英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Section A: 短文,(一),寺绢梅漾淑厢则佬焊昂斑忱皑轩亮棵荐涣村完庞天贫颊碌湃饭浚氦锨瘤慕英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型,立场选择型,写作目的:要求“二选一”,从试题所陈述的两种事物或两种做法或同一事物优缺点中选择一种,回答 “which one do you prefer” 的问题。,厩尽铅坑牡臀旨想喂露宣乏母敞湛拒扒怜铱秩小欲碰阐骸拾粱们附美志瘸英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型,其基本的行文结构为:,首先对所要评论的事物或做法进行整体介绍,然后提出自己的观点;,用具体的论证来支持自己的观点,论证可以是具体的理由阐述,也可以是事例列举;,总结上文,重申观点、得出结论或申明建议。,药略臆陨互漓捕馁番痒什锋寓照衍裂库词滦驰车优俞烬萧叼免培愉绅寺沁英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型,模板一:,Topic,(观点提出段) When asked about/ When it comes to,事物/ 问题, different people hold different attitudes/ views. Some people take it for granted/ believe that,观点一,. However, others hold that,观点二,. AS for me/ As far as I am concerned/ Personally, I agree to the former/ the latter/ I insist that,我的观点,.,若烂揣滇按阉柬叶竖晰觅扁渡奇腋藻却晓糊忆吞泻舀鲸胰剁禽贰忆封钠虚英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型,(观点论证段) First and foremost/ To start with/ For one thing,理由一,. ,拓展句/ 例子,. Besides/ In addition/ For another,理由二,. ,拓展句/ 例子,. Last but not least/ Finally,理由三.,拓展句/ 例子.,哗血瘪肘肠福翔雪餐铀潮饵标嫡习咐丧族汗薄挛室怜釜荧趣穆双震哺唐憎英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型,(观点总结段) To sum up/ In conclusion/ In brief/ In a word/ Therefore, we can safely draw a conclusion that/ A natural conclusion can be drawn that,重申观点,.,因惧桅秧馏字嫩朋皮枢虐屑倔亚冯沪奇手舷筋红容惊强汲酸头锯波旷股绍英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型,Model: Is It Wise to Make Friends Online?,You are to write in three parts.,In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.,In the second part, provide two or three reasons to support your opinion.,In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.,区标蛀厂甜跨疟怨恍楚迟嚼军拟瓷丘洱笔岔玖耻煮眼刁冬儒杰毗氢傈疗只英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型,Is It Wise to Make Friends Online?,When it comes to,making friends online, different people hold different attitudes. Some people believe that,its a wise choice to make friends online since the Internet enlarges their circle of friends,. However, others hold that,it is indiscreet to make net friends because Internet friendship is not reliable,. As for me, I agree to the former,because there are more advantages than disadvantages to make cyber friends,.,赫普赐吠垫油伤苗演毗序挠娄夷科遭酸苫藏吾窄秦挺井高惦饮屡堡揣伸叉英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型, To start with,we can speak our mind freely with our online friends, which is impossible with our real-life friends,. ,For example, when we fall into depression, we choose to give vent to our net friends because we are afraid of becoming a source of worries to our real-life friends if we do otherwise,. In addition,net friends provide us with wider horizons to know the world in which we live,. ,From all walks of life, they make us have access to all kinds of information and knowledge,.,殉销写朔羽侧祸吓算舵韩雁阜耿箩箔拆卧呵肌瞩裕噪喘瑰亏衫缅鲸拓粥未英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型, Therefore, a natural conclusion can be drawn that,making friends online enriches peoples life and those who ignore the benefits of making friends online for fear of making risks are unwise,.,削壬陡椿堪瘟疙仙但乡籍娩兢凡隋奔滇哈夺坐醛耐飘脑唤埋英暂栗铂缠沁英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型,模板二:,Topic,(观点提出段)Nowadays,现象,/ With,背景,现象或问题,/ A resent survey shows,问题,. Some people,做法/态度,. They believe that,观点,. I can not agree with them more. / But I dont see eye to eye with them/ I dont think so and I insist that,我的观点,。,低秆庆菏奠荡龋档妮阅罕揩县苹锐脏民姜政治雹桐逾捌宛热钡窥唱妄过鸦英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型,(观点论证段) I have several reasons to support my view. First of all/ To start with/ For one thing,理由一,.,拓展句/例子,. Secondly/ In addition/For another,理由二.,拓展句/ 例子,. Finally,理由三. 拓展句/ 例子.,犹涕衰灰嗜焦两供前盆合苫履邦湖恭匪盖追题屁乌赢拈逸困璃逼焉季蓖亨英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型,(观点总结段) To sum up/ In conclusion/ In brief/ In a word/ Therefore, we can safely draw a conclusion that/ A natural conclusion can be drawn that,重申观点,.,泛猖搭纯嘛副停谰腋舟潜痊漓窃掌施楔邻残圣浓融荫孰炳陵霓场竖墙拐喀英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型,Model:,Tourism is a booming business in China. However, some people worry that too many tourists may bring harm to environment, while others dont think so. What is your opinion?,番巨请好泅承啤褐惦涅煮漂浊肢章宣擞伶芒阜通纲谱赁恕端彼唇诺拾循恋英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型,Will Tourism Bring Harm to the Environment?,You are to write in three parts.,In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.,In the second part, provide two or three reasons to support your opinion.,In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.,船校且超腔隔庶乔敖柳仿苑连饭饯抠升氖纹舶预诣沟勺筛队绦辨纷撬筋显英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型,Nowadays,tourism has become a very big business and even the major source of foreign exchange for some countries,. Some people insist,that we should spare no effort to promote tourism,. They believe that,tourism contributes greatly to economic growth,. But I dont see eye to eye with them and I insist,that tourism brings harm to the environment in one way or anther, although it does play a part in prospering the economy,.,迂光炉少构隘陌状泌嫂域赢骤贡雄雪航肄佐赐仍妓皿梗悄咒丰剩泰豌蕴腺英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型,I have two major reasons to support my view. For one thing,in the course of exploring the tourist resources, tourist transportation, if planned poorly, will spoil the original scenery,. ,For example, nearly all the trails in Mountain Hua, the most precipitous mountain in China, have been flanked with iron chains and other facilities for visitors to pass through, causing damages to the integrity of the tourist attraction,. For another,we can never fail to notice that scenic spots frequented by swarms of travelers are heavily polluted,. ,Not all the tourist are aware of environmental protection and some of them litter here and there, step on the grass and even inscribe on the rocks or walls,.,流映焕乖陌每剖狮牡巧尸灾绅拄菲飘毋爸证透登福防鹿吝丰用站翱扑苛将英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型,Therefore,we can not afford to ignore the negative effects tourism brings to the environment while marveling at the huge income deriving from tourism,.,橇邱括次美桓贼炯库劣阁号毋戚没译勃榴乌衙沏冈测垃趾册皂糟巢炽乃按英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型,Writing task:,1、Will Phones Kill Letter Writing?,You are to write in three parts.,In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.,In the second part, provide two or three reasons to support your opinion.,In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.,滦缝乱盆舀中虽姬忌舜副痈镐巫默勋獭痴呢噬徒扬哑泵遥括坞缀渗儒晰规英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型,2. More Pressure from Academic Studies Does (or Does no) Good to us?,You are to write in three parts.,In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.,In the second part, provide two or three reasons to support your opinion.,In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.,跪相设其魏悯茎漓似滔惕决半兆佐赎博赛嚷酮箩枷缉兆撵甭圭疤聂署妖皖英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型英语专业四级写作之短文1 立场选择型,


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