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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,一周两次,一天五美元,twice a week/$5 a day,一两天,a day or two=one or two days,总而言之,in a word,短时间内,一度,for a time,e.g,For a time the police thought she might be guilty.,abandon,bndn,vt.,放弃,抛弃,离弃,abandoned a.被抛弃的,被遗弃的,abandonment n.放弃,放任,固定搭配 abandon oneself to sth 沉溺于做某事,with abandon 放任地,放纵地;纵情地,接动名词,,不接不定式,abandon doing sth 放任做某事,联想词组:give up doing sth/quit doing sth 放弃做某事,desert dezt n.沙漠;应得的赏罚,功过,a.沙漠的,不毛的,荒凉的,vt.放弃,遗弃,逃跑,vi.逃掉,逃亡,开小差,辨析:abandon&desert,abandon,指不顾责任、义务而离弃、抛弃,e.g,the baby had been abandoned by its mother,外界的压力、环境等因素不得已而放弃自己的职业、计划、兴趣、理想等,Snow forced many drivers to abandon their cars.,desert,指脱离关系,且离开后就不想再返回,有“决绝”的意思,或离弃某些地方,使之荒无人烟,e.g,The villages had been deserted.,ability,biliti,n.能力,智能;才能,才干,同义词:capacity capability competence,反义词:inability incapacity,a man of ability 有才干的人,of high/low/average 高/低/一般能力,do sth to the best of ones ability 竭尽全力做某事,have the ability to do sth 有能力做某事,e.g,She has demonstrated a remarkable ability to get things done.,demonstrate,demnstreit,vt.显示,表露,capacity,kpsiti,n.容量,容积;能力;能量,capability,keipbiliti,n.,能力,才能;性能,容量,变化对比,ableunable 不能,abledisable 残疾的,abilityinability 无能,aboard,b:d,ad./prep.,在船/车/飞行器上,abroad,br:d,ad.,国外,海外;传开,固定用法:,go aboard,乘(船、飞机),at home and abroad,国内外,go abroad 去国外,你打算去国外度假吗?,Are you going abroad for your holiday?,about,baut,prep.关于,对于;在周围,,在附近,固定搭配:,be about to do sth 即将做某事,go about doing sth 着手做某事,see about doing sth 负责处理某事,what/how about doing 怎么样/如何?,联想词组:,with/in regard to,as regards to,to,in relation to,with reference to 关于,absent,bsnt,a.缺席的,缺乏的(做表语),be absent from.缺席,absence n.缺席,缺乏,in the absence of 在(人)不在时;在(物)缺乏时,例题:,So many directors_,the board meeting had to be put off.,A.were absent B.being absent,C.been absent D.had been absent,(B),ache,eik,n./vi 疼痛,酸痛,ache for sb/sth 渴望,背部疼痛,腰痛,backache,耳朵痛,earache,头痛,headache,胃痛,stomachache,牙齿痛,toothache,十二个月的表达,January February March,April May June,July August September,October November December,节日的表达方法,元旦节,New Years Day,春节,the Spring Festival,植树节,Arbor Day/tree-planting day,端午节,the Dragon Boat Festival,(the 5th day of the 5th lunar month),中秋节,the Mid-Autumn Festival,教师节,Teachers Day,国庆节,the National Day,除夕夜,New Years Eve,学科表达,政治,politics,地理,geography,历史,history,物理,physics,生物,biology,化学,chemistry,国家的表达,中国,China,(The Peoples Republic of China;RBC),美国,America,(the United States of America;USA),英国,Britain,(the United Kingdom;UK),澳大利亚,Australia,埃及,Egypt,法国,France,德国,Germany,希腊,Greece,印度,India,意大利,Itlay,日本,Janpan,荷兰,Holland(The Netherlands),新西兰,New Zealand,俄罗斯,Russia,An expensive car speeding down the main street of a small town was soon caught up with by a young motorcycle policeman.As he started to make out the ticket,the woman behind the wheel said proudly,“Before you go any further,young man,I think you should know that the mayor of this city is a good friend of mine.”The officer did not say a word,but kept writing.“I am also a friend of chief of police Barens,”continued the woman,getting more angry each moment,Still he kept on writing.“Young man,”she persisted,“I know Judge Lawson and State Senator(参议员)Patton.”Handing the ticket to the woman,the officer asked pleasantly,“Tell me,do you know Bill Bronson.”,“Why,no,”she answered.,“Well,that is the man you should have known,”he said,heading back to his motorcycle,“I an Bill Bronson.”,1.The policeman stopped the car because_,A.it was an expensive car,B.the driver was a proud lady,C.the driver was driving beyond the speed limit,D.the driver was going to make trouble for the police,(c),2.The woman was getting more angry each moment because _.,A.the policeman didnt know her friends,B.the policeman didnt accept her kindness,C.the policeman was going to punish her,D.she didnt know the policemans name,(c),3.The policeman was _.,A.an honourable fellow B.a stupid fellow,C.an impolite man D.a shy man,(A),4.The woman was _.,A.kind-hearted,B.a person who depended on someone else to finish her work,C.trying to frighten the policeman on the strength of her friends powerful positions,D.introducing her good friends names to the young officer,(C),5.The policeman _.,A.had no sense of humor(幽默),B.,had,a,sense of humor,C.had no sense of duty,D.was senseless,(B),11.,A)The man should visit the museums.,B)She cant stand the hot weather.,C)The beach resort is a good choice.,D)She enjoys staying in Washington.,12.,A)Her new responsibilities in the company.,B)What her job prospects are.,C)What the customers feedback is.,D)The directors opinion of her work.,13.,A)Combine her training with dieting.,B)Repeat the training every three days.,C)Avoid excessive physical training.,D)Include weightlifting in the program.,14.,A)When she will return home.,B)Whether she can go by herself.,C)Whether she can travel by air.,D)Whether she will completely recover.,15.,A)The woman knows how to deal with the police.,B)The woman had been fined many times before.,C)The woman had violated traffic regulations.,D)Th


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