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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 5 First Aid,Listening and Speaking (Workbook),1,Unit 5 First AidListening and,In this class, you will,identify the situations of emergency;,match the advice of first-aid techniques to the situations of emergency;,prepare a script for the first-aid instructor.,Learning objectives,2,In this class, you willLearnin,Listen to the conversation about first-aid techniques. Write in the boxes the order (1-4) in which you hear these situations described.,First listening,3,Listen to the conversation abo,on a football field,sprain his ankle and sit on the ground,4,on a football field4,have a barbecue,clothes on fire,5,have a barbecue5,have a nosebleed,be choked with food,6,have a nosebleedbe choked with,1,2,3,4,Listen to the conversation about first-aid techniques. Write in the boxes the order (1-4) in which you hear these situations described.,7,1234Listen to the conversation,2. Listen again and complete the sentences below. Then match the advice to the pictures in Activity 1.,Second listening,8,2. Listen again and complete t,1,She should sit down and bend forwards slightly, so she doesnt _. Then ask her to squeeze her nose just below the _ until the bleeding stops.,choke on the blood,bridge,9,1 She should sit down and be,2,Stop him from _, as that makes clothes burn faster. Tell him to _ the floor and _ with a blanket. _ him on the ground until the fire goes out. Then treat him for _.,running around,drop to,cover him up,Roll,burns,10,2 Stop him from _,3,If he cant,_, ask him to bend forwards and give him _ on his back.,cough,several quick hard slaps,11,3 If he cant _, ask hi,4,Get him to,_ and put some _ on his ankle. Then tell him to _ on a chair. Then _ his ankl,e.,sit down,ice,put his foot up,bandage up,12,4 Get him to _ and pu,have a nosebleed,bend forward slightly,squeeze her nose below the bridge,1,T,ake down key words about what to do,.,13,have a nosebleed1Take down key,have a barbecue,clothes on fire,stop him from running around,drop to the floor and cover him up with thick cloth,roll him on the ground,treat him for burns,2,T,ake down key words about what to do,.,14,have a barbecue2Take down key,choke,bend him forwards and give him several quick hard slaps on his back,3,T,ake down key words about what to do,.,15,choke3Take down key words abou,sprain his ankle while playing football,get him to sit down,put ice on his ankle to reduce the swelling,put his foot up on a chair,bandage up his ankle,4,T,ake down key words about what to do,.,16,sprain his ankle while playing,Think about these questions.,Based on what you have learnt so far, is there anything you would add to the teachers advice?,What other medical emergencies should be discussed in a first-aid class? What advice would you give for them?,How would you deal with a snakebite?,After you listen,17,Think about these questions.Af,Based on what you have learnt so far, is there anything you would add to the teachers advice?,I would add how the boy with burns should be treated, using the information from the reading passage in the Student Book.,18,Based on what you have learnt,What other medical emergencies should be discussed in a first-aid class? What advice would you give for them?,drowning (how to do rescue breathing and CPR),heart attack (how to do CPR),choking (Heimlich manoeuvre), etc.,19,What other medical emergencies,How would you deal with a snakebite?,The best way to deal with a snakebite is to cleanse the wound, stop any bleeding, apply antiseptic(,消毒剂,), and get the victim to the doctor as soon as possible.,20,How would you deal with a snak,Finish the following activities.,Choose one medical emergency.,Prepare a script for the first-aid instructor, explaining how the first aid is given for that medical emergency.,Prepare a script,21,Finish the following activitie,Choose one medical emergency.,For example, we can talk about one emergency situation where someone has gotten an electric shock.,22,Choose one medical emergency.,Prepare a script for the first-aid instructor, explaining how the first aid is given for that medical emergency.,Tips,Remember to use sequence words such as,first, next, then, after that,and,finally,.,Use simple words to describe the actions. When giving first-aid advice, it is important to make things clear and easy to understand.,23,Prepare a script for the first,You need to make sure that,You should avoid,Remember that,If the victim has been, the easiest and safest thing to do may be simply to,To do this, you must,Please be sure that,You should call for help.,You should check the victim for injuries.,You should perform CPR.,Continue doing this until help arrives.,24,You need to make sure that24,Today, we are going to talk about what to do if someone has gotten an electric shock.,First,you need to,make sure that,the victim is not still in contact with the electrical source, but,you need to be careful not to,approach the victim until it is completely safe. ,25,Today, we are going to ta,And if the source of the electricity is something like a high-voltage powerline,you should,stay,at least six metres away and wait for help.,Remember that,water is a very good conductor of electricity, so if the victim is lying on a wet surface,you should avoid,stepping on that surface, even if you are far away.,26,And if the source of the elec,If the victim has gotten an electric shock,by an appliance or a loose wire inside a building,the easiest and safest thing to do may be simply to,turn off the power or pull a plug. But,you need to make sure that,the flow of electricity has been stopped. ,27,If the victim has gotten,If you cannot stop the flow of electricity or if you are not certain that it has been stopped,then,you,need to,either move the source of electricity away from the person or the person away from the source.,To do this, you must,use something which does not conduct electricity, such as thick rubber mat, a wooden chair, a wooden stick, or even a cardboard box.,Please be sure that,it is dry! If it is wet, you could get an electric shock.,28,If you cannot stop the flow o,After removing the source of the electricity,you,should call for help,.,Then,you should check the victim for injuries,. If he is not breathing and has no pulse,you,should perform CPR,.,First,lay the victim flat on his back.,Next, put one hand on top of the other and press quickly and firmly down on the chest.,You should do,this at least 100 times a minute.,Continue doing this until help arrives.,29,After removing the source,If the victim is breathing and has a pulse, you,should treat any burns by washing,them in cool running water, patting them dry, and then covering the burn with a dry cloth.,30,If the victim is breathin,Choose another medical emergency. Prepare a script for the first-aid instructor, explaining how the first aid is given for that medical emergency.,Homework,31,Choose another medical emergen,Thank you!,32,Thank you!32,


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