Cliquez pour modifier les styles du texte du masque,Deuxime niveau,Troisime niveau,Quatrime niveau,Cinquime niveau,Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre,France Telecom Group confidential,*,Rooms in,Buckingham Palace,Rooms,Buckingham Palace has 775 rooms,including 52 Royal and guest bedrooms,188 staff bedrooms,92 offices and 78 bathrooms.,The White Drawing Room,State Dining Room,Throne Room,Ball Room,A throne room is the room,often rather a hall,in the official residence of the crown,either a,palace,or a fortified,castle,setting for a monarch over official ceremonies,to hold council,to receive homage,to award high honors,and to perform other official functions.,Any of these could just as well be transferred,even on a permanent basis,to one or more other rooms,even outside the palace or ambulant.A common misconception is that kings and other ruling princes governed their lands seated on a throne for most of the working day,The White Drawing Room,The White Drawing Room is used for receptions and audiences and has been used as the backdrop for a number of formal photographic portraits of members of the Royal Family.,State Dining Room,Buckingham Palace Ball Room,The largest room in the Palace is the Ballroom,where Investitures and State banquets take place today.It is 36.6m long,18m wide and 13.5m high.It was opened in 1856 with a ball to celebrate the end of the Crimean War.,