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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Gout accounting,catalogue,Gout accounting account,Accounting cold jokes,Gout love letters,趣味会计账户,Such as:,I am,fixed assets,本人是,固定资产,Love is,intangible assets,爱情是,无形资产,Old friendships unforgettable is,deferred assets,旧情难忘是,递延资产,Marriage is,the consolidated financial statement,结婚是,合并报表,A lover is,share capital,爱人是,实收资本,Children are,accounts payable,孩子是,应付账款,Life is a,continuous operation,生活是,持续经营,Reading is,a,long-term investments,读书是,长期投资,Reflecting is,internal inventory,反思是,内部盘点,Age is,accumulated depreciation,年龄是,累计折旧,Excises:,分手是破产清算,Break-up is bankruptcy liquidation,找情人是营业外支出,Find the lover is the defray outside doing business,Predestination is non-operating income,缘分是营业外收入,Unrequited love is close not return bad debt,暗恋是收不回的呆账,sleeplessness,An accountant insomnia,so went to see his doctor and,say;Doctor,I still cant sleep at night.,The,docter,:Have you tried counting sheep?,Accountant:ah!Thats the problem.I count sheep out a wrong,it took three hours trying to find this mistake.,一个会计失眠,所以去找他的医生说,“,医生,我仍然不能在晚上睡觉。”,医生,:“,有没有试过数羊吗,?”,会计,:“,啊,!,那是个问题。我数羊出一个错了,花了三个小时试图发现这个错误。“,robbery,Some companies are nervous operation,suddenly have people roars:Nobody move!Rob!Get money!,Touch,some pat silent chest,breathed a sigh of relief:Frighten dead,I thought it was a tax official,一些公司正在紧张运作,突然有人声怒吼,:,都不许动,!,抢,!,得到钱,!,沉默的触碰,衣柜,一些拍松了一口气,:“,吓死了,我认为那是一个税务局”,An accountants love letters,Dear:,Remember me?In the third monthly bill of three days later,we meet forever.You then,wearing a cost is not high but intangible assets huge pink jacket,exceed balance under the new registration as early spring appears,dazzing,!,At that moment,I suddenly realize you is my search for day and night the goods,I believe that this is not a simple contingencies,our marriage in the books in mine has been recorded.So,in my heart started,I swear engraved seals must become your debit.,亲爱的:,还记得我吗?在第三个月报的结账后的第三天,我们相见了。你那时穿着一件成本不高但无形资产巨大的粉红色外衣,迈着收支平衡的新登记的初春下显得那样夺目!,那一刻,我忽然明白了你就是我日夜搜寻的货,我相信这绝对不是简单的或有事项,我们的姻缘在前生的账簿中就已经记载了。于是,我在心里开始刻着图章,我发誓一定要成为你的借方。,Kung fu not too long,after several months of painstaking management,finally let you see we are that accord with the matching principle,like Adam and eve acquisition and,romeo,and Juliets restructuring that success.,功夫不负有心人,经过几个月的苦心经营,终于让你明白,我们是那样的符合配比原则,就犹如亚当与夏娃并购,罗密欧与朱丽叶的重组。,As for your audit process found dissatisfied-book value low phenomenon,you can put that worry accelerated depreciation off,because it was only temporary,time will prove that,now I just in the project under construction stage,to future,you will find me is your most successful long-term investments.I will provide for you in marriage,nobegining and ensure that the cash flow.,至于你审计过程中发现的不满意,账面价值过低的现象,你大可把那担心加速折旧掉,因为那只是暂时的,时间会证明,我现今只是处于在建工程阶段,到将来,你会发现我才是你最成功的长期投资。,我会在婚后,为你提供源源不绝的现金流量,并且保,证。,You pay extra progressive tax to update your body of fixed assets in your purse,extend the current assets,let you become the merit-based ladies.,If put these countless MingXiZhang merged into a general ledger words can only use three words to summarize,that is-I love you!If I give it to add a time-limit,I hope:the perpetual inventory!,Your accounting,Year-end check-out three days ago,向你交纳超额累进税额,来更新你身上的固定资产,扩充你钱包内的流动资产,让你成为太太们中的绩优股。,如果把这些数不清的明细账汇成总账的话只能用三个字来概括,那就是我爱你!如果要我给它加一个期限的话,我希望:永续盘存!,你的会计,年终结账前三日,


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