would be cured.,1.,Were she free,.,she would .,2.,Were I to do,the ., I would .,3.,Had he not come, they would have .,4.,Should he give up,., his . would be .,介词,without,引导的短语代替,if,引导的条件从句,说明,例句,有时if引导的虚拟条件从句,可用介词without 引导的短语来代替,1. If there,were,no,water, fish could not live.,2. If you,had not helped,me, I would have failed.,3. If the Party,didnt,lead,us, we could not realize .,1.,Without water, fish could not live.,2.,Without your help,I would have failed.,3.,Without the Partys leadership, we could not realize .,混合条件句,说明,例句,有时条件从句和主句的时态不一致,这种句子称作混合条件句,1.,If,you,had worked,harder, your,English,would be,better now.,2.,If,he,had given,me the ticket yesterday,I would attend,the concert now.,3.,If,it,had not been,for me then, you,would not,be alive.,如果你过去, 你的英语现在,如果昨天他, 现在我,要不是那时,你现在,Part 3,as if / as though引导的虚拟语气,as if / as though,+,sb.,were,.,He looks at me as if I .,were from Mars.,sb.,had done,I remember the whole thing as though.,I remember the whole thing,as though,it were,yesterday.,He talks,as though,he,had met,the superman,he,were,the superman,Subjunctive Mood,用在状语从句中,(一),说明,例句,虚拟语气用在由as if 或,as though 引导的比较,方式状语从句中,其谓语,动词形式与 wish 后的宾,语从句中的谓语动词形式,相同,说 在as if / as though 从句中,如果可能成为事实,用陈述语气;,如:,明 She looks,as if,she,is going to,be ill.,1. She loves the boy,as if,she,were,his,mother.,2. The necklace made of glass looks,as if,it,were,a real diamond necklace.,3. She talks,as though,she,had known,us for years.,4. I remember the thing clearly,as if,it,had happened,yesterday.,在一个坚持(insist),两个命令(order, command),三个建议( suggest, advice, propose),四个要求( ask,demand request, require)等动词后的宾语从句中,谓语动词用“(should)动词原形”,表示建议、要求、命令等。这些词的其他形式,用法相同。,我建议马上动身。,I suggest,that,we (should) set off at once.,学生们坚持要多上英语课。,The students insisted that they (should) have more English classes.,Part 4 建议、命令、要求类的虚拟语气,Subjunctive Mood,说明,例句,虚拟语气用在主语从句中,主要有以下几种句型:,It is suggested,(desired, requested,ordered, proposed,etc),that.,从句中的谓语动词常用should + V表示,也可省略should而用V,1.,It is suggested that,we should go,swimming every day in summer.,2.,It is requested that,she should sing,an English song at the party.,说明,例句,用在order, suggestion, demand, request, proposal 等名词后面的同位语从句或者表语从句中,从句的谓语动词应用should + V表示,should 可以省略,同,位,语,从,句,表,语,从,句,1. He made a,suggestion that,we,should,have a football match with Class Four.,2. They received,orders that,they,should,start at once.,3. Napoleon had a,demand that,each soldier,should,answer his three questions.,1. My,suggestion,is that we,should,carry on,an English party.,2. His,request,is that he,should,be allowed,to ask for leave.,3. Her,proposal,is that we,should,rest for an,hour.,Its necessary (natural, important, strange, surprising, better, a pity, no wonder) that时,从句谓语的虚拟形式用 (should)原形动词.,高中学生掌握一门外语很有必要。,It is necessary that a high school student should master a foreign language.,我们说话要有礼貌,这是很重要的。,It is important that we should speak politely.,Part 5,Subjunctive Mood,说明,例句,虚拟语气用在主语从句中,主要有以下几种句型:,1)It is necessary,(natural, strange,important, essential,etc),that .,3) It is a pity,(a,shame, no wonder,etc),that.,.,从句中的谓语动词常,should + V表示,也可,省略should而用V,1.,It is necessary that,we should spend an hour learning English every day.,2.,It is important that,we should learn,hard.,5.,It is a pity that,he should tell a lie.,6.,It is no wonder that,an Englishman,should know English.,7.,It is a shame that,one should steal,something from others.,Part6 在,it is (high) time that .,句型中的虚拟语气,说明,例句,在 It is (high),time that . 句,型中(that引导,的是主语从句),,从句用虚拟语气,,其动词用V,ed1,表,示现在或将来的,状态或行为,意,思是“该干某件事,了”,含有晚了一,点的意思,为了,强调,往往在,time前加 high,1. It is time that we,went,home.,2. It is time that you,handed in,your composition.,3. It is time that he,was (were),off.,4. It is (high) time that we,started,.,Part 7 用在,If only,感叹句中,说明,例句,If only表示 “但,愿”, “要是,就好了”, 它的用,法和 I wish 基本,相同。如与,would 连用,则,表示一时很难实,现的愿望,1. If only he,didnt,write so carelessly!,2. If only she,had arrived,in time.,3. If only the rain,would stop,!,Subjunctive Mood,Part 8,would rather,后的,that,从句中的虚拟,说明,例句,would rather 意,为 “宁愿”, that,从句动词用V,ed1,表,示还不是事实,1. Would you rather (that) she,came,to see me?,2. I would rather you,posted,the letter right away.,Part 9 s,o that, in order that状语从句中的虚拟语气,说明,例句,虚拟语气用在由,so that 和 in,order that 引导,的目的状语从句,中,谓语动词用,“may (might,can, could) +,动词原形”,1. He stayed at school for a few days,so that,he,could,finish his experiment in time.,2. The teacher spoke slowly,in order that,she,could,make herself understood.,3.,In order that,she,might,discover the element radium Madame Curie did experiment after experiment.,4. He started early,so that,he,might not,be late.,


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