Business Negotiation

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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Business Negotiation,我赞同许多东亚学者的观点,东方文明可以,医治盛行于西方世界的一些顽疾,。西方世界个人自由主义泛滥导致了,极端个人主义、性关系混乱,以及,过度暴力行为,,对此我们不能视而不见。,/,相反,东方社会的,自我约束力,,,集体责任感,以及,温厚儒雅的传统,倒可以消除西方社会的许多恶疾。,/,在这个信息时代,世界已,缩小成一个地球村,。这个地球村里,不再有什么,泾渭分明,的东方世界和西方世界,我们是生活在同一个社区里的邻里。,/,因此,我们彼此之间无须冲突。我们之间的关系应该是一种友好合作,平等互补的关系。我们应该相互理解,相互学习,和睦共处。,/,I share the same view with many East Asian scholars that the Oriental civilization can,heal some of the prevailing,stubborn Western ills,.We should not turn a,blind eye,to the fact that individual freedom has gone overboard in the West,resulting in,extreme individualism,sexual promiscuity,and excessive use of violence./By contrast,self-discipline,corporate responsibility and the pacific tradition of East Asia can offset many Western vices./,At this age of information,the world,has shrunk as a global village,in which there will be,no clear-cut worlds,of the East and the West any more,but a world of one community with neighboring families./Therefore,we do not necessarily have to come into clash with each other.Our relationship is one of friendly cooperation,equality and mutual,complementarity,and therefore,we should understand and learn from each other,and live in harmony./,Teaching Objectives,understand the difficulties and skills of figures interpreting.,improve the students interpreting skills and performance.,master the basic words and expressions about business negotiation.,know some cultural background knowledge about business negotiation,.,Introduction of interpreting skills,Figures Interpreting,The Difficulties of Figures Interpreting,“,万”,vs.million and“,亿”,vs.billion,Comparison Expressions,Measurement Units,The Interpretation of Figures,1.1)60,818 2)914,930 3)141,723,454 4)1,278,865,000 5)12.5 million 6)12.8 billion,2.In 2000,the total number of tourists who came to China was 83.444 million,up 14.68%over 1999.Of that figure,Asian tourists numbered 6.225 million,a rise of 21.9%,accounting for 61.3%of the total;European tourists came to 2.367 million,a rise of 18.5%,with 23.3%of the market;American tourists numbered 1.217 million,a rise of 18.6%,taking up 12.0%of the market;Oceania tourists amounted to 282,000,a rise of 15.8%,and 2.8%of the total;African tourists amounted to 67,000,up 26%,and accounted for 0.6%of the total,Phrases Interpreting,English to Chinese,export subsidy,dumping,exchange dumping,special preferences,favorable balance of trade,price including commission,FOB-free on board,clearance of goods,shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C,price indication,出口津贴,商品倾销,外汇倾销,优惠关税,贸易顺差,含佣价,离岸价(船上交货价),报关,收到信用证后,30,天内装运,10.,指示性价格,Chinese to English,交易磋商,不受约束,一般交易条件,4.,累计佣金,5.,来料加工,6.,独家经营,/,专营权,7.,参考样品,8.,品质检验证书,9.,商品检验局,10.,直接标价,business negotiation,without engagement,general terms and conditions,accumulative commission,processing on giving materials,exclusive right,reference sample,inspection certificate of quality,commodity inspection bureau(*.C.I.B),direct quotation,Performing -Coordinating(Field Interpreting),in charge of,business card schedule,get down to business,sample,evaluation,bottom price,place an initial order,deliver the goods,负责,名片日程安排,谈正事,样品,评估,底价,下第一批订单,发货,Packaging -Interpreting and Assessment,目录,成本加运费保险费,询价,报价,数量,装运港船上交货价,价格单,所有价格以我们最后确认为准。,佣金,惯例,catalogue,CIF,Inquiry,quotation,quantity,FOB,price lists,All the prices in the lists are subject to our confirmation.,commission,the general practice.,Sentences Interpreting,English to Chinese,我们必须强调这些付款条件对我们很重要。,你能考虑接受我们的反对案吗?,也许我们应该先谈论完,B,项议题。,请了解这一点对我们至关重要。,我必须提出一些比较尴尬的问题。,B,.,Chinese to English,If I were you,I would not waste my time pursuing that.,If you insist,I will comply with your request.,Would you care to answer my question on the warranty?,Could you please explain the premises of your argument in more detail?,It will help me understand the point you are trying to make.,Performing-Decoding(Note-taking,),Listen to the recordings of,Text A,.Try to catch the main idea of the passage.Note down the key points while you are listening and then tell the main ideas of the speech with the help of your notes.,Performing -Memorizing(Story-retelling),Listen to the recordings of,Text A,again.Try to catch more details and improve your notes.Then retell the speech in your own words with the help of your notes.,listen to,the passage,again paragraph by paragraph,and,interpret into Chinese,Performing -Encoding(Message Reconstructing),Performing -Encoding(Message Reconstructing),Para1.,谈判中人的因素可以助你一臂之力,但也可能带来灾难。达成协议的过程可以使双方在心理上支持他们满意的结果。通过一段时间再相互信任、理解、尊重和友谊基础上建立的工作关系,可以使每次谈判进行得较为顺利,也较有成效。人们追求美好的自我感觉,注意别人如何看待自己,这常常使他们对谈判对手的利益更为敏感。,Performing -Encoding(Message Reconstructing),Para 2,人们普遍认为,鉴于东亚在经济和科技发展上的巨大进步,在未来的几十年里,经济上的挑战和机遇将主要集中在太平洋周边国家地区,尤其是东亚。北美、西欧和东亚在文化和价值观方面的差距很大。因此,西方商人在和他们的东亚伙伴进行商务谈判时,应注意在谈判的态度和角度上有所改变。,Performing -Encoding(Message Reconstructing),Para 3,与东亚人谈判成功的技巧主要有,6,点。,对外国伙伴的产品或服务的称赞;,耐心;,尊重文化差异;,建立和培养关系;,对市场的长期承诺;,理解当地的制度并在其规定下行事。,Assignment -Simulation Exercises,Role-play the following situa


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