thank you note,congratulation card and apology card

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,便条是一种简单的书信。常见的便条有收条、,欠条、留言条和请假条。要写好便条,必须掌,握以下几点:,各类便条必须包括以下几个基本要素:,Date,:便条日期,Salutation,:称呼,Body,:正文,Signature,:署名;,日期部分可写在便条的右上角。便条往往只写上一个日期,而且常常不写年份,只写月日(如:,April 2,);有时不写日期,只写星期几(如:,Friday,);有时只写上午、下午或晚上(如:,morning,);有时只写钟点(如:,9:12,),便条开篇须有称呼语,但称呼比较随便,往往省略,Dear,,而只写,Ding,Wu,等彼此熟悉的称呼;,便条结尾须署上留言者的姓名,位置在正文的右下角;,各类便条的特点如下:,An informal letter Simple language Brief writing No envelope,Thank-you Note,在收到别人赠送的礼物、得到别人的帮助或别人向你表示友好等情况下,应当表示感谢。感谢条应当包括收信人的姓名(或称呼)、结尾敬语以及署名等内容。感谢条应当简明扼要,讲清楚感谢的原因。,写作要领,1,注意格式,弄清题意,抓住要点;,2,感谢条的特点:时间及时,简明扼要,着重事由,感谢真诚;,3,感谢条常用的词语与句型:,Thank you for your help in.,Thank you for coming to my aid.I will.,We would like to thank you for your service as.,We sincerely appreciate your.,Thanks to your efforts.,We are fortunate to have you with us.,I am most grateful to you for your help.,I want to thank you heartily for what you have done.,Congratulation Card,度过一些传统的节日,听到别人获奖、毕业、晋升、过生日或结婚等情况下,向别人表示祝贺。祝贺信的语言要诚挚、热烈,,通常包括以下内容:承知喜讯;表示诚挚、热烈的祝贺;表达对其未来的良好祝愿和真诚的希望。,祝贺卡常用的词语和句型:,Pleased with the Good News(,听到好消息时表示祝贺,),Im very pleased/glad/delighted thrilled to hear the good/splendid news of your,Congratulations!,Your appointment gives me great pleasure.,It was a great pleasure to hear the good news that,Everyone here joins me in sending you congratulations on your new position.,Congratulations on your recent promotion,A very happy birthday and many more of them to come,Greetings at a Festival(,节日的问候,),Happy Birthday!,Many Happy Returns of your Wedding Anniversary!,With best wishes.,Best wishes for,My congratulations on your success and my best wishes for your bright prospects,Im sure that the prize you have won is just the first of many that you will attain in the years to come,May every day be sunny and fruitful for you in the new year,Rich blessings for health and abundant happiness in my wish for you in the coming year!,Merry Christmas and a wonderful world of enjoyment,This is to wish you and all yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,You Deserve It(,值得这样,),This is a marvelous achievement,though no more than you deserve,I am very happy to see your work for/your abilities recognized in this way,I know that your enthusiasm and experience are the very qualities that are needed for this position.,I am delighted that your talent and hard work have been rewarded.,Best Wishes for the Future(,对未来的美好祝愿,),I wish you every success,All the very best for the future,I rejoice in your good future,May your future be as successful as you have always been,Apology Card,写道歉卡是因为自己的过失给别人带来了麻烦和不便,或者造成了伤害和损失。为了消除别人的误解和反感。道歉卡要写得真诚、清楚、而且要容易理解。,常见的道歉信开头语:,I must apologize to you for.,我必须向你道歉,因为,。,I regret to tell you that.,我很抱歉地告诉你,。,I write to you to express my deep regret.,我写此信向你表示深深的歉意。,Im writing to you to ask you to excuse me for.,我写此信请求你原谅我。,Im very/terribly sorry to tell you that.,很,/,非常道歉地告诉你。,结束语:,Please accept my sincere apology.,请接受我诚挚的歉意。,Im very sorry to take up so much of your time.,很抱歉占用了你这么多时间。,I hope youll accept my(sincere)apologies.,我希望你会接受我(由衷的)歉意。,I must apologize for my delay in answering your letter.,没能及时回复您的信件,我必须道歉。,Will you please accept a sincere apology for my not keeping my promise?,请你接受我无法遵守诺言的诚挚道歉。,常用的词和短语:,inconvenience,不便,unfortunate,不幸的,complain,抱怨,annoyed,不安的,unsatisfactory,不满意,accept ones apologies,接受某人的道歉,put the matter right,更正,


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