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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Book1 Unit1,Language points,语言点,concern,calm,ignore,loose,survey,担忧,镇定的,松的,1 Who is missing,忽视,survey,遛狗,忽视,连续,2 Who is missing,户外的,go through,add up,concern,upset,series,dusk,calm,thunder,合计,担忧,心烦意乱,连续,打雷,3 Who is missing,黄昏,calm,Important words and,sentences,1.,Add,up your score and see how many points you get.(,回归课本,P,1,),vt. & vi.,加,添 ,增加;相加;补充说,1,),Do you want to,add,your name,to,the list?,2,),Add,6,to,6 and you have 12.,3,),Thats all I want to say. Is there anything youd like to,add,?,4,),The music,added to,our enjoyment.,5) These numbers,add up to,100.,add up,add A to B,add to,add up to,合计,/,将,合计,把,A,添加到,B,上,/ A,加,B,增加;增添,合计为,1)_ some milk and sugar _ coffee before drinking it.,2) When we _ all the costs, we realized we had spent too much.,3) His whole school education _ no more than ten years.,Add,to,added up,added up to,4) Her sons excellent performance _,her pleasure.,added to,2. upset,adj.,=unhappy; feeling uncomfortable,vt.,=make sb. unhappy,(1)Shes really,upset about,losing the money when buying clothes.,be upset about/over/at sth.,为某事烦心,(2)What he had done,upset,his parents much.,他的所作所为使他父母很不高兴。,sth. upset sb.,某事使某人烦心,3. ignore,vt,.=pay no attention to,(1),别轻视小错,他们会造成大事故。,Dont,ignore,small mistakes. They may cause big accidents.,an,ignorant boy,一个无知的男孩,4.,calm,go somewhere quiet to,calm your friend down,.(,回归课本,) “,使你的朋友镇静下来,”,Eg,:,1,),The situation,calmed down,slowly.,平静下来,2,),At last we,calmed him down,.,使平静,使镇静,calm,silent,quiet,still,天气、水、水面风平浪静;人镇定自若,人,沉默,不爱说话,“宁静”“安静”,没有噪音或动静;人,文静,“不动的”,人一动不动;物完全无声,突出静止不动,5.,While,walking the dog,you,were careless and,遛狗,= While (you were) walking the dog,Eg:1,)过马路时要小心!,2,)在考试时,我们应该保持冷静。,3,)除非收到邀请他才会来。,Look out,when (you are) crossing,the street.,We should remain calm,when (we are) taking,an exam.,He wont come,unless (he is) invited,.,6.go through sth.,.,or would not understand what you are- ? (,回归课本,P,2,),:,1) to examine carefully, search, discuss in detail,仔细检查;详细讨论,eg. The police,went through,the pockets of the suspected thief.,2) to experience, suffer,经历;遭受,eg,:,He,went through,a hard time while his wife was sick.,pass through,通过;穿过,eg,:,Has he,gone through,the examination?,be published,被出版;发行,eg,:,The book,went through,six editions within a year.,Unit 1 Friendship,Language Points 2,spellbind,series,add up,ignore,dusk,suffer,upset,1,着迷,系列,合计,忽视,黄昏,伤心,1,curtain,overcoat,recover,gossip,pack,teenager,highway,2,窗帘,大衣,痊愈,闲谈,捆扎,公路,2,ignorant,overcoat,ignorance,item,tip,ignore,3,外套,n.,无知,项目,提示,Vt.,忽视,3,选词填空,add up; add up to; add to,1. The time I spend in commuting every day _ two and a half hours.,2. Colorful balloons can _ the festival atmosphere.,3. To make sure the result was correct, she _ the figures again and again.,adds up to,add to,added up,Revision,Revision,The boss of the company had_his friends advice,,,which led to the failure of his business.,A,concerned B,upset,C,ignored D,discussed,In time of danger its important for one to keep_.,A,quiet B,calm,C,still D,silent,Revision,Alexander tried to get his work _in the medical circles.(2010.,辽宁高考,),To recognize B. recognizing,Recognize D. recognized,Revision,He was greatly_about the news that his father was seriously ill.,A,ignore,B,eager,C,upset D,sad,Revision,7,.,cheat,cheat sb. (out) of sth.,他们骗了那老妇人的钱。,They,cheated,the old woman,(out) of,her money.,6. If the camera is broken again, you had to pay to,get it,_.,get sth. done,=have sth. done,=ask,sb. else,to do sth.,请别人做某事,(,非亲自动手,),翻译:上周我把电脑拿去修了,.,Last week I got my computer repaired.,repaired,7,.,concern,1). be concerned about:,在乎,关心,挂念,We,were,all,concerned about,Tom when he got injured.,2). be concerned with,:涉及,与,有关,His new book,is concerned with,Africa.,3). concern vt.,关联,What he does or what he says does not,concern,me.,4).be concerned in sth.,(=be involved in sth.),涉及;牵涉,5). Concerning,prep,. (=about),关于,选词短语填空:,concerning, was concerned in,concerns,1).The destruction of the worlds forest,_ everyone in some way.,2).She _ _ _a drug case,some years ago.,3).She refused to answer questions,_ her private life.,concerns,was concerned in,concerning,8.Go through,1 These countries have,gone through,too many wars.,2 It took us a whole week to,go through,the forest.,3.To my joy, she has,gone through,all the exams.,4.,You must,go through,your papers before you hand them in.,.,经历,经受,穿过,仔细检查,通过,go through,经历;经受,,,仔细检查,look through,浏览,;,复习;彻底审查,get through,通过,穿过,;,接通(电话),1) I have _all my pockets but I cant find my keys.,2) Ive tried to phone my wife six times and I cant _.,3) I _todays newspaper but I found nothing important.,gone through,get through,looked through,1. your friend cant go until he/she finishes cleaning his/her bicycle.,Not until he/she finishes cleaning his/her bicycle,_,肯,+,延续动词,+until,否,+,非延续动词,+ until,Eg. You can,stay,here and play with your friends until I call you.,You cant,leave,school until class is over.,should have done,本来应该做某事,(,而实际没做,含有责备的意味,),should not have done,本来不该做某事,(,而实际已做,),He looks upset. I _ _. (,本不该告诉他这个坏消息),You are late. You _ _. (,早五分钟来),shouldnt have told him the bad news,should have come five minutes earlier,should have done,Set down,She listened carefully and,set down,every word he said.,He,set down,the heavy boxes and rested for a while .,1.,写下,记下,2.,放下,卸下,set about (doing) sth.,着手做某事,set off (for.),动身;引爆,(,炸弹等,),set out (to do sth.),出发;着手干,set up,竖起;创设,开办,before,It be+,时间段,+ before ,之后才,It will be five years before we could meet again.,It be not long before ,不就就,It is not long before class comes to an end.,There was a time when.,以前,/,之前有一段时间,之前有一段时间,女孩子不能到学校接受教育,There was a time when,girls were not allowed to receive education at school.,曾经,她是那么的爱我,There was a time when,she loved me so much.,in order to do ,= so as to do ,in order to,放在句首和句中;,so as to,只用于句中,in order to/so as to,后面加动词原形;,in order that/ so as that,后面加从句,eg. (1)We left early,in order to/ so as to,catch the first bus.,= (2) We left early,in order that / so that,we could catch the first bus.,= (3),In order to,catch the first bus, we left early.,Look at the picture and make sentences by using,“face to face”,in two ways:,1)His boss is talking to him,face to face,.,2)His boss is having a,face-to-face,talk with him.,face to face,it was the first time,in a year and a half,that,Id seen,he night face to face,Eg: (1),It is the first time that,I have seen,Yao Ming face to face.,(2),It was the second time that,we had had a deep discussion about the water pollution.,It is the time thathave/has done,It was the time thathad done,这是我第一次离开父母。,This,is,the first time that I,have left,my parents.,那是他最后一次收到她的来信,.,It,was,the last time that he,had received,her letter.,写作,:尽可能用本单元学过的词或短语翻译下列句子,然后将这些句子连成一篇,5,句意义连贯的短文。,1.,李老师是一个工作,狂,。,2.,她对我们学生非常,关心,。,3.,我们跟她,相处,非常,融洽,。,4.,我英语不好,曾有一次在课堂上看,与,学习,无关,的书。,5.,她,碰巧,发现此事。,6.,她找我,面对面,地谈心。,7.,为了让我,喜欢上,英语,她,不厌其烦,地告诉我如何学好英语。,8.,她鼓励我用英语写日记,,记下,所见所闻。,9.,我,不再,害怕英语了。,1.,李老师是一个工作,狂,。,Miss Li,is crazy about,her work.,2.,她对我们学生非常,关心,。,She,is very concerned about,us students.,3.,我们跟她,相处,非常,融洽,。,We get along very well with her.,4.,我英语不好,曾有一次在课堂上看,与,学习,无关,的书。,My English is poor; once I read a book that has nothing,to do with,my study in class.,5.,她,碰巧,发现此事。,She happened to find it.,6.,她找我,面对面,地谈心。,After class she talked to me,face to face.,7.,为了让我,喜欢上,英语,她,不厌其烦,地告诉我如何学好英语。,She didnt,get tired of,telling me how to learn English well,in order to,make me,fall in love with,English .,8.,她鼓励我用英语写日记,,记下,所见所闻。,She also,encouraged,me to,keep a diary,in English to,set down,what I saw and what I thought.,9.,我,不再,害怕英语了。,With the help of her, I am,not,afraid of English,any longer,.,Miss Li,is crazy about,her work.,She,is very concerned about,us students.,We get along very well with her.,Miss Li, with whom we get along very well,is crazy about,her work and,is very concerned about,us students.,Miss Li, with whom we get along very well,is crazy about,her work and,is very concerned about,us students. Once I read a book that has nothing,to do with,my study in class, which she happened to find. After class she talked to me,face to face, and she didnt,get tired of,telling me how to learn English well,in order to,make me,fall in love with,English . She also,encouraged,me to,keep a diary,in English to,set down,what I saw and what I thought.,With the help of her, I am,not,afraid of English,any longer,.,语法填空。,I wonder,1,it is because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long,2,I have grown so crazy about everything to do,3,nature.I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.That,4,(change) since I was there.For example, one evening when it was so warm, I stayed awake,5,purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by,6,.But as the moon gave far too much light, I didnt dare open,7,window.,Another time five months ago, I happened to be upstairs until the window had to,8,(shut).The dark,9,(rain) evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in,10,power; it was the first time in a year and a half that I had seen the night face to face,语法填空。,I wonder,1,it is because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long,2,I have grown so crazy about everything to do,3,nature.I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.That,4,(change) since I was there.For example, one evening when it was so warm, I stayed awake,5,purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by,6,.But as the moon gave far too much light, I didnt dare open,7,window.,Another time five months ago, I happened to be upstairs until the window had to,8,(shut).The dark,9,(rain) evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in,10,power; it was the first time in a year and a half that I had seen the night face to face,if/whether,that,with,has changed,on,myself,a,be shut,rainy,their,1.,adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的 ,vt. 使心烦;使不安,2.,vt忽视,不理睬,n. 无知,adj.无知的,3,.,vt.关系到,adj.关心的/有关的,prep. 关于,重点单词拓展,upset,Write down the words according to the Chinese,upset,ignore,ignorance,ignorant,concern,concerning,concerned,4,.,adj. 松的;松开的,vt. 松开,5,.,adj. 整个的;完全的;全部的,adv. 整个地;完全地;全然地,6.,_,v.,痊愈;恢复;重新获得,_,n.,痊愈;康复;恢复,7.,_,adv.,确实如此;正是;确切地,_,adj.,准确的;精确的,entirely,entire,loosen,loose,recover,recovery,exactly,exact,8.,_,vi.,不同意, _,n.,不一致;分歧,_,vi.,同意,n. _,协定;同意,9.,_,n.,黄昏;傍晚,(,反义词,) _,n.,黎明;破晓,10.,_,v.,遭受;忍受;经历,_,n.,苦难,;,苦楚,_,n.,患病者,;,受难者,disagree,agree,dusk,dawn,suffer,suffering,disagreement,agreement,sufferer,11.,_,n.&vt.,不喜欢;厌恶,(,反义词,) _,n.&vt.,喜欢,_,不像,12.,_,adv.,在户外;在野外,(,反义词,)_,adv.,在室内;在户内,13.,_,n.,能力;力量;权力,_,adj.,强大的;强有力的,_,adj.,无力的;无权利的,dislike,like,outdoors,indoors,power,powerful,powerless,unlike,14.,_,n.自然,_,adj. 自然的,15.,_,adj.疯狂的,狂热的,_,adv.发狂地,疯子似的,_,n. 发狂, 狂热,16.,_,n. 编辑,编者,_,vt. 编辑,校对,_,n.版本,版,crazy,edit,editor,craziness,crazily,natural,nature,edition,合计,_,2.,写下;放下;登记,_,3. (,使,),平静;镇定下来,_,4.,将,(,东西,),装箱打包,_,5.,参加;加入,_,6.,经历;经受,_,7.,遭受;患病,_,8.,关心;挂念,_,be concerned about,add up,set down,calm (,) down,pack (,) up,join in,go through,suffer from,Some important phrases,9.,不得不;必须,_,10.,对,厌倦,_,11.,与,相处;进展,_,12.,相爱;爱上,_,13.,不再,_,14.,遛狗,_,15.,故意,_,16.,碰巧做某事,_,have got to,be/get tired of,get along with,fall in love with,no longer/not,any longer/more,walk the dog,on purpose,happen to do,17.,在黄昏时刻,_,18.,面对面地,_,19.,一连串的;一系列的,_,20.,为了,_,21.,根据;按照,_,22.,躲起来,_,at dusk,face to face,a series of,in order to,according to,hide away,be afraid of/ that,23.,害怕,_,24.,变得对,狂热,_,grow crazy about,1. I wonder if _ is _ I havent been able to be outdoors for so long _ Ive grown so crazy _ everything to do with nature.,我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。,it,because,that,about,Sentence,1,I wonder if,its because I havent been able to be outdoors for,so,long,that,Ive,grown so crazy about,everything,to do with nature,.,我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。,重点句型分析,(1),I wonder if,.,(,2,),its,-,that,-,强调句,(,3,) because,-,(,4,)grow crazy about,-,(,5,)to do with nature,have sth. to do with -,译:,我想知道他是否是对的。,(1),I wonder if,.,I want to know if/whether you can lend me your book.,译:,我想知道他是否是对的。,I want to know whether he is right or not.,(2),强调句型:,It is(was)+被强调的部分+that(who)+原句其它部分,陈述句:,A,ll this happened,on Monday night,.,强调句:,It was,on Monday night,that,all this happened.,所有这一切发生在周一晚上。,说明,强调句,1,:,It be + 被强强调部分(除谓语外) + that +句子剩余部分,解释:,(1)这种强调句依原句谓语动词的时态(过去式或一般现在时/将来时)分别用was或is。,(2)被强调部分为人时可用that或who。,(3)强调句的特殊疑问句由“就强调部分提问”得来。,(4)可强调除谓语动词以外的所有句子成份。(5)去掉It is/was-that,句子结构仍成立。,强调句,2,:,用do/did/does强调谓语动词。,就下面句子的划线部分别变为强调句:,I,often s,ee,him,play Taiji,near the lake,.,2)变为,强调谓语的,强调句:,He came home yesterday.,PRACTISE,1),就下面句子的划线部分别变为强调句:,I,often,s,ee,him,play Taiji,near the lake,.,It,is,often,that,I saw him play Taiji near the lake .,It,is,I,that,often saw him play Taiji near the lake .,It is,him,that,I often saw play Taiji near the lak,It is,near the lake,that,I often s,ee,him play Taiji .,2)变为,强调谓语的,强调句:,He came home yesterday.,He,did,c,o,me,home yesterday.,PRACTISE,1),2. I can well remember that _ _ _ _ when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.,我记得非常清楚,曾有一段时间,湛蓝的天空、鸟儿的歌唱、月光和鲜花,从未令我心迷神往过。,there,was,a,time,Sentence 2,1.,曾经有段时间我非常厌倦学习,。,1. There was a time when.,曾经有段时间,PRACTISE,Translate the sentences according to the Chinese.,2.,我弟弟曾一度痴迷于网络小说。,1.,曾经有段时间我非常厌倦学习,。,There was a time when,I was,very tired of study,1. There was a time when.,曾经有段时间,PRACTISE,Translate the sentences according to the Chinese.,2.,我弟弟曾一度痴迷于网络小说。,There was a time when,my brother,was crazy about reading online novels,.,not. until,直到,才,说明,1.,倒装式,: not until,放在句首,主句要半倒装,;,2.,强调式:,It is not until. that.,。,Sentence 3,I,downstairs,the window had to be shut,.,我一直等到非关窗不可的时候才下楼去。,didnt,go,until,直到你帮我指出来,我才意识到我的错误,。,PRACTISE,T,ranslate the sentences according to the Chinese with the three kinds of sentences .,陈述句:,倒装句:,强调句:,直到你帮我指出来,我才意识到我的错误,。,It was,not until you pointed out my mistakes,that,I realized my mistakes.,PRACTISE,T,ranslate the sentences according to the Chinese with the three kinds of sentences .,I,didnt,realize my mistakes,until,you pointed out my mistakes,.,Not until,you pointed out my mistakes,did,I realize my mistakes.,陈述句:,倒装句:,强调句:,It,is,the first time that.,have/has done,这是某人第一次做某事,本句型中的,it,可用,this,或,that,替代,;, first,可改为,second, third.,等;, 当,is,改为,was,时,从句中的,have,改为,had,。,说明,比较,It is time that sb. did sth.,是某人该做某事的时候了,(=Its time for sb. to do sth.),。,Sentence 4,4. It,was,_ _ _ that in,a year and a half,that I _ (see) the night face to face.,这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚。,the,first,time,had seen, 我告诉导游这是我第一次来台湾旅游。,这个短语已经第三次出现在我们的练习中,所以我们一定要掌握它。,PRACTISE,Translate the sentences according to the Chinese., 我告诉导游这是我第一次来台湾旅游。,这个短语已经第三次出现在我们的练习中,所以我们一定要掌握它。,I told the guide that,it was the first time that,I,had travelled,in Taiwan,Its the third time that,the phrase,has appeared,in our exercises ,so we m,ust master it.,PRACTISE,Translate the sentences according to the Chinese.,It,is no pleasure/use/good,doing sth,.,做某事没有乐趣,/,没有用处,/,没有好处,Sentence 5,it is no pleasure,these any longer,nature is one thing that really must,.,观看这些已经不再是乐趣,因为大自然是你必须亲身体验的。,experienced,looking,be,through,because,1.,去同一个地方旅游是没有乐趣的。,PRACTISE,Translate the sentences according to the Chinese.,2.,光看这些图片已经不再是乐趣了,因为旅游必须是你亲身体验的。,1.,去同一个地方旅游是没有乐趣的。,It is no pleasure,traveling to the same place again.,PRACTISE,Translate the sentences according to the Chinese.,2.,光看这些图片已经不再是乐趣了,因为旅游必须是你亲身体验的。,It is no pleasure,only looking at these pictures any longer because traveling is one thing that really must be experienced.,


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