单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Humor,Humor,武林外传,演员虽然穿着一身古装,演绎的是在明代永历年间的故事,但他们嘴里的话却充满着时尚的气息。打破了以往情景喜剧单纯搞笑的模式,大胆地加入了情感的东西。,经典台词,世界如此美妙,我却如此暴躁!这样不好,不好!,这些年俄命再苦没有怪过政府,点在背也没怨过社会,!,路漫漫其修远兮,我将上下东西南北中发白,无不所向披靡而求索,.,人在江湖飘,谁能不挨刀?白驼山壮骨粉,内用外服均有奇效。挨了刀涂一包,还想再挨第二刀,闪了腰吃一包,活到二百不显老。白驼山壮骨粉,青春的粉,友谊的粉,华山论剑指定营养品,本镇各大药铺医馆均有销售,购买时,请认准黑蛤蟆防伪标志,呱,呱,”,东北一家人,秉承了,我爱我家,的创作特点,再加以鲜明的东北地方特色,重点关注平民百姓日常生活中的凡人琐事,立足于贴近生活,讲述发生在我们每个人身边的熟悉事件和故事,以引起观众的共鸣。本剧的故事通过一个身处跨世纪的东北中等工业城市中的七口之家展开,全家老少三代人生活、工作在同一个大型国有企业中,在企业改革转制过程中遇到的种种令人啼笑皆非的事件,有无奈、有希望、有痛苦、有温馨。,Mr.Bean,Mr.Bean-the British BBC TV comedy sign of the drama,the play is also the name of the protagonist.,英国喜剧泰斗罗温,艾金森(,Rowan Atkinson,)饰演憨豆先生、同时也是该剧制片及编剧之一。,Who is,Mr.bean,Mr,Bean is a little clumsy,a bit naive,thinking that a one-way(do not turn their brains),a little shy,but a little short guy,and his sense of comedy comes from you and me might have occurred Daily life.Hes wearing weekdays is a very typical middle-class British conservative dress.He plays with the little,almost all rely on a wealth of physical action and the changing face to show to the audience.,The IT Crowd,This British show is about the nerds working in the IT department(located in the basement)of a large company building.Enter Jen,a career woman looking to move up in life,and as such,lies on her CV,and lands the post of manager of the IT department.Problem is,she barely knows how to turn a computer on,little own manage the IT department.And for the geeks working in the department,they become too distracted to work due to the presence of a woman in their department.Good fun,but not hilarious.,Coupling,A womans buttocks is our natural enemy,it entangled in our lives,always followed behind us,and continue to grow.I suspect that my ass,I secretly eat snacks at their backs.When a pretty girl say this very seriously disturbed so,you laugh spray in addition there may be no response to the second.In the UK sitcom Coupling(COUPLING),so the lines abound.,Little Britain,(,小不列颠,),Aspect,:,1.,无厘头的恶搞,Exaggerated and bizarre plot,2.,真实的英国生活场景,Real-life scenes of the United Kingdom,3.,原汁原味的英国各地口音,Authentic accent across the UK,Similarities,Implicit and Restraint,A profound cultural accumulation,Enlightened,Understated and quick-witted,Difference,中国,中国人的幽默更善于嘲讽戏弄别人,喜欢看聪明人干傻事,注重语言表达,English,英式的幽默更善于自嘲,喜欢看傻人干傻事,注重夸张的肢体语言和表情,Kale Candy Crystal,Thank you,