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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,英语应用文快速阅读技巧,The Fourth Senior High School in,Fenyang,Zhang,Yushu,应用文,应用文是人们在工作、学习和日常生活中,用以,处理各种事务、传递交流信息、解决实际问题,所使用的具有,直接实用价值,、,语言简约,的文体统称。,应用文涉及的范围比较广,包括,广告、通知、书信,等。应用文一般,语言简洁,,,省略及不规范的句子,较多。,Brainstorm,Speak out the form of applied articles according to the following ones,Poster,海报,Dear Tom and Mary,I happened to have read your advertisement and have decided to apply for the job,Im a student in Senior3.I shall be free during the summer vacation.So I have decided to find something interesting to do and I think the job is the very thing Id like to do.,Though I wont get pay for the job,it will give me some valuable job experience as well as the opportunity to practice my spoken English by acting as a translator for you.Besides,Im so strong and healthy,and I really enjoy making friends and communicating with foreigners.Id appreciate it if Im offered the job.Im sure I can be of great help to you.,Looking forward to your early reply!,Yours,sincerely,Li,Hua,Letter,Invitation,邀请函,Notice,In order to,carry out the keep-fit program throughout the country,our school has decided to,hold a 10,000-metre race on the afternoon of November 4,.Whether it rains or not,the race will start at 2:00 p.m.Ten students of each class are asked to take part in the race.Those who want to take part in the race should,gather on the school playground at 1:30,.Dont be late.All the runners will run along the,Renmin,Street to the traffic lights and then turn right.Go on running until reaching the post office and turn right again.Take the second turning on the right.Go along the river and finally return to the school.All the teachers in our school are welcome to join us.,The Students Union,October 28,2014,Announcement,通知,2010-2015,全国卷真题回顾,2010,年新课标全国卷,A,旅游宣传广告,2011,年新课标全国卷,D,人才招聘广告,2012,年新课标全国卷,A,博物馆宣传手册,2013,年新课标全国卷,D,美术馆参观指南,2014,年新课标全国卷,A,剑桥科技节的通知,2015,年新课标全国卷,A,博物馆日程安排,共同点,:,应用文,Shakespeares Birthplace and Exhibition of Shakespeares World,Welcome to the worldfamous house,where William Shakespeare was born in l564 and.,The House has welcomed visitors,traveling from,all over the world,for over 250 years.,Enter through the Visitors Centre and see the highly,praised exhibition Shakespeares World,,,Stand in the rooms where Shakespeare grew up,Discover examples of furniture and needlework from,Shakespeares period,Enjoy the traditional(,传统的,)English garden,,,planted,with trees and flower mentioned in the poets works,The Birthplace is within easy walking distance of all the car,parks shown on the map,;,nearest is Windsor Street(3,minuteswalk,),The House may present difficulties but the Visitors Centre,and the garden are accessible(,可进入的,)to wheelchair users,The Shakespeare Coffee,House(opposite,the Birthplace),2010,年全国卷,A,旅游宣传手册,Wanted,Someone for a Kiss,Were,looking for producers,Youll work on the stations music,programmes,.,Father Christmas,Were looking for,Working days,:,Every Saturday from November 24 to December 15 contact(,联系,)the Enterprise Shopping Centre,,,Station Parade,,,Eastbourne,.,Accountants Assistant,When you join the,This position is equally suitable for,a school leaver or for somebody,Software Trainer,If you are aged 24-45 and have experience in teaching and training,you could be the person we are looking for,.You should,2011,年新课标全国卷阅读,D,人才招聘广告,思考:,1,、应用文的文体特色,2,、高考应用文考什么?,Discussion,(group work),1,、,Is the article showed,only,in the form of,words,?,2,、,Do you think the,sentence is complete,?If so,take an example.If not,describe it in your words.,3,、,Could you,understand,the article?Why or Why not?,4,、,Whats the,form,of applied article(,应用文,)?,Narrative,叙述的,?,illustrative,说明的,?or both?,5,、,What is questioned in the examination?,应用文的文体特色,1,、其文章呈现形式多样,除了,文字,外还有,图表、网址,等。,2,、应用文类型的文章,,语言简练,,许多文章甚至通篇都没有一句完整的句子,而是用,词、数字、缩写、短语,等来替代。,3,、,就其,用词,来看,文章中充斥着,大量冗长而生僻,的,专有名词,。例如,人名、地名、书籍名、作品名,等,而且均,没有汉语注释,。,4.,应用文的,行文,方式:每种文体都有其,固定的格式,。,叙述性,应用文,:,采用一般,记叙文,的写作方法,无特别之处。,说明性,应用文,:,行文是,排列,式,即以小标题为单位逐行排列,或者辅以图表,图片等。,2011,年新课标全国卷,D,67.,Who,should you get in touch with if you hope to,work in a,radio station,?,A.Producer Vacancies,Kiss 100.B.,Mrs,R.,Oglivie,Palmlace,Limited.,C.The Enterprise Shopping Centre D.,Wealden,District Council.,68.We learn from the ads that,the Enterprise Shopping Centre,needs,a person,who _.,A.is aged between 24 and 40 B.may do some training work,C.should deal with general duties D.can work for about a month,69.which,position,is open to,recent school graduates,?,A.,Producer,London,Kiss.,B.Father,Christmas.,C.Accountants Assistant,D.Software,Trainer,70.What kind of,person,would probably,apply to,Palmace,Limited,?,A.One with GCSE grade C level.,B.One with some office experience.,C.One having good computer knowledge,D.One trained in producing music,programmes,.,5.,设问内容一般以,细节题,为主,例如:(,2011,年全国卷,D,),也兼有询问,短文出处,和,写作意图,的题目。,例如(,2012,年全国卷,A,),59.,Where,does,this text,probably,come from,?,A.A science textbook.B.A tourist map,C.A museum guide D.A news report,What is the,purpose,of this,passage,?,Thinkin


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