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We had better go now.,2. Wed better not cry.,19,1.-_ you speak Japanese ?(,北京,2008,),-No, I cant,A. Can B. Must C. May D. Should,2.You _ stop when the traffic light is red.(,山西),A. can B. may C. must D. need,3.LiLei cant go hiking with us today .Because he_,_take care of his sick mother .(,温州),A .has to B .may C. mustnt D .need t,A,C,A,Lets do,20,考点二:表猜测语气的情态动词,表猜测性的情态动词有:,may,,,cant,,,must,。,may,表没把握的猜测。,He may/might be a foreigner.,cant,表有把握的否定猜测。,That man cant be our head teacher, because he has gone to Shanghai.,must,表有把握的肯定猜测,He must be hungry, he has worked in the fields all the afternoon.,21,1.The light in the office is off. The teacher _be there now.,(南通),A. may B. cant C. mustnt D. must,2.His parents bought him a large house . It _be very expensive,(宁夏),A. must B. can C. mustnt D. cant,B,A,Lets do,22,考点三:情态动词开头的疑问句的答语,句型,肯定回答,否定回答,Can I,Yes, you can .,No, you cant .,May I ,Yes ,you may.,No, you mustnt.,No, you cant.,Must I,Yes, you must.,No, you neednt.,No, you dont have to,Need I,Yes, you must.,No, you neednt,23,1.Must I take the keyboard to the office now ?,-No, you _.You can do it later.,A.mustnt,B . cant C . dont D. neednt,2.May I take this book out of the reading room?,-No, you _. You must read it here.,A. may not B .dont have to C. mustnt D. neednt,D,C,Lets do,24,考点四:易混词的辨析,(,一),must,与,have to,We _study hard .,We _stay at home because it is raining.,提示:,must,表主观看法,意为“必须”。,have to,表客观需要,意为“不得不”,(二),maybe,与,may be,_he is right . It_ rainy tomorrow,.,提示:,may,为情态动词后接动词原形。,Maybe,为副词意思为“大概,也许”,must,have to,Maybe,may be,25,考点四:易混词的辨析,(三),can,与,be able to,I_ speak English now.,My sister _ speak English two years ago.,My brother _ speak English in the future.,提示;,can,只有现在和过去时(,could,),be able to,可用于任何时态中。表示将来具备的能力 , 要用,will be able to,(,四),cant,与,mustnt,cant,表“不可能”。,mustnt,表“禁止,不许”。,can/am able to,could/was able to,will be able to,26,1-How is your friends coming?,-I,m not sure. He _drive here.,A may B. can C. must D. will,2(,2008.,江西,),If the traffic is red ,you _cross the road .It,s very dangerous .,A don,t B. mustn,t,C. needn,t D. wouldn,t,A,B,Lets do,27,3.(,2009.,江西,)-Susan has bought a large house with a swimming pool.,-It _be very expensive, I never even dream about it .,A must B. might C .can,t D. shouldn,t,4.(,2009.,襄樊,),-Must I get up before six o,clock tomorrow morning, Dad?,-No, you _.Tomorrow is Saturday .You may get up later.,A mustn,t B. can,t,C. need,t D. may not,A,C,28,5.(,2010,江西,),-How was the youth club last night ,Mark ?,-It was great fun .You _come.,A must B. can C. should D. may,6.,(,2006.,威海,),He needs _her the truth,the flowers need_.,A. to tell, watered. B tell, to water C. tell, watered D to tell ,watering,C,D,29,7.,(,2008.,上海,),-Would you like to come to my birthday party?,-Id love to .But I _look after my sister.,A. must B. can C. have to D. need to,8.(,2009.,成都,),-what would you send to your sister as the Christmas gift?,-I havent decided yet .I_ send her a hand bag.,A. shall B. may C. need D. must,C,B,30,9.(,2009.,天津,),-shall I tell Bob the news?,-No, you _,Ive told him already.,A. shouldnt B. wouldnt C. mustnt D. neednt,10.(,2007.,武汉,),wed better _at home .The sun is shining.,A. stay B not stay C. staying D. not staying,D,B,31,虚拟语气,neednt have done,本来不需要做某事却做了(对过去的虚拟),You neednt buy the coat.,你没有必要买那件大衣。(你还没买),You neednt have bought the coat.,你没有必要买那件大衣(而你却买了)。,should/ought to have done,本应该做某事却未做,Should not/ought not to have done,本不应该做某事却做了,She should /ought to have finished the task.,must have done,一定做过某事,32,might/may have done,本可以做某事却没有做,They might have taken more food with them.,could have done,本能做某事却没做,She could have passed the examination.,33,情态动词,+be doing,应,/,可能正在做某事,She may be writing a letter.,34,考点总结,1,单词的意思,2,情态动词的答语,3,表猜测的情态动词,may, cant ,must .,4,易混淆的情态动词,can,与,be able to,;,have to,与,must,;,maybe,与,may be,;,cant mustnt,注意,:,need,的用法;,had better,的用法,。,35,1.-Mum ,may I watch TV now ?,-Sure ,but you _help me with my English.,A. can B. may C. must D. could,2.Alice ,please be quiet! The others _hear clearly.,A. cant B. neednt C. shouldnt D. mustnt,Homework,C,A,36,3.-Whos that under the tree ?Is it Jenny ?,-It _be Jenny .Shes ill in the hospital today.,A. cant B. must C. may D mustnt,4.-Must I finish writing the article now ,sir?,-No ,you _.But you must finish it before next class.,A mustnt B. may not,C cant D. neednt,A,D,37,5.(,2009,绍兴,),-could you please come to the Museum with me this afternoon?,-Sorry, I_.I have to take a piano lesson .,A. couldnt B. mustnt C. cant D. neednt,6.(,2008.,河南,),-_ I go swimming with Dad, Mom?,-No, you neednt .You can stay at home.,A. May B. Should C. Must D. Would,C,C,38,Thank you,for listening,!,39,


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