陕西省汉中市铺镇初级中学中考英语专题复习 状语从句课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,状 语 从 句讲 练,状语从句,可以根据其,用途,分为:,时间,状语从句、,地点,状语从句、,原因,状语从句、,结果,状语从句、,目的,状语从句、,条件,状语从句、,让步,状语从句,一 时间状语从句,一般由,when,,,while,,,as,,,after,,,before,,,since,,,until,,,as soon as,等从属连词引导。,当主句是一般将来时或祈使句,表示将来的意义时,从句用一般现在时。,When,he came in,I was cooking.,他进来时,我在做饭。,He came in,while,I was cooking.,She sang,as,she worked.,一边,一边,When+,短暂性动词(,常,+,一般过去时,),While+,持续性动词(,常,+,过去进行时,),As,动作衔接紧密,,表“,伴随,”,1.when,while,as “,当,时”,while,的其他含义:,While I,was walking down,the street,I came across an old friend.(while=_),He likes pop music,while I am fond of folk music.(while=_),when,but,2.,before,在,前,It,will,be half a year before I,come,back.,I,had finished,my homework,before,my,father,came,back.,After,在,之后,After,I,had finished,my homework,my father,came,back.,3.since“,自从”(常用于现在完成时),从他离开后我们没见过面。,We havent seen each other,since,he left.,4.as soon as”,一,就,”,我一回来就给你打电话。,Ill call you,as soon as,I come back.,主将 从现,5.notuntil“,直到,才,”,我将不会离开直到他回来。,I will,not,leave,until,he comes back.,主将 从现,I did,not,leave,until,he came back.,练一练,1.,_ he comes here tomorrow,I will call you.,2._ he was walking in the street,he met Tim.,3.,She sang _she worked.,When,While/When,as,4.I ll ring you up _I get to,Beijing.,as soon as,5.It wont be long _he finishes his writing.,6._ he had finished his work,he left there.,7.It is two years _he came here.,8._,she told me,I had no idea of what they had said.,before,After,since,Until,主将从现,when,before,as soon as,notuntil,二,.,地点状语从句,地点状语从句由,where,wherever,等引导。例如:,Where,there is a will,there is a way.,You can take a walk,wherever,you like to.,三 原因状语从句,通常由,because,since,as,for,引导 所表示的语气由,becausesinceasfor,逐渐减弱。,because,表直接原因,有很强的因果关系,回答,“,why”,的提问,,since,表很明显的原因,“,既然,”,常放句首,,as,表明显原因,语气较弱。,for,放句中,补充说明原因。,Eg:,-Why are you late?-,Because,my car is broken.,Since,you cant answer this question,I will call others.,As,its raining,we should stay here.,You cant see the teacher,for,he isnt in.,1.,_,he was ill,he didnt go to school.,2._ you do not understand,I will explain again.,3.,_,she was late for class,she had to say sorry.,4.,He must be ill,_he is absent today.,Because,Since,for,练一练,As,5.I eat potatoes _I like them.,我吃土豆是因为我喜欢土豆。,6.,_I didnt know the way,I asked a policeman.,我由于不知道路,因而问警察。,7.,_you wont help me,Ill ask someone else.,你既然不帮我,那我就请别人帮我。,because,As,Since,注:,because of,和,because,的区别,because of后加名词代词或动名词,不加句子,而because加句子,例:,Because of,his illness,he didnt go to work.,因为生病,他没上班。,Because,he was ill,he didnt go to work.,连接词:,if,unless,If I have a lot of money,I will buy a big house.,主将从现,四 条件状语从句,如果,除非,The sports meeting will continue,unless,it rains tomorrow.,_ you touch an English person,you should say“sorry”.,If,练一练,2.Dont touch anything _ your,teacher tells you to.,unless,主将从现,when,before,as soon as,notuntil,If,unless,五 目的状语从句,so that/in order that,引导目的状语从句,从句,中常用情态动词,may(might)/can(could),/should,.,Eg:,我提高声音以便每个人都能听见我。,I raised my voice,so that,everyone,could,hear me.,我起床早是为了能赶上早班车。,I got up early so that I could catch up the early bus.,They set out early _ they might arrive there in time.,2.Id like to arrive 20 minutes early _ I can have time for a cup of tea.,A.as soon as B.as a result,C.in case D.so that,so that(in order that),练一练,六 结果状语从句,sothat/suchthat,Eg:,他是如此的兴奋以至于说不出一个字。,He was,so,excited,that,he couldnt say a word.,他讲了一个如此有趣的故事,以至于我们忘,了时间。,She told us,such,an interesting story,that,we,all forgot the time.,当,n.,前有,many,或,much,修饰时,用,so,而不用,such,。,1.It is _good a story that Ill never forget it.,2.It is _ a good story that Ill never forget it.,so,such,练一练,七,.,让步状语从句,让步状语从句,表示,“虽然,尽管,即使”,等概念,常用的关联词有:,though,although,even though,等。,他虽然有病,但仍然继续工作。,Though,he was ill,he was still working.,此事虽难,但我们还是要做。,Although,it is difficult,we shall do it.,即使你这样说,我也不信。,Even though,you say so,I do not believe it.,注:,though,和,although,可以互换,只是,although,比较正式。,though,不可以与连词,but,连用,但可以与,yet,,,still,连用,,例:虽然他很努力,但还是没通过考试。,Though,he worked hard,he couldnt pass the exam.,_he is old,he works hard.,2._you say so,I dont believe it.,Although /Though,Even though,练一练,八,.,比较状语从句,比较状语从句常用,than,或,asas,引导。,than,表示两者的比较,,asas,表示程度相同,我比,TOM,高。,Im taller,than,Tom,他和我跑得一样快。,He runs,as,fast,as,I,is,do,1.He doesnt work as hard _you do.,2.She did worse in the test _she expected.,as,than,练一练,九,.,方式状语从句,方式状语从句由,as,引导。,eg:,Do,as,Romans do.,入乡随俗,如我告诉你那样做。,Do,as,I told you.,按你喜欢的方式去做。,Do,as,you like.,(),1.If he _harder next time,he will catch up with us.,A.work B.worked C.works D.will work,(),2.I think WeiHua will be very happy when she _your presents.,A.looksB.will look C.receives D.will receive,C,C,Exercise,(),3.Well set out as soon as our monitor _.,A.comeB.comes,C.will comeD.has come,(),4.Ill go with you if it _fine tomorrow.,A.has beenB.is C.will be D.be,(),5.Ill meet him at the station when he _.,A.will returnB.return C.returns D.returned,(),6.I wont go to see the film tonight,because I _ my ticket.,A.lost B.have lost C.will lost D.didnt have,B,B,C,B,(),7.Are you going to visit the farm tomorrow?,Yes.But if it _,wel


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