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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Module 3,Adventure in Literature,and the Cinema,Introduction and Cultural Corner,adventure biography crime fantasy history thriller,1.the story of somebodys life,2.a story which,has,no,connection with,reality,3.a story in which there is lots of action,4.an extremely exciting story,which is often frightening.,5.A story in which a,detective,tries to,solve,problem,such as identifying a,murderer.,6.A true,account,of the past,biography,fantasy,adventure,thriller,crime,history,Activity2(P21)Match the types of book with their meaning.,adventure,adventurous story,What do these books introduce?,biography,detective story,crime,Will it happen in our life?,fantasy,history,Are you frightened or excited?,thriller,Can you guess the type of book by the cover?,thriller,卡拉之狼,是黑暗塔的第五部:,罗兰、埃蒂、杰克和苏珊娜致力于保卫边远地区的小山村卡拉。这个山村很奇特,盛产双胞胎。某一时期,装扮成狼人的强盗经常蜂拥而至,从暗处袭击该村,每一户人家都会被掠走一个孩子。几个星期之后,孩子会被送回来,但他们已经变成痴呆,而且不久就会夭折。,Can you guess the type of book by the cover?,history,加文,孟席斯,英国皇家海军退伍军官,1421,明成祖永乐十九年:中国发现美洲大陆,早于哥伦布,70,年;中国人发现澳洲,先于库克船长,350,年;中国人到达麦哲伦海峡,比麦哲伦的出生还早一个甲子;中国解决计算经度的问题,远远领先欧洲三个世纪。过去的历史课本都可以扔了,过去学的也可以遗忘,因为这本书可能会改写一切。爆炸性的内容,颠覆既有认知。,作者孟席斯花了,14,年时间研究郑和率领的中国舰队先于欧洲那些耳熟能详的伟大航海家发现新大陆的那段传奇旅程。他广泛搜集古地图、以及东西方断简残篇的证据,用来支持自己的论点,利用自己对航海和天文学知识的优势,成功地解释了近年所发现的舰队沿路留下的遗物与碑文,以及中途的沉船,还有水手在各地祭拜妈祖的遗址。,Can you guess the type of book by the cover?,biography,Activity4(P21)Read the passage and say what type of book it describes.,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,by Mark Twain,is perhaps the most famous American novel ever written.Huckleberry Finn(or just Huck)is a teenage boy who has,run away,from home.His,companion,is Jim,a black slave who has also run away.The two of them are sailing down the Mississippi River on a,raft,when they see something in the water ahead of them,adventure,(P29)Cultural Corner:,The life of Mark Twain,Pre-reading,Have you heard of Mark Twain?,How much do you know about him?,What books written by him have you ever read?,(P29)Cultural Corner:,The life of Mark Twain,How can you understand,“O,ften the lives of writers,resemble,the lives of the characters they create.,”,In what ways was Mark Twains life an adventure?,key phrases:,no,exception,led an adventurous life,to start with,1.,无一例外,2.,首先,3.,笔名,4.,浅水,5.,过着冒险生活,6.,决心做,7.,发财,8.,动身,9.,从,流向,10.,建立声誉,pen name,shallow water,be determined to do,make ones fortune,set off,flow from to,establish the reputation,Mark Twain is a _name,which is a call used by _on the Mississippi.Mark Twain,lived an _life,.As a,teenager,he,decided to,_ in South America.So he _from Missouri for New Orleans.To his appointment,he can not find a _ for South America.He,had to,change his plan.,He has been a _for several years.Later,he became a journalist and wrote _which happened on the _.Mark Twain is famous for his _,and_description,which helps him to _the reputation.,(Read the text and fill in the blank:,pen,sailors,adventurous,make his fortune,set off,boat,pilot,stories,river,vivid,amusing,establish,Understanding of key sentences:,1.He left school early,and as an,adolescent,determined to,make his fortune,in South America,set off,from his home in Hannibal,Missouri,for New Orleans.,2.He arrived in New Orleans without a penny in his pocket,only to find,that there were no boats for South America.,3,.,Forced,to change his plans,he worked for several years as a pilot on the steamboat,taking passengers,up and down,the Mississippi,(v.),determine,to do sth,(adj.)be,determined,to do sth,make ones fortune/make a fortune,set off for,+place,Understanding of key sentences:,1.He left school early,and as an,adolescent,determined to,make his fortune,in South America,set off,from his home in Hannibal,Missouri,for New Orleans.,2.He arrived in New Orleans without a penny in his pocket,only to find,that there were no boats for South America.,3,.,Forced,to change his plans,he worked for several years as a pilot on the steamboat,taking passengers,up and down,the Mississippi,only to find,是不定式作结果状语,The fans hurriedly arrived at the airport to see their idol,only to be told,that she had left secretly.,Understanding of key sentences:,1.He left school early,and as an,adolescent,determined to,make his fortune,in South America,set off,from his home in Hannibal,Missouri,for New Orleans.,2.He arrived in New Orleans without a penny in his pocket,only to find,that there were no boats for South America.,3,.,Forced,to change his plans,he worked for several years as a pilot on the steamboat,taking passengers,up and down,the Mississippi,force sb to do sth/force sb into doing sth,


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