教育专题:Unit2 (5)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,河南岸中学九年级英语,(,下,),Module 6 unit2,叶颜,英语课件,Unit 2,You should always go with someone.,require,需要,oncoming,迎面而来的,couch,长沙发,amount,数量,effect,影响,improvement,改善,fit,健康的,weight,重量,expert,专家,Try to remember,Look at the pictures.Say what,the advantages or dangers are.,Couch potato(,电视迷,)is a person who watches TV a lot on the couch.,Healthy diet helps us keep fit.,Its very dangerous.If we dont obey the rules we may be knocked down.,Read the passage.Which paragraphs describe what you can see in the pictures?,Decide who the passage is written,for:,1.parents 3.families,2.teenagers 4.older people,1.,Thanks to,improvement in both health,care and personal safety,most people,are living healthier,longer lives.,thanks to,:used to say that something,good is caused by something else,多亏,e.g.:,Thanks to,your help,I can pass the exam.,多亏了你的帮助,我才能通过考试。,Language points,2.Someone,who is born today,can expect,to live 25 years longer than someone,who was born in the 19th century,.,定语从句,a.today,adv.,at the present time,b.,who is born today,and,who was born,in the 19th century,are two,attributive,clauses,which are used to modify,someone,and,someone,respectively.,And this sentence can be rewritten as:,Someone born today can expect to live 25 years longer than someone born in the 19th century.,3.,Its even thought that,in the future,more and more people will celebrate,their hundredth birthday.,人们甚至说将来越来越多的人将会庆,祝他们的,100,岁生日。,Its even thought/hoped/said/that:,人们认为、希望、说、,;,其中,it,也是形式主语,真正的主语是,that,引导的从句,),e.g.:,Its said that,he will go abroad.,人们说他要出国了。,Its hoped that,the living conditions will be improved.,人们希望生活条件能够得到改善。,4.,Climbing,may also mean,falling,what goes up,must come down.,攀爬也可能意味着摔倒,上升的东西必然会下降。,动名词作主语和宾语。,e.g.:,Seeing,is,believing,.,眼见为实。,b.,what goes up,为主语从句,e.g.:What I wanted is a book.,我想要的是本书。,5.Sure,it,s comfortable to sit on the,couch and watch.,动词不定式是真正的主语,放在后,面,用,it,作形式主语。,e.g.:,It,s kind of you to help me with,my English.,6.The wrong diet means youll put on,weight,put on weight,意思是“增加体重”。,I can eat what I want,but I never,put,on weight,.,Too many sweet foods may make you,put on weight,.,【,反义词组,】,lose weight,减肥,Exercise is a sure way of,losing weight,.,7.,Say no,to smoking and drugs!,拒绝吸烟与毒品!,这里,say no/yes to,表示“向,说不,/,行”,即“拒绝,/,同意”。,如:,Did you,say yes to,(=accept)her invitation?,你接受她的邀请了吗?,Their offer was so good that I couldnt,say no,.,他们提出的条件很好,我无法拒绝。,8.Think about the,effect,on your family and friends,考虑一下它给你的家庭和朋友带来的影响吧,这里,effect,是名词,意思是“影响、结果、效果”,后面常接介词,on,。如:,The plan failed to achieve the desired,effect,of diverting traffic from the city.,该计划未能如期望的那样分流城里的车辆。,The accident,had,a huge,effect on,her life.,那场事故对她的生活影响很大。,What a teacher says,has,great,effect on,his pupils.,教师的话对学生有很大的影响。,【,短语,】,have effect on,对,.,有影响,9.,advice&suggestion,advice,和,suggestion,都可用作名词,意为“建议,;,意见”。它们的区别如下:,1)advice,通常指有经验或有业务专长的人对某一事件提出的带有指点或指教性的“意见,;,劝告,;,建议”,是不可数名词,。如:,Did you ask your teacher for,advice,on your problem?,就你的问题,你向老师征求过建议吗?,2),suggestion,通常指对某件事或某个问题,尤其是为改进工作或解决困难而提出的,“意见;建议”,语气比,advice,委婉一些,是可数名词。,如:,My,suggestion,is that the meeting should,be put off.,我的建议是会议应该推迟。,Are my,suggestions,helpful?,我的建议有帮助吗?,【,注意,】,advice,是不可数名词,表示“一条建议”时,通常用,a piece of advice,。,如:,Let me give you,a piece of advice,.You should wear blue to take part in the party.,让我给你提一条建议,你应该穿蓝色的衣服参加晚会。,What improvements in health care and personal safety do you think help people to live longer today?,2.Why should you always go with someone,or tell someone where youre going in the countryside?,3.How many steps a day do you think you take?Does 10,000 seem a lot?,Answer the questions.,4.How often do you think its OK to eat fast food?,5.What would you like or like to do to stay happy?,6.How do smoking and drugs damage peoples health?,幸亏,多亏,由于,期待做某事,电视迷,的数量,保持健康,许多,thanks to,expect to do,sth,.,couch potato,the amount of,keep fit,plenty of,Sum up,增重,不仅,而且,对,焦虑,对,的影响,put on weight,not justbut,be worried about,effect on,3.I began to _(,体重增加,),when I was around 13 years old.,_(,多亏天气,不错,),farmers can have such a harvest this year.,2.He wants to open a museum _,_(,将来,).,in the,Thanks to the good weather,put on weight,Exercises,future,4.,我这周的锻炼数量和上周的一样。,I get _ exercise this week _ I did last week.,5.,吸烟和吸毒对身体健康有严重影响。,Smoking and taking drugs _ peoples health.,the same amount of,as,have a bad effect on,6.,他每天吃许多蔬菜和水果以保持身体健康。,He eats _ fruits and vegetables every day in order to _.,plenty of,keep fit,7.I can find great _(improve)in your oral English.,8.A large _(,数量,)of work must be done.,9.Do you _(,需要,)more information from us?,improvement,amount,require,()10.The experience has an important effect _her.,A.on B.at C.in D.for,A,Make note about the rules you read in the passage.,Be careful!,Writing,a.,Dont run across the road./Dont be alone for an out walking in the countryside./Dont cycle too close to car.,2.Dont be a couch potato!,b.,When you go across the street or road,make sure there arent oncoming cars./When youre in the count


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