Chinese Multiscan FLWRadar - Operational Overview-飞行 Collins雷达材料

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,WXR-700/2100Operational Overview,培训材料下载地址,767 and,Classic 737,WXR-700,(FLW or non-FLW),737ng,Multiscan,WXR-2100,通过控制板鉴别飞机安装的雷达系统,Boeing,通过控制板鉴别飞机安装的雷达系统,Boeing,通过控制板鉴别飞机安装的雷达系统,Airbus,AGENDA,MultiScan,TM,Overview,Aviation Weather,How Radar Works,Automatic Operation,Manual Operation,MultiScan,TM,Overview,MultiScan,TM,(Optimum Tilt Angle),As the radar beam moves higher in the thunderstorm reflectivity decreases,结论,:,观察雷雨一定要观察雷雨的下部,(,根部,),扫描雷雨的中上部位会造成回波弱的现象,;,但为了避免扫到过多的地面杂波影响对雷雨的观察,需要上调到一个折衷的俯仰角矛盾,:,既要观察雷雨的下部,又要避免产生过多的地面杂波,多,波束雷达提供了解决方案,雷达能探测到的雷雨顶部,实际,雷雨,威胁,高度,MultiScan,TM,(Process),1. Radar Scans Full Environment ( Long and Short Ranges) Continually Updates Scan Memories. Short and long range information taken from different beams,2. Scan Memories Store Radar Scan Data - Compensate For Aircraft Motion,3. Digital Processing Merges Scan Data Per Pilot Command - Elimi- nates Ground,Clutter,4. Independently Controlled Clutter-Free Displays,自动扫描的两个波束,(存储器)数字化,先进的地面杂波抑制,显示影响飞行航路的气象,两个波束的,俯仰角由系统根据飞机的高度和地形自动设置,从而最佳的扫描雷雨的中下部,(,强反射率部位,),起飞时,两个波束向上看,(,上波束,5.7,度,下波束之高,4.3,度,),随着飞机高度的增加,两个波束逐渐下俯,显示器上显示的为两个波束俯仰角的平均值,.,MultiScan,TM(Translation and Rotation),Translation:,Accounts for aircrafts forward motion,Rotation:,Accounts for aircraft turns,Allows all displays to be simultaneously updated every four seconds,特点,:,雷雨位置的更新不仅依靠,波束的扫描,系统更,会自动补偿由于飞机的相对运动,(,前进和转弯,),而造成的雷雨的相对位置变化,MultiScan Technologies,Geographic Database,Beam to Beam Ground Clutter Suppression,Memory Buffer with Digitized Weather and Ground Returns,Multiple Automatic Scans at Different Tilt angles To Capture Volumetric Weather Data,Fully Automatic Operation. Ground Clutter Free Weather from 0-320 NM,The MultiScan Process,Supporting Technologies,No wedge during a 45,o,turn,SmartScan,TM,Real Time Weather in Turns,Bending Moment,True Zero,TM,Automatic Antenna Misalignment Compensation,MANUAL,CAL Gain,Auto,CAL Gain,Automatic Temperature Based Gain,Displays Thunderstorm Threat at Cruise Altitudes,10 NM,OverFlight,TM,Protection,Low Reflectivity Oceanic Cell,Prevents Inadvertent Thunderstorm Top Penetrations,MultiScan Operational Capabilities,Accurate Weather,that affects the aircraft flight path,from the nose of the aircraft to 320 NM,40 NM,40 NM,100 NM,100 NM,Ground Clutter Free,300 NM,300 NM,1,st,Generation Hazard Analysis based on region and time of year,Attenuation Alert,Certified Turbulence to 40 NM,Attenuation Alert,40 NM Turbulence,OverFlight,TM,Protection,OverFlight Protection,200 NM,200 NM,Predictive Windshear,Ground Clutter Free Display,所有的气象情况都在存储器里面,只显示影响飞行航路的雷雨,Automatic Gain,(,零温度线以上的自动温度增益补偿,),Bright Band,Temperature Based Gain,(,基于温度的增益补偿相当与增加了雷雨的反射顶,使雷达能够看到雷雨更高的部分,),MultiScan increases gain automatically above freezing level with A/C altitude increase and,outside temperature decrease,零温度线以上的自动温度增益补偿相当于,增加了雷雨的可视高度,Automatic Hazard Assessment,(,全球气象模型数据库的补偿,),Bright Band,Gain automatically,compensate for weather variations caused by varying geographic and,climatic conditions.,(,雷雨的含水反射率随地域及季节会产生很大的变化,含水反射率不能体现雷雨的危险因素,如对流活动及闪电,),The result is,the First and Only Radar that provides world wide hazard detection,.,Traditional Radar,MultiScan,Captains Window,First Officers Window,Low Reflectivity Oceanic Weather,MultiScan,TM,(GCS Switch),Automatic Operation. Ground Clutter Suppression,turn off. This is the picture the radar is actually seeing.,Automatic Operation. Ground Clutter Suppression turn on. Optimal weather return on all range scales.,地面杂波的显示是很好的确认雷达工作性能的方法,MultiScan,TM,(Ground Clutter Suppression,),The original GCS introduced in 1980 in the WXR-700 used a decorrelation process that looks at the spectrum of the returns. If the returns had a narrow spectrum, they were assumed to be ground and removed, if the spectrum was wide it was assumed weather and displayed. Since there is naturally some overlap between the two spectra, some low spectral width parts of the weather may be removed (speckled) while some wide spectrum width ground returns (windy or vehicle traffic) may be displayed. This feature is intended as a pilot assessment tool but is sensitive to operating technique and should not be left on continuously.,MultiScan on the other hand uses a very sophisticated (and patented) clutter suppression technique that compares the returns from two or more beam tilt angles to determine if the returns are ground or weather. Weather returns due to their vertical extent have a much different characteristic between beam tilt angles than does clutter which enables clutter to be identified and suppressed. The MultiScan Automatic operation is designed to run the tilt angles down into the ground for best weather detection with GCS continuously enabled. This technique does not utilize spectral characteristics so is not subject to the same limitations as the original GCS.,Aviation Weather,雷雨特性,Airborne,Radar is Designed to detect,rain,Reflectivity,Wet Hail,Dry Snow,Rain,Dry Hail,提示:雷达依靠探测雷雨中含水(降雨)量的多少来工作的,回波与雨量成正比;雷达无法探测雪,雾,含水率低的云,干性湍流,闪电,区分冰雹与降雨的差别,What RADAR Cant Do,Radar cant see fog, cloud with less moisture, snow, ice crystals,Radar cant see lightning, clear turbulence,Radar cant tell the difference between wet hails and heavy rainfall,Thunderstorm Reflectivity,Liquid water only,7000 m / 25,000 ft,Ice Only (Glaciated,),Freezing Level,Mixed ice and water,Radar top,Warning! Significant vertical thunderstorm development with severe turbulence and dry hail may exist above the radar top.,由于雷雨不同部分反射率的差异,会造成在高空飞行回波弱的感觉,低空回波强的感觉,尤其在雷雨距离飞机较近的情况下,(40,海里以内,),波束较细,未能进行较佳的俯仰调节,Thunderstorm Reflectivity,3,o,i,1,o,i,0,o,2,o,h,3,o,h,MultiScan,TM,Automatic,Operation,2,o,i,Best Wx,Detection,1,o,h,Best Clutter,Rejection,Single Cell Thunderstorm Development,1. Warm, humid air rises from the ground in thermal updrafts.,2. As the air cools to the dew point, the water vapor condenses into clouds.,Towering Cumulus,Stage,Mature Stage,5. The ice crystals melt as they descend.,4. When ice crystals are water droplets grow big enough to overcome the updraft they begin to fall and drag down the surrounding air.,6. The falling precipitation and air being dragged down form down drafts. Existence of both updrafts and down drafts create sever turbulence.,3. Updrafts continue feeding warm, humid air into the storm. Existence of both updrafts and down drafts create sever turbulence.,7. Downdrafts grow, choking off updrafts.,8. With the supply of humid air cut, the storm begins dying and the rain decreases.,Dissipating Stage,Note: The total life cycle shown here takes approx-imately one hour.,Multi-Cell Thunderstorms,Most thunderstorms are Multi-cell in nature and contain cells in various stages of development.,Note: The total life cycle for multi-cell storms is three to four hours.,Note: Studies have shown that thunderstorms tend to travel in the direction of winds around the 10,000 level.,Steady-state Thunderstorms,Thunderstorm may be 5 to 10 miles in diameter,Stratosphere 40,000-60,000,4. Over shoot,3. Gust front,2. Mid level winds,1. Warm, moist air,5. Upper,level winds,6. Anvil top,Note: Steady-state thunderstorms may last seven to eight hours,雷雨的动态性,Thunderstorm development is rapid. A course that appears clear may contain cells a few minutes later.,Developing thunderstorms can grow at 6,000 per minute,成长上升过程,20-30,米,/,秒,Newly developing cells often do not contain sufficient water to reflect an echo, yet they can cause severe turbulence or lightning.,Studies have shown that thunderstorms tend travel in the direction of the winds around 10,000 feet. New cells generally form on the side of a cloud in the direction toward which it is moving.,How Radar Works,.There are Four Critical Factors in Weather, Turbulence, and Windshear Detection Performance,Determine,Loop Gain,Performance,146 Watts T/R Power,124 dB Receiver Sensitivity,The higher the loop gain, the better the performance.,Transmitter Power,Receiver Sensitivity,Flat Plate Technology,Radome Performance,The Radar System,Key Elements,3. Radome,5. Display,4. Control Panel,2. Antenna,1. Receiver/Transmitter,6. Peripherals,IRS/ADC/LRA/Discretes,Qualifiers,Qualifier A inputs are provided to the WRT-701X to indicate when the aircraft is on the runway and away from the gate, or in the air. The source of a qualifier A input depends upon the aircraft configuration. One possible source is the transponder-on discrete (from the transponder control panel). This source depends upon the flight crew switching the TCAS to standby upon exiting the runway and only turning on the transponder after leaving the gate area.,Qualifier B inputs are provided to the WRT-701X to indicate that the aircraft is not in the maintenance hanger. One possible source for the qualifier B input is the oil pressure low analog discrete from the engine or the engine start switch position analog discrete.,How Radar Works,The 3.5 beam scans +/-90, aircraft heading and,takes a “Slice” out of the radar target.,Tilt Angles refers to angles between center line of beam and horizontal plane,Manual Tilt Control,+/-15 degree with increment or increment between +/-5 degree and beyond +/-0.5 degree,This tilt Display is driven by the Arinc 453 data word from the WRT.,The WRT gets this information from control source/WCP providing the Tilt command,The WRT send a tilt command to the Antenna, The antenna tilts, the WRT sees the feedback and everything is OK. if not then the WRT sets the ANT fault message.,If OK then set display data on the Arinc 453 Data bus, and displays Tilt value on ND.,The system spec for this is less then 2 degrees difference between the Control Panel and the displayed value.,Antenna Characteristics,(Stabilization),Stabilization On,Stabilization Off,Radar Scans parallel to the Horizon,Radar Scans parallel to the aircrafts wings,video,video,Non multiscan radar control panel,STAB need to be ON all the time,STAB shows if selected OFF,COLOR SCHEME,Black:,Less Than .76 mm/hr (.03 in/hr),Green:,Weak (20 dBz),.76 - 3.81 mm/hr (.03-.15 in/hr),Yellow:,Moderate (30 dBz),3.81 - 12.7 mm/hr (.15-.5 in/hr),Red:,Strong to Very Strong (40 dBz and Greater),12.7 mm/hr (.5 in/hr) and Greater,Magenta:,Turbulence,(Greater than 5 meters/second wind velocity),Calibrated Gain,注:人工模式雷达通过颜色级别来显示雷雨的强弱,但颜色的等级与闪电的活动和气流的强烈并无正比关系,很多情况,绿色(新形成的雷雨)可能会伴随着频繁的闪电活动和气流(颠簸)的运动。,CAL,增益下雷雨强度与,颜色级别的对比关系,人工模式,CAL=,降雨反射率,自动模式,CAL=,降雨反射率,+,基于温度的自动补偿,+,全球气象模型数据库的补偿,Gain Controls,(Multiscan Controls),6,CAL Gain,Position,Gain Control Settings,(Manual Operation),Airbus,Boeing,Effects of Gain Selection,Calibrated Gain,+8,+16,+4,-2,-4,-6,-8,-12,-14,Reflectivity,(Bright Band/Red Out),30 nm,Bright Band occurs at and below the freezing level in strata form cloud formations,.,Cockpit Display,Bright Band,Bright Band,全红现象,全红产生的两个原因,大面积强降雨包含大尺寸的雨滴,大面积层云零温度线下产生亮带层次,(,雪包着水,),亮带以下可能只为轻雨或小雨,(,飞机下降至亮带以下,雷达波束如离开亮带,全红的现象可能消失,),Beam Characteristic,The 3.5 degree beam takes a “Slice” out of the radar target.,Beam Characteristics,(Beam Diameter),Approximate Beam Width Formula:,Beam Width (in feet) = (Distance in Nm + “00”) x 3.5,17,500 ft,Beam Width (50 Nm) =,105,000 ft,300 Nm,200 Nm,70,000 ft,100 Nm,35,000 ft,50 Nm,17,500 ft,3,500 ft,10 Nm,距飞机越近,波束越窄,扫到雷雨的,切面,越薄,采集的信息点越多,显示雷雨的分辨率越好,距飞机越远,波束越宽,更容易扫到雷雨,但雷雨的分辨率差,雷达发出的波束为,3.5,发散角的圆锥体,Azimuth Resolution,随着飞机与雷雨的相对靠近,由于波束,变细且波束对同一雷雨采集点增多,结果雷雨的分辨率,/,细节会越来越好,.,Beam Characteristics,(Range and Azimuth Resolution),Azimuth Resolution,(due to beam width),Range Resolution,(due to pulse width),Beam Characteristics Summary,The best weather definition occurs within 80 NM of the aircraft. Beyond 80 NM, the radar should be used for flight path planning purposes, not for weather analysis.,结论,距离越远,波束越宽,雷达分辨雷雨细节,的能力越差,建议,80nm,以内对目标进行分析,80nm,以外的显示主要作为确认目标的位置与存在及进行飞行计划,Sensitivity Time Control,(Sensitivity Time Control/ Within 80nm),Sensitivity Time Control (STC),Sensitivity time control compensates for the loss of signal attenuation. As the range to the target changes, the STC circuitry also changes the sensitivity of the receiver to compensate for the signal loss due to distance. This is commonly referred to as the STC range. The STC range is 80 miles for the WXR-2100. Within the STC range the radar will accurately display precipitation intensity levels (rainfall rates).,40 Nm,Less Gain,80 Nm,More Gain,Note: STC is effective when the weather is within 80 nm of the aircraft and when “CAL” Gain is selected.,Time,Receiver Sensitivity,雷达回波的强度除了受到由于不同雷雨高度层面反射率的影响,还受到由于波束在传递过程中能量的损耗的影响,Sensitivity Time Control,(,STC/,灵敏度时间控制或距离补偿电路,),由于雷达波束能量随着距离的传递不断损耗衰减,会造成距离不同,但反射性质完全相同目标在显示器上显示的强弱不同,或者说,距离远的反射的回波较距离近的目标反射的回波弱。从另外的角度说,当飞机不断飞近雷雨时,假定波束扫描雷雨的反射,部位不变,由于距离变近回波变强,会造成显示的图象越变越强,(绿黄红),但实际上雷雨的反射性质并没有变。,为了弥补以上的问题,雷达,STC,功能会自动补偿,不断调高雷达接收机的灵敏度,从而增大距离远的目标的回波放大量,从而排除由于距离因素造成的波束能量传递损耗而产生对雷雨反射率的影响。,40 Nm,Less Gain,80 Nm,More Gain,提示:,STC,只有在,80nm,以内才工作,另外增益旋钮必须在,CAL,位,Time,Receiver Sensitivity,使用高增益抑制,STC,可能观察到的现象,假使波束扫描的雷雨位置基本一致,雷雨性质不变,目标越近越强烈(越近越“红”),目标越近面积有增长的趋势,雷雨外围低于绿色门限的轻雨,(背景黑色)由于距离变近,回波,变强,会转为绿色,而原雷雨的绿,和黄会转为黄或红,远处接近的雷雨可能会随着飞机的,的飞近连成一片,Long Range Color Enhancement,(,远距离颜色加强),Long Range Color Enhancement,The WXR-700 contains a long range color enhancement circuit that provides a more accurate weather picture at longer ranges. The radar displays the actual precipitation activity by adjusting the threshold levels (the levels that define each reflectivity level) of the returned signals to the levels that will provide the truest representation of long range targets.,80,海里至,320,海里,由于雷达发出能量的限制,雷达无法再使用精确的,STC,进行补偿,雷达采用远距色彩补偿的方式对雷雨的颜色级别进行增强以估计目标的真实反射性质,随着雷雨的接近,在,320,海里至,80,海里的过程中,雷达的波束逐渐变细而分辨率增高,所以,观察到雷雨的外形逐渐增长并变清晰是正常的,结论,:,建议,80nm,以内对雷雨性质进行分析, 80nm,以外的显示主要作为确认目标的位置与,存在及飞行计划,Path Attenuation,(Radar Shadow),Note steep gradient and concave shape on back of storm,Aim radar beam towards the ground,If ground clutter appears at the sides of the storm but not behind it, this is a,radar shadow,. The area behind the storm is attenuated.,Note: Mountains also produce radar shadows.,Never, Never, Ever Fly Into a Radar Shadow,Area of possible,severe attenuation,PATH ATTENUATION,Compensation and Alert,PAC Alert,Compensates For Attenuation Due To Intervening Precipitation (Up To Approximately 80 nmi),When Compensation Limit Reached,Alert,Annunciates Areas where Severe Attenuation is Occurring (PAC Alert Bar),PAC Alert Unique to Collins Radar,PAC Alert Bar Warns Crew of,Severe Attenuation,Note,Calibrated (CAL) Gain must be selected for the PAC Alert to function,Path Attenuation,(Southern Airways Flight 242),Pilots Radar Presentation,Actual Weather,In April 1977 the crew of Southern 242 was working their way through an area of cells over eastern Alabama -,FO: “Which way do we go across here or go outI dont know how we get through here, Bill.”,CPT: “ I know, youre just gonna have to go out”,FO: “Yeah, right across that band.”,CPT: “All clear left approximately right now. I think we can cut across there now.”,FO: “All right, here we go.”,Since 1975 at Least Ten Fatal Accidents Have Occurred in the United States Where Radar Attenuation was a Major Contributing Factor,Aircraft Penetrates Extreme Thunderstorm Reaching to 55,000 Feet that is Producing Tornadoes and Three Inch Hail,Attenuation Sequence,Doppler Turbulence Detection,FREEZING LEVEL,ICE CRYSTALS,Forward Looking Windshear,video,Microbursts & Windshear,KTS,LBS,METERS,Approach,Flight Path,40 Knot,Headwind,40 Knot,Tailwind,AIR SPEED,POWER,ALTITUDE,130,400,300,90,200,0,0,170,300,300,300,170,Max,0,90,Windshear,(Detection Zones),5 NM,ADVISORY,AREA,3 NM,CAUTION,AREA,WARNING AREA,.25 NM,EITHER SIDE OF A/C,APPROACH AND,GO-AROUND,TAKEOFF ROLL,1.5 NM,Aircraft Heading,Aircraft Heading,30,o,30,o,30,o,30,o,Note: The Collins Windshear Radar detects microburst down to 0 dBz,(.0364 mm/hr or 1.4 thousandth of an inch/hr of rainfall),Approach and Go Around,Take Off,3 nm,0.25 nm,0.25 nm,30,30,Windshear,(Detection Zones Airbus and retrofit aircraft),0.25 nm,0.25 nm,Warning,Caution,Advisory,Weather Detection Region,5 nm,3 nm,30,30,5 nm,Windshear,(Detection Zones Boeing aircraft),Approach and Go Around,Take Off,3 nm,0.25 nm,0.25 nm,30,30,0.25 nm,0.25 nm,Warning,Caution,Weather Detection Region,5 nm,3 nm,30,30,5 nm,2,300,1,200 - 50,2,300,0 Kts - 1,200,Windshear,(Vertical Alert Zone),Takeoff,Landing,100 Kts - 50 FT,50 - 0 FT,PWS Fail only occur below 2300,PWS Auto Turn On Throttle SW 53 Degree Advance(Boeing737ng),Oil Pressure and Ground Speed(Airbus320),Boeing Failure Messages,NOTE: Write Down Failure Messages For Maintenance,WXR ATT: Attitude input fails,WXR STAB: Stabilization is off.,No AUTOTILT,(自动模式失效,可选择人工模式使用),WXR FAIL(loss of Image),*,R/T,*,WXR control panel,*,WXR antenna,PWS failure:,*,Loss of any RA,*,Loss of ADR data,*,Loss of IR data,*,antenna faults,*,Internal WXR system faults,*,Loss of CAS and TAS.,注,:,雷达内部有严格的监控电路,如反射功率等的降低到一定门限,会触发,WXR FAIL,说明雷达失效,一般情况下,不要轻易认为雷达回波弱,功率不够,Failures(loss of the radar image) are displayed in red,WXR R/T : failure R/T,WXR ANT: failure of antenna,WXR CTL: failure of CTL,WXR RNG: comparison error between the range from the EFIS section and the copy data received on the DMC via the radar data bus,Failures (image not loss/amber),PRED W/S : windshear function failure WXR ATT: ADIRU attitude failure,NO AUTOTILT :,(自动模式失效,可选择人工模式使用),WXR STAB : loss of the radar antenna stabilization WXR TEST : TEST mode (deselect STAB from CP),Airbus Failure Messages,NOTE: Write Down Failure Messages For Maintenance,PWS Fail on Airbus,NOTE: Write Down Failure Messages For Maintenance,Radome Characteristics,The Radome is your radars window to the outside world. If the “window” is dirty or damaged, radar energy will not shine through clearly.,Radome Classes,DO-213 references the percentage of RF energy that can pass through the radome as Transmission Efficiency (Transmissivity):,Average,Minimum at any Point,Class A 90% 85%,Class B 87% 82%,Class C 84% 78%,Class D 80% 75%,Class E 70% 55%,Radome Characteristics,(Cats Eyes),Cats Eyes,“Cats Eyes” or “Ghost Targets” may appear in a narrow green or green yellow arc or as two small targets at +/- 45 Degrees, between the 4 and 8 mile ranges and the aircraft altitude is above approximately 3,000 ft. This represents side lobe reflections from the ground and is caused by either turning the gain towards the max position or by a Radome with greatly reduced transmitivity.,Safety,Boeing: 50 FT (15 M) FROM THE RADAR.,Airbus, more than 5 meters (16.4FT) from the antenna.,No person is in the area made by an arc of 135 degree on each side of A/C centerline.,The greatest radiated power density(1.43 mW/cm2,18 inches from antenna) of the Collins WXR-2100 Weather Radar System is significantly less than the 10 mW/cm2 allowable for limiting the exposure of rf energy to humans as noted in FAA Advisory Circular, number 20-688, dated August 1980.,Alien Radar,MultiScan,TM,Automatic Operation,Control Panels,Boeing,Airbus,Display Annunciations,(Airbus),Display Annunciations,(Boeing),NO AUTOTILT,自动模式失效,可选择人工模式使用,NO AUTOTILT: Loss Data From ADIRU(for 12s),Only displayed when AUTO mode selected,Airspeed,Heading,Barometric Altitude,SAT,Drift, Track A


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