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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,演讲翻译的欣赏批评,Nicole,.,演讲(历史,特点,分类等),.,演讲的翻译,.,演讲翻译的赏析与批评,.,演讲,演讲的历史,演讲的分类,演讲的特点,演讲的定义:,演讲又叫讲演或演说,是指在公众场所,以有声语言为主要手段,以体态语言(面部表情、手势动作、身体姿态等)为辅助手段,针对某个具体问题,鲜明、完整地发表自己的见解和主张,阐明事理或抒发情感,进行宣传鼓动的一种语言交际活动。,主要形式:,大体有如下四种:,照读式演讲,背诵式演讲,提纲式演讲,即兴式演讲,分类:,介绍型演讲,告知型演讲,劝说型演讲,特殊场合演讲,1,、按演讲,内容,大致分为 政治演讲,(,包括竞选演说,),、就职演说,(,或称施政演说,),、会议辩论、集会演说等,;,教育演讲,包括知识讲座、学术报告等,;,宗教演讲,;,经济演讲、包括商业广告演讲、投标介绍演讲等,;,军事演讲等。,2,、按演讲的目的大致分为 娱乐性演讲,;,传授性演讲,(,或称学术演讲,);,说服性演讲,;,鼓动性演讲,;,凭吊性演讲,(,或称葬礼性演讲,),等等。,3,、按演讲场所大致分为:游说性演讲,巡回演讲,;,街头演讲,;,宫廷演讲,;,法庭演讲,(,或称司法演讲,);,课堂演讲,;,教堂演讲,;,大会演讲,;,宴会演讲,;,广播演讲和电视演讲,等等。,演讲的特点:,语言:通俗易懂,形象生动,逻辑:严谨缜密,结构:清晰明了,篇章:安排紧凑,层次分明,修辞:运用丰富(比喻对照对偶层进排比反复头韵等),Phonological level,Lexical level,Textual Level,Alliteration,Alliteration,is the repetition of an initial sound,usually a consonant,in two or more words that occur close together.It is used to achieve the beauty of sound.During the speech,it can impress the audience and attract their attention by using the repetition of an initial consonant cluster in stressed syllables and putting related words together.In Michelles address,this approach has been carried out in the following examples:,W,e,w,ere,s,o,y,oung,s,o,i,n love,and,s,o,i,n debt.,I,w,as,w,orried about,w,hat it,w,ould mean for our girls if he got that chance.,Success isnt about how,m,uch,m,oney you,m,ake,its about the difference you,m,ake,Assonance:(,半韵,),-Two or more neighboring words have the same vowels.E.g.:,1.NATO seems to be able to make or break the world.,2.You have the right to hire or fire.,Consonance:,-Two or more neighboring words have the same ending in pronunciation.E.g.:,1.He has a real stroke of luck to have such a considerate wife.,2.To win Chinas heart and wallet,US had to say sorry to China after it bombed the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia.,Parallel construction or Parallelism,:,Definition:,-Paralleling of,words,phrases,sentences or paragraphs,-the same grammatical structure,-clarifying the idea of the speaker or stressing the meaning,Example:,Now the triumph summons us again not,as a call,to bear arms,though arms we need;not,as a call to,battle,though embattled we are;but,a call to bear,the burden of a long twilight struggle,year in and year out,“,rejoicing,in hope,patient,in tribulation,“a struggle against the common enemies of man:,tyranny,poverty,disease and war,itself.,-by John Kennedy,(1)Yes,for there are times when all pray for the safety of their loved ones,the return,of,the breadwinner,of,their champion,of,their protector.,(2)We observe today not a victory of party but celebration of freedom,symbolizing,an end as well as beginning,signifying,renewal as well as change.,-by John F.Kennedy:Inaugural Address,I stand here today,humbled,by the task before us,grateful,for the trust you have bestowed,mindful,of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors.,2.Rather,it has been,the risk-takers,the doers,the makers of things,.,3.But those values upon which our success depends-,hard work and honesty,courage and fair play,tolerance and curiosity,loyalty and patriotism,4.have duties,to ourselves,our nation and the world;,5.Starting today,we must pick ourselves up,dust ourselves off,and begin again the work of remaking America.,6.and emerged from that dark chapter stronger and more united,we cannot help but believe,that,the old hatreds shall someday pass;,that,the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve;,that,as the world grows smaller,our common humanity shall reveal itself;,and that,America must play its role in ushering in a new era of peace.,7.,We will build,the roads and bridges,the electric grids and digital lines that feed our,commerce,and bind us together.,We will restore s,cience to its rightful place,and wield technologys wonders to raise health cares quality and lower its cost.,We will harness,the sun and the winds and the soil to fuel our cars and run our factories.,And we will transform,our schools and colleges and universities to meet the demands of a new age.,8.,To the Muslim world,we seek a new way forward,based on mutual interest and mutual respect.,To those leaders,around the globe who seek to sow conflict,or blame their societys ills on the West:Know that your people will judge you on what you can build,not what you destroy.,To those,who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of,dissent,know that you are on the wrong side of history;but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist.,To the people of poor nation,s,we pledge to work alongside you to make your farms flourish and let clean waters flow;to nourish starved bodies and feed hungry minds.And,to those nations,like ours that enjoy relative plenty,we say we can no longer afford indifference to suffering outside our borders;nor can we consume the worlds resources without regard to effect.,9.,This is,the price and the promise of citizenship.,This is,the source of our confidence-the knowledge that God calls on us to shape an uncertain destiny.,This is,the meaning of our


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