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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,从,2007,年高考英语书面表达,情况看英语写作教学策略,一、2007,高考英语书面表达,的理解分析,二、考生答题情况分析,三、英语写作教学策略反思,一、2007,高考作文的理解分析,在英语课堂上,你喜欢老师授课时只,用英语还是英语、汉语兼用。请你围,绕“How do you prefer your English,classes to be taught?In English only,or in both English and Chinese?这个,问题,参考所给要点,选择一种授课,形式,写一篇英语短文,授课形式一:只用英语,优点:有助于提高听说能力等,缺憾:不易听懂等,结论:,授课形式二:英语、汉语兼用,优点:易于理解等,缺憾:英语气氛不浓等,结论:,二、考生答题情况分析,1.蒙混式,I prefer my English classes to be,taught in both English and Chinese.,How do you English classes to be,taught?In English only,or in both,English and chinese?,In other hand,some students to,know about English and speaking English ask in English only in class,help them English speaking than,in both English and chinese better.,But in English only some students,like or in both English and Chinese,to levese,1.蒙混式,2.中文式,I prefer my English classes to be,taught in English only.I think that,teacher teach English in English,only.,We can learn the right English.,Speak English,is good to us.,If we always speak English together,we,also can,talk with Englishmen,in right English.We can speak,English well.We,also can,write,English well.So our English can,be very well,.,2.中文式,We only have the class time to,learn English.,What I,prefer to learn English?,2.中文式,3.套路式,I prefer my English classes to be,taught in both English and Chinese.,To begin with,English is not our,mother tongue.,Furthermore,English is very,different from Chinese.We need time,to adapt it.,teaching in both English and Chinese is better.,Finally,Chinese can be a tool to,help us to get knowledge of English,more easily.,But everything has two sides,.,If we would be taught in both English,and Chinese,the atmosphere of the,classes would be not wonderful.,3.套路式,In spite of this,advantages are,more than disadvantages.,So in my opinion,teaching in,both English and Chinese is better.,3.套路式,4.,偏题式,Some people,prefer our English classes to be,taught in English.Because that can help us,improve our writing,listening and speaking.,And that can make an atmosphere to study,English well.,Any other people thought,our English classes to be taught in both English and Chinese.,In my opinion,I prefer my English classes to be taught in English.,5.地道式,I prefer my English classes to be,taught in English only.As everybody,knows,the mastery of a language,doesnt just mean the ability to write,and read.To aquire this language,a,pure English atmosphere is of great,importance.Only by using the language,frequently can we have a good mastery,of English.,5.地道式,However,there are some disadvantages with this teaching method.It will be difficult for us to understand what the teacher wants to express.As a result,we will focus too much on the teachers words rather than their intended meaning.,5.地道式,As an old proverb goes,“Little,strokes fell great oaks.With constant,practice in and outside the,classroom,we will be able to master,English.And we will all find it quite,rewarding to be taught in English,only.,策略一:循序渐进的策略,4.注重语言的衔接,1.书写要求标准化,2.重视词汇的学法,3.掌握好简单句,策略二,:,合理迁移的策略,常见问题:,1.名词的单复数混淆,2.主谓的不一致,3.及物与不及物动词的误用,4.词形的变化,5.语序颠倒,策略三:互动交流的策略,1、英语兴趣的培养,3、,语言运用的生活化,2、,英语交流的互动化,策略四:学以致用的策略,1、培养学生的观察分析能力,2、充分利用教材中的写作,训练材料,3、创设练习的语境,地道式的文章:,写作教学追求的最高目标,内容齐全 表达正确,语言地道 自然连贯,层次清楚,Practice makes perfect.,proverb,Thank you,for your attention!,


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