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,话题写作,提示,:,点击 进入写作,四,一,二,三,五,一、个人家庭。,假如你是,Amy,请用英语介绍你的家庭。,要求,:1.,从年龄、学校等方面进行自我介绍。,2.,概述家庭成员数量等基本信息。,3.,选择一到两位成员,简单介绍他们的职业。,4.,语句通顺,50,词左右。,参考词汇,:sister,father,Im,I love,Hello,everyone.My name is Amy.Im eleven.I study in Sunny School.Let me introduce my family to you.There are four people in my family:my parents,my sister and I.My sister is a student.She is in Class Three,Grade Five.Im a student,too.My father is an English teacher.My mother is a doctor.I love my family.,_,_,_,_,_,_,二、兴趣爱好。,每个人都有自己的兴趣爱好,有人喜欢跳舞,;,有人,喜欢唱歌,;,有人喜欢拉小提琴,;,有人喜欢下棋。请介绍,一下你和你的朋友都有哪些兴趣爱好吧,!,要求,:1.,概述自己和朋友有许多兴趣爱好。,2.,详细介绍自己和朋友有什么兴趣爱好。,3.,用词准确,语句通顺,50,词左右。,参考词汇,:listen to music,collect stamps,take photos,hobby is,_,_,_,_,_,My friends and I have many hobbies.My hobby is collecting stamps.I learn to collect stamps from my father.My friends,Lisa and Amanda are interested in taking photos.They usually take a lot of photos when they travel.Mike always listens to music.His hobby is singing.,三、购物清单。,昨天,Bill,和爸爸一起去购物,为妈妈的生日聚会做准,备。假如你就是,Bill,请根据以下信息写一篇购物日记。,要求,:1.,记录所买物品的价格。,2.,表达为妈妈准备聚会的心情。,3.,日记格式已给出。请规范书写,50,词左右。,参考词汇,:cake,¥,120,fruit,¥,43,gift,cost,bought,Friday February 12th Sunny,_,_,_,_,Yesterday was my mothers birthday.I went shopping with my father for her birthday party.We bought a nice cake for her.It was one hundred and twenty yuan.We also bought some fruit,such as,_,_,_,_,watermelons,strawberries and so on.They cost forty-three yuan.I bought a pair of beautiful socks for her as a birthday gift.I was very happy to prepare for the party.Because I love my mother.,四、旅游观光。,即将小学毕业的各位同学,你们是否有毕业旅行,计划?假如你是,Li Yan,请写一份游览首都北京的计划。,要求,:1.,写出你想要参观的景点。,2.,合理安排你的旅行时间。,3.,语句通顺,50,词左右。,参考词汇,:graduate,plan,the Forbidden City,the Ming Tombs,_,_,_,I will graduate from primary school this summer.So I plan to travel around Beijing with my family.Well stay in Beijing for three days.On the first day,we are going to visit the Great Wall and the Ming Tombs.On the second day,well taste some traditional food.,_,_,For the last day,were going to visit the Forbidden City.I believe I can learn a lot about the history of China in this journey.,五、天气季节。,同学们,万物复苏的春天,烈日炎炎的夏天,天高气,爽的秋天,白雪皑皑的冬天,哪一个是你最喜欢的季节,呢?请你用英文介绍一下你最喜欢的季节。,要求,:1.,写出你最喜欢的季节的特点,以及你喜欢它的,理由。,2.,语句通顺,50,词左右。,参考词汇,:spring,summer,autumn,winter,weather,_,_,_,There are four seasons in a year.Theyre spring,summer,autumn and winter.My favourite season is summer.Because it s a colourful season.The weather is hotter and hotter.But we can swim and enjoy the sunbathing.I think ice cream is the most delicious food in summer.I love summer,!,


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