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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,UNIT 6,THE MEDIA,美 文 导 入,素养解读:,科技越来越发达,使社会网络化,通过网络获取信息的人越来越多。希望同学们通过学习本文,能够对所获的信息进行比较和分析,并作出合理判断;通过对各种媒体信息的对比分析,引发自己对问题的思考与反思,培养批判性思维能力;能够避免过度使用各种社会媒体,树立正确的学习意识。,主题:,媒体,学科素养:,文化意识,难度系数:,各种媒体使我们更快、更好地了解这个世界,但是同时,也使得我们与亲人、朋友相处的时间大大减少了!,What Kind of Influence Does the,Media Have on People?,The,media,is now,occupying,too much of our time.,Many teenagers are spending so much time in using computers that it seems computers are their whole life.,1,Their life,belongs to,the media rather than themselves.,The media can hinder(,阻碍,)people to,get in touch with,the nature.They understand the outside world by surfing the Internet and watching TV.Except of that,,,more and more people are having cellphones which can help them,obtain,information they want.Because of the information technology,less people choose laggard(,落后的,)information tools,,,such as newspapers and books.For them it is easy to understand the world by media.,What is more,,,in such a busy world,,,most of people cannot pay much attention to what they are doing.,2,The people who lived several scores ago did not have any media as we have today.However,,,they invented the computers,,,televisions,,,movies and other tools for,entertainment,for the modern people.,There is no doubt that the reason they did that is to make the life of modern people happy.,3,Unfortunately,as an old saying goes,,,one coin has two sides.People have been losing themselves from the beginning of the prevailing(,普遍的,)of those things.A person may spend a whole day in front of the computer,,,which makes him/her spend less time with others.So please dont lose yourself in the ocean of information,.,课标词汇,1,media,/,midi/,n,媒体,2,occupy,/,kjupa/,v,占用;占领;占据,3,obtain,/b,ten/,v,得到;获得,4,entertainment,/ent,tenmnt/,n,娱乐;招待;,款待,1,belong to,属于,2,get in touch with,和,取得联系,3,what is more,而且;,另外;,更重要的是,4,as an old saying goes,老话说得好;,俗话说,重要短语,1Many teenagers are spending so much time in using computers that it seems computers are their whole life.,分析:,本句为,so,that,句式,翻译为,“,如此,以至于,”,。另外,本句中包含,spend,in doing sth.,“,花费,做某事,”,。,译文:,许多青少年花了太多的时间在电脑上,似乎电脑就是他们的全部生活。,句型精析,2What is more,in such a busy world,most of people cannot pay much attention to what they are doing.,分析:,本句为,what,引导的宾语从句,,what,在从句中作,doing,的宾语。,译文:,更重要的是,在这样一个忙碌的世界里,大多数人不能对他们正在做的事情给予太多的关注。,3There is no doubt that the reason they did that is to make the life of modern people happy.,分析:,本句为,“,there is no doubt that,”,的固定句式,意为,“,毫无疑问,”,;另外,本句中含有,“,the reason is,”,句式,且,“,they did that,”,为定语从句,修饰,“,the reason,”,。,译文:,毫无疑问,他们这样做的原因是为了使现代人的生活幸福。,核心素养目标,【语言技能】,知道如何澄清问题和如何提出问题;,掌握重点词汇和句式;,学习,it,的用法;掌握,used to,和,would,的使用;,学会根据观点来阐明事实。,【素养提升】,学会使用所学词汇和句式写影评;,学会用所学短语描述两者之间的选择;,学会表达自己的观点和看法;,会理解运用媒介,学习其他学科知识,汲取世界文化精华。,


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