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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Chapter 4 Translation of Sentences,The Differences Between Chinese Sentences and English Sentences,Subject,Predicate,Coherence,Chinese sentences,Words of different parts of speech;can be omitted,Complex,Verbs,adjectives nouns,etc,not governed by the subject,Few conjunctive words between sentences,English sentences,Nouns;Personal,Pronouns;nominal phrases;,Can not be omitted,Only Verbs,Governed by the subject,Conjunctive words are necessary,句子翻译之主语确定,如:,校门口,今天停满了小汽车。,每隔两个铺面,就是一条仿宋标语。,在桌子上,有两本字典。,空旷的山野上,荡起了她甜甜的笑声。,必须对党员,特别是领导干部要严格要求。,起大风了。,汉语句子中主语可由不同类型的词语充当,主语隐含或无主语的情况时有发生。,We,must be courageous enough to venture on experiments as far as reforms are concerned.,Despite the serious damage in flooding,China,deserves a lot credit for the nationwide efforts to deal with flooding.,The first and basic experience,gained in our financial work over the last years was that it is correct to secure supplies through economic growth.,英语句子则主语突出,易于识别,且只能由名词或名词性词语或主格人称代词充当。,在英语里,除祈使句等外,句子必须要有主语,,否则就不成句子。,1.Borrowing the Subjects of Chinese Sentences Directly,S1.,我,是北京人。,I,came from Beijing.,S2.,我们的房子,是一百多年前建造的。,Our house,was built over a hundred years ago.,S3.,人,有失错,,马,有漏蹄。,As,a horse,may tumble,so,a man,may make mistakes.,S4.,假日里,,青年人成双成对,漫步在公园里。,The young people in pairs and couples,rambled about the park on holidays.,Borrowing the Subjects of Chinese Sentences Directly,S5.,基于丝绸之路带来的灵感,,我们的火炬接力,,将途径希腊,埃及,美索不达米亚,波斯,印度和中国,这些都以“共享和平,共享奥运”为主题。,With a concept inspired by the Silk Road,our torch relay,will travel through Greece,Egypt,Rome,Mesopotamia,Persia,India and China,carrying the message“Share the peace,Share the Olympics”.,S6.,我们每个人,都知道,大气污染不仅影响了环境,而且严重损害了人的健康,大大缩短了人的寿命。,Everyone of us,knows that air pollution does more than affect our environment;it cripples and shortens the lives of human beings.,Borrowing the Subjects of Chinese Sentences Directly,S7.,邮差先生,走到街上来,手里拿着一大把信。在这小城里他兼任邮务员、售票员,但仍旧有许多剩余时间,每天戴上老花镜,埋头在公案上裁剪花样。,Mr.Postman,would walk up the street with a bundle of letters in his hand.Working in a small town as postman and stamp seller,he still had lots of spare time.Every day he would sit bending over his desk scissor-cutting flower patterns,wearing a pair of glasses for farsighted old people.,。,Borrowing the Subjects of Chinese Sentences Directly,Mr.Right,对先生,/,白马王子,/,真命天子,Mr.America,美国先生,(,指美国男子健美冠军,),Mrs.America,美国太太,(,指美国已婚妇女的选美冠军,),Mr.Baseball,棒球先生,(,由于表现出色而被评选出的棒球运动员,),2.Finding New Subjects for the,Corresponding English Sentences,S1.,中国,在四千年前就发明了指南针。,The compass,was invested in China four thousand years ago.,S2.,深圳经济特区,正在采取措施抑制房地产投机热。,Officials in Shenzhens Special Economic Zone,are taking steps to cool a frenzy of property speculation.,Finding New Subjects for the Corresponding English Sentences,.,S3.,世纪之交,,中国,外交空前活跃。,a.,At the turn of the century,China,is very active in its diplomatic activities.,b.,The turn of the century,finds China most active on the diplomatic arena.,S4.,一九六四年十月,,中国,爆炸了第一颗原子弹,使世界大为震惊。,a.In October,1964,China,blasted its first atomic bomb,which shocked the rest of the world greatly.,b.,Chinas first atomic,blast in October,1964 was a great shock to the rest of the world.,Finding New Subjects,for the Corresponding English Sentences,S5.,胎,又瘪了。,a.,The tire,turns flat again.,b.,We,ve got another flat tire.,S6.,鲁迅的骨头,是最硬的,他没有丝毫的奴颜和媚骨,这是殖民地半殖民地人民最可宝贵的性格。,Lu,Xun,was a man of unyielding integrity,free from all,sycophancy or obsequiousness,;this quality is invaluable among colonial and semi-colonial peoples.,Finding New Subjects for the Corresponding English Sentences,1.,空旷的山野上,荡起了她甜甜的笑声。,In the wilderness,her sweet sounds of laughter,rose and fell like waves.,2.,她,从来没有想到他是个不道德的人。,It,never occurs to her that he was an immoral man.,3.,他,只要听到几句恭维的话就会得意忘形。,A little flattery,would get him carried away.,4.,他们的意见,有分歧。,They,are divided in their opinions.,5.,那无赖,什么都干得出来。,Anything,is possible with that rascal.,练习:,3.Adding Subjects to the Corresponding English Sentences,S1.,起大风了。,It,s blowing hard.,(,表示时间、天气等自然现象的无主句,借用英语习惯使用的,it,来翻译。,),S2.,沉默呵,沉默呵!不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡。,Silence,silence!Unless,we,burst out,we,shall perish in this silence.,(,用泛指的人称代词,we,,,you,,,he,,,she,,,one,anyone,等充当主语。,),Adding Subjects to the Corresponding English Sentences,类似地:,活到老,学到老。,One,is never too old to learn.,知己知彼,百战不殆。,If you,know yourself as well as the enemy,you,can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.,不承认这一定律,就不是物理学家。,Anyone,who does not recognize this law is not a physicist.,有时这种情况的增补需要看语境:,到了济南府,进得城来,家家泉水,户户垂杨,比那江南美景,觉得更为有趣。,(刘鹗在,老残游记,中对济南的描述。),When,he,reached Jinan and entered the city,there were flowing streams by every house and willow trees by every door,which delighted him even more than the scenery of the south.,S3.,除了枪声,再也没有其他声音。,There was,no sound but that of the gunfire.,S4.,现在很难说谁对谁错。,At the moment,it is,very difficult,to,tell who is right and who is wrong.,(,采用“,there+be,”,或“,it+be+to”,的句型。,),Adding Subjects to the Corresponding English Sentences,练习:,1.,为了维持生计


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