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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,UNIT 2,TRAVELLING AROUND,英语 必修第一册 配人教版,突 破 语 法,随堂知能小练,课 时 作 业,课堂新知讲练,课前自主预习,UNIT 2,TRAVELLING AROUND,Period Three,Discovering Useful Structures&Listening and Talking,课前自主预习,1,野餐,_,2,(,在旅馆、机场等,),登记,_,3,结账离开,(,旅馆等,)_,4,和一个同伴讨论,_,5,make reservations _,6,book a return flight_,7,credit card _,have a picnic,check in,check out,discuss with a partner,预约;预定,预定往返票,信用卡,8,preferred time _,9,first class _,10,business class _,11,economy class _,12,支付方式,_,13,2 single beds _,14,double bed _,15,king bed _,16,a non-smoking room_,首选的时间,(,飞机上的,),头等舱,公务舱;商务舱,经济舱,method of payment,两张单人床,双人床,特大床;大床房,一间无烟房间,现在进行时,(The present continuous tense),表将来,1,My parents _ _ me to Yunnan Province in China to visit Lijiang.,我父母打算带我去中国云南省去游览丽江。,2,We _ _ at 1000 a,m.at the bus stop near our school.,我们打算上午,10,点在学校附近的公共汽车站见面。,【,答案,】,1.are taking,2.are meeting,课堂新知讲练,request,n,(,正式或礼貌的,),要求;请求,Paraphrase:,an act of asking for something in a polite or formal way,request,v,t,.,(,正式或礼貌的,),要求;请求,Paraphrase:,to ask for something,or ask somebody to do something,in a polite or formal way,(P29)Special,requests,特殊要求,【,用法详解,】,The play was written by a well-known writer at the request of a famous director.,这部剧本是一位著名的作家应一位著名的导演的要求写的。,My parents requested me to learn a second foreign language.,我父母要求我再学一门外语。,It is requested that all members(should)be present at the party.,全体会员都被要求出席这次晚会。,【特别提醒】,request,后接双宾语时,先说事后说人,即,request sth.of/from sb.,;,request,后的宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句及,It is requested that,从句中的谓语动词用虚拟语气,即,“,(should),动词原形,”,。,针对练习,单句语法填空,(1)The teacher sang an English song _ the request of the students.,(2)Visitors are requested not _(touch)the exhibits.,(3)It is requested that all the students _(hand)in their homework before 11 oclock.,完成句子,(4)_ _ _ _ all members be present at the party.,全体会员都被要求出席这次晚会。,(5)_ _ _ _ the teachers,the professor will give us a lecture.,应老师们的请求,教授将给我们举办一次讲座。,(6)Some tests _ _ you _ no outside assistance but others will allow you to use books and the Internet.,有些测试不许你寻求外界帮助,而另一些允许你使用书本和网络。,【答案】,(1)at,(2)to touch,(3)hand,(4)It is requested that,(5)At the request of,(6)request that;use,突 破 语 法,【,我的领悟,】,句中画线部分都是用,_,时态表示将来。,Keys,:现在进行,一、现在进行时表将来,1,用于位移动词,现在进行时表示将来主要用于按计划或安排将要发生的动作或事件,多用于表示位置转移的动词,(,短语,),,如,arrive,come,get(to),leave,return,start,travel,take,take off,fly,see off,set off,等。,I,am seeing,him,off,this afternoon.,今天下午我去给他送行。,We,re leaving for,Shanghai this afternoon.,今天下午我们将动身去上海。,The plane,is arriving,in 10 minutes.,飞机将在,10,分钟内到达。,2,用于非位移动词,现在进行时表示将来除使用位移动词外,也可使用某些非位移动词,如,do,buy,meet,have,play,finish,stay,publish,等,此时句中一般要有表示将来的时间状语。,The young man,is meeting,his girlfriend this afternoon.,这个年轻人今天下午要去接他的女朋友。,I,am publishing,a book this year.,我打算今年出一本书。,二、其他表示将来的表达方式,构成,用法,will/shall do,will/shall do,表示单纯的将来,是对未来事情发生的,“,预见性,”,。,will,用于各种人称,而,shall,一般用于第一人称,be going to do,be going to do,表示打算、计划、安排或已经决定要做某事;还可表示根据某种迹象表明将要发生的事,构成,用法,be to do,be to do,表示按计划中约定的或按职责、义务、要求必须去做的事或即将发生的动作,be about to do,be about to do,意为,“,刚要;正要,”,,表示即将发生的动作,不与具体时间连用,be about to do.when.,是固定句式,意为,“,正要做,,这时,”,一般现在时表将来,一般现在时表示将来,表示按照日程表或时刻表的安排要发生的事,如火车,(,汽车,),出发、船只离岸、飞机起飞等,或用于时间和条件状语从句中,She,will come back,next week.,她将于下周回来。,Are,you,going to watch,the football game this afternoon?,你打算今天下午看足球赛吗?,Look at the dark clouds!It,s going to rain,.,看这些乌云!天要下雨了。,You,are to be back,by 9 oclock.,你必须,9,点以前回来。,Youd better fasten your seat belt.The plane,is about to take off,.,你最好系上安全带,飞机马上要起飞了。,She,was about to leave when,some guests came.,她刚要离开,这时来了一些客人。,The bus,leaves,at 900 p,m.,汽车将于晚上,9,点离开。,名师点睛,表示事先未经过考虑的打算、计划,是在说话时才想到或决定的事,即临时起意,这时通常用,will,。,Where is the telephone book?,I,ll go,and get it for you.,电话号码簿在哪里?,我去给你拿。,追踪练习,.,单句语法填空,1,The plane _(take)off at 1010.That is to say,it _(leave)in ten minutes.,2,As soon as he _(come)back,I will tell you.,3,The students in Grade One took eight subjects this term.They _(take)six subjects next term.,4,You are wanted on the phone,Ann!,OK,I _(come),5,Usually the new term _(start)on August 29th.,6,Tom,Mr.White _(leave),Will you please show him out?,7,Did you tell Julia about the result?,Oh,no,I forgot.I _(call)her now.,8,You are _(hand)in your compositions after class.,9,“,The moment _(come)soon,,,”,he thought to himself,waiting nervously.,10,Because the shop _(close)down,everything is sold at half price.,【,答案,】,1.takes,;,is leaving,es,3.are taking,4.am coming,5.starts,6.is leaving,7.will call,8.to hand,9.is coming,10.is closing,.,完成句子,1,He _ _ _ London in two hours to meet with his manager.,他两小时后将赴伦敦和经理会面。,2,We _ _ _ Shanghai next Friday to attend an important meeting.,下周五我们将乘飞机去上海出席一个重要的会议。,3,The weather forecast says that it _ _ _ _ _ tomorrow.,天气预报说明天天气暖和。,4,The sports meet _ _ _ _ next Saturday.,运动会将在下周六举行。,5,As soon as they arrive,we _ _ _ all about the event.,他们一到,我们就会把事件的全部情况告诉他们。,【,答案,】,1.is leaving for,2.are flying to,3.is going to be warm,4.is to be held,5.will tell them,随堂知能小练,.,单句语法填空,1,When summer _(come),they will invite their students to pick the fresh vegetables!,2,He _(leave)tomorrow to


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