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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Showing our feelings,Unit 4 Using Language,Showing our feelingsUnit 4 Usi,Fu Yuanhui became popular,not only,but also,Fu Yuanhui became popular,not only,for her,outstanding,achievements in swimming,but also,for her,amusing,body language, especially her facial expressions.,why?,Fu Yuanhui became popular not,Fu Yuanhui A master of body language,excited,happy,surprised,tired, bored,Body language is one of the most powerful means of communication, often even _,_,“read”,more powerful than,spoken language.,Fu Yuanhui A master of body l,Part 1,(Para,?,),Part 2,(Para,?,),Part 3,(Para,?,),Body language is sometimes,more important than,spoken language.,Examples of some,universal,body language and their functions.,There are,differences,in body language, and its,important,for us to know them.,introduce the topic,draw a conclusion,examples / detailed points,Skim the text and divide it into three parts,Writing skill 1:,A clear structure is necessary for a well-organized passage.,Framework(,结构),1,2-6,7,Part 1 Body language is somet,1. Laughter is the sun.,2. Laughter drives winter from the human face.,Laughter is the sun,that drives winter from the human face.,Body language is very important in lots of,cases,.,Clear communications with others are necessary,in these cases.,Body language is very important in lots of,cases,where,clear communications with others are necessary,.,Part 1,People around the world show all kinds of feelings, wishes and attitudes that they might never speak aloud.,that,they might never speak aloud.,attributive clause,(,定语从句),Writing,skill 2:,Combine two sentences into a brief and clear one,using attributive clause.,1. Laughter is the sun. 2. La,Part 1,Of course, body language can be misread,but,many gestures and actions are universal.,function,?,It serves as the,bridge,to link Para. 1 and the following Para.,Writing skill 3:,Sometimes a transitional sentence(,过渡句,) is needed for a compact(,紧凑的,) passage.,Part 1Of course, body language,para.2,showing,happiness,para.3,showing,unhappiness,or,anger,para.4,showing,agreement,and,disagreement,para.5,showing,boredom,and,interest,para.6,showing,respect,Part 2,examples of body langugae,To,support,the idea that many gestures and actions are universal.,smile,frowning; turning , making a fist and,nodding the head; shaking the head,looking away; yawning; turn; roll eyes,standing at a little distance,para.2showing happinesspara.3,smile the most universal facial expression,show ,putat ease,Smiles around the world can be,false,hiding other feelings like anger, fear or worry.,v-ing as adverbial (v-ing,做状语,),Body language can sometimes help express our ideas more vividly, and made us well understood by others.,making,us well understood by others,.,Combine two sentences into a brief, clear one,Writing skill 4,using v-ing as adverbial.,smile the most universal fac,Part 3,With so many universal body languages, can we totally avoid misunderstandings in communication?,How do you know?,We can often,be wrong about,each other, so,it is an amazing thing that,we understand each other as well as we do!,Understanding each other in spite of so many cultural differences is an _ thing.,amazing,Part 3With so many universal b,Discussion,Body language is so important that we cant live without it. Please discuss the importance of body language in communication.,DiscussionBody language is so,The importance of body language has always been valued by everyone,.,Undoubtedly,_,_.,(main idea),To begin with,body language can _,_,_.,Meanwhile,it is an amazing thing that,_,_.,Last but not least,_,_,_.,(supporting examples),In short, with body language so powerful,_,_.,(conclusion),Writing task,Tips: use,attributive clause,and,v-ing as adverbial,in your writing.,The importance of body langua,The importance of body language has always been valued by everyone.,Undoubtedly, body language is vital in lots of cases,where,clear communications with others are necessary.,To begin with,body language can sometimes help express our feelings more vividly, thus,making,us well understood by others.,Meanwhile,it is an amazing thing that,some considerate body language,put,our friends,at ease,when they feel depressed,which,seems to be more powerful than words.,Last but not least,while travelling abroad,it is necessary to know the gestures and movements in the foreign countries.,Following,the customs will help us communicate properly so that we,are,more,likely to,enjoy our stay there.,In short,with,body language so powerful, it is worthwhile,learning,and,applying,it in our daily life.,The importance of body language,The importance of body lan,Assignment,Polish your writing and share it with your classmates.,Assignment Polish your wri,Structure,A,.,B,.,C,.,D.,B,StructureA. B. C. D.,Part 1,People around the world show all kinds of feelings, wishes and attitudes that they might never speak aloud.,that,they might never speak aloud.,attributive,clause,Body language is very important in lots of,cases,.,Clear communications with others are necessary,in these cases,.,Body language is very important in lots of cases,where,clear communications with others are necessary.,Combine two sentences into a brief and clear one,Writing skill 2:,attributive clause,(定语从句),Part 1People around the world,Discussion,Body language is so important that we cant live without it. Please discuss the importance of body language in communication,express ,comfort friends,travel abroad,Discussion Body language is so,The value of body language to our life is now drawing more of our concern than ever before.,Undoubtedly,_,_.,(main idea),To begin with,body language can _,_,_.,Meanwhile,it is an amazing thing that,_,_.,Last but not least,_,_,_.,(supporting examples),In short, with body language so powerful,_,_.,(conclusion),Writing task,Tips: use,attributive clause,and,v-ing as adverbial,in your writing.,The value of body language,Two writing skills for,how to organize the passage,A clear structure is necessary for a well-organized passage.,Sometimes a transitional sentence(,过渡句,) is needed for a compact(,紧凑的),passage,.,Two writing skills for how to combine two sentences into a brief and clear sentence,V-ing as adverbial (,状语,),the attributive clause,(定语从句,),writing skills,Two writing skills for how to,1.,取样要有专人负责,开始时隔小时取样一次,以后根据取样判定结果再决定取样间隔时间。,2.,经化验冲洗精度合格后,油冲洗工作即可停止,待油温降至室温后进行排液和管道系统恢复,充填工作油,进行试运转。,3.,登高作业绑扎用的直爬梯,必须经专人检查绑扎牢固后方可使用,对于一些为了安装方便而搭设的临时操作平台,除必须绑扎牢固,并且其自身保证一定的安全强度。,4,这首诗以现实主义的手法叙述故事,最后一段中,松柏梧桐覆盖相交,鸳鸯双双和鸣,是运用了浪漫主义的手法,既象征了刘、焦爱情的不朽,又象征了他们的悲愤和控诉。所以,这首诗是浪漫主义的诗歌。,5,这首诗最大的艺术特色是通过大量的人物个性化的语言刻画了人物的性格,一些段落浓墨重彩,如刘、焦话别,兰芝辞母等,使人物形象更鲜明。,6,春夏秋冬,流转无穷;人的一生,就像早晨的露水,太阳一晒就消失了。人生好像旅客寄宿,但人生功绩却能刻入金石永远流传。,7,“,万岁更相迭,圣贤莫能度,”,是说岁月更替,人生有阻,即便是圣人贤人,也无法超越,这为下文写对待生活的态度做了铺垫。,8,诗中,“,老骥伏枥,”,四句是千古传诵的名句,笔力遒劲,韵律沉雄,内蕴着一股自强不息的豪迈气概,深刻地表达了曹操老当益壮、锐意进取的精神面貌。,感谢观看,欢迎指导!,1.取样要有专人负责,开始时隔小时取样一次,以后根据取样判,


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