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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,English,Literature,(Romantic Period end of 18,th,-19th),Part 1,Old and Medieval English Period,古英语和中世纪英语时期,Part 2,The English Renaissance,英国文艺复兴时期,Part 3,The Period of the English Bourgeoisie Revolution,英国资产阶级革命时期,Part 4,The Eighteenth Century,18,世纪与古典主义英国文学,Part5 Romanticism in England,英国浪漫主义,Part6 English Critical,Realism(Victorian Period),英国批判现实主义,Part7 Prose-Writers and Poets of the Mid and Late 19th Century,19,世纪中后期的散文家和诗人,Part 8 Twentieth Century English Literature,20,世纪英国文学,English Literary of Early 19th Century,Section I,T,he Historical Background and the Literary Trends in Early 19th-Century England,1.The,Historical Background:Economic,Political and Ideological.,The industrial revolution in England in the second half of the 18th century,and the French Revolution of 1789-94 and the ensuing Napoleonic Wars had their strong impact upon,England,s,economic,political and social scenes in the first few decades of the 19th century.,The,industrial revolution,brought with it modern machinery and industry,industrial capitalism and the proletariat,s,conomic exploitation and political capitalism.Economic exploitation and political struggle between the industrial capitalists and the proletariat for the first time in English history became the major social conflict in that country.,Not only the labouring people but even some feudal aristocrats and part of the bourgeoisie in England showed their sympathy toward the French Revolution of 1789 when it first overthrew,France,s,age-old monarchical and aristocratic tyranny,but as the radical Jacobins came onto power,the ruling classes in England became frightened and they joined with the reactionary forces on the Continent of Europe and waged war with France till the fall of Napoleon in 1815.,In the meantime,following the workers,disturbances in York,Nottingham and,et.c,there were in the late 1790s the revolutionary risings among the navy in 1797 and the national rising in Ireland in 1798.Then in the first two decades of the 19th century two major events took place:,(1)the Luddites,destruction of machinery in 1810-1811,;,(2)the massacre of a popular gathering in St.,Peter,s-Fields,(later ironically known as,“,Peterloo,”,)near Manchester in 1819.,The post-Napoleonic wars brought economic depression to England,and the fall of agricultural production and the introduction of the Corn Laws,with the consequent rise of the price of bread,led to greater miseries for the people and to their stronger demands for reform.,On the other hand,the industrial bourgeoisie who had emerged as a supremacy in political power with the landed aristocrats and the finance and commercial bourgeoisie.Finally came the so-called parliamentary reform of 1832,which brought the industrial capitalists into political power,but the poor people who supported them in the fight for reform got nothing from it except greater poverty and intensified exploitation in the 1830s and 1840s.,In the 1790s the political ideology of the ruling classes in England was represented by Edmund Burk(1729-1797)who was opposed to revolution and violence,but advocated revolutionary social change in his,“,Reflections in the French Revolution,”,(1790),while on the radical camp Joseph Priestley(1733-1840)retorted with his,“,Letter to Burke,”,(1791),Thomas Paine(1737-1809)with,“,An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Political Justice,”,(1793).These radical writers argued for the rights of the people to fight against tyranny and to overthrow any government of oppression.,In,Godwin,s,case,he even attacked capitalist exploitation alongside feudal oppression.Somewhere between these two camps there was William Cobbett(1763-1835),a social worker and a publicist who from 1800 to the year of his death published a series of pamphlets and tracts on economic and political problems,entitled,“,Political Register,”,.Marx spoke of him,“,William Cobbett,an instinctive defender of the masses of the people against the encroachment of the bourgeoisie,was considered by others and by himself as a fighter for the interests of the industrial bourgeoisie against hereditary aristocracy,”,.,Special mention should be made here of the organization of the new proletariat at the turn of the century,including the London Corresponding Society under the leadership of the shoemaker Thomas Hardy,the Luddites under Ned Ludd,the Constitutional Society under John Horne Tooke(1736-1812)and the Revolution Society under Joseph Priestley(1733-1804)and Richard Price(1732-1791).Lastly,the influence of the writings of the French Enlighteners Montesquieu,Diderot,Voltaire and Rousseau,especially the last two,was much felt in England from the late 18th to the early 19th century.,2.The Literary Trends:,The Romantic Movement,in English Literature as part of the Romanticmovement in European literature.Wordsworth,Coleridge,Bryon,Shelley and Keats;Fiction of Walter Scott and Jane Austen,;,thediffe


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