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,综合填空,提示,:,点击 进入习题,(,四,),(,一,),(,二,),(,三,),(,五,),(,八,),(,六,),(,七,),(,九,),(,十,),(,十一,),(,一,),Mr Green and Mrs Green 1.,c,from Australia.,They are 2.,i,Beijing now. Mr Green is a 3.,t,in,a high school. He teaches English. He 4.,l,reading and,running. 5.,H,son, Tom, is a student.,ome,点拨:,come from,来自。,n,eacher,ikes,is,He likes 6.,p,football very much. He likes school,too. He does his 7.,h,every day. Mrs Green is a,teacher, too. She can speak a 8.,l,Chinese. She,likes Chinese food.,laying,点拨:,play football,踢足球,,like doing sth.,喜欢做某事。,omework,ittle,She doesnt like doing housework at all, 9.,b,she,likes cooking. They all like China very 10.,m,.,ut,uch,(,二,),There is a big tree 1.,n,my house. A black bird,lives 2.,i,the tree. Every day I 3.,t,some food,to the tree. The bird sees me and 4.,c,out. Then it,comes to my hands to 5.,e,the food in my hands. After,that it goes 6.,b,to the tree.,ear,n,ake,omes,at,ack,点拨:,住在树上,用,in,。,I give 7.,s,food to this bird every day. So the bird,knows 8.,m,. I like the bird and the bird 9.,l,me,too. We are good 10.,f,.,ome,e,ikes,riends,点拨:,我喜欢鸟,鸟也喜欢我。,点拨:,由,are,可知,friend,用复数。,(,三,),Judy and Jason like sports. In summer they 1.,s,and,in 2.,w,they skate. They are going to skate,3.,t,. 4.,B,they dont know 5.,a,the,weather. Its 6: 00 now. And they are 6.,l,to the,weather report (,天气预报,) on the radio.,wim,inter,omorrow,ut,bout,istening,点拨:,know about,知道,。,It 7.,s,tomorrow is going to be 8.,c,and cloudy.,Judy and Jason are very 9.,h, because it is good to,skate. They are going to enjoy 10.,t,.,ays,old,appy,hemselves,点拨:,后文提到明天的天气适合滑冰,所以是寒冷的。,点拨:,enjoy oneself,玩得高兴。,(,四,),There are seven days in a 1.,w,. 2.,M,children go to school 3.,f,Monday to Friday. Most people,4.,d,go to work on Saturday 5.,o,Sunday. And most shops are 6.,c,in England on Saturday and Sunday. But in China, shops are open every day.,eek,any,rom,ont,r,losed,点拨:,from to,从,到,。,Sunday is 7.,a,a holiday. Its the 8.,f,day of the week. Some people go 9.,s,at the mall on that day. The time between Friday evening and Sunday evening is the weekend. It is the time for rest. We cant work all the time. We have to have a 10.,r,.,lways,irst,hopping,est,点拨:,前一句提到,cant work,由此判断出此处为休息。,(,五,),Hello, 1.,e,! Im a 2.,s,of Grade Six. My name is Jim. Let me tell you about our Chinese 3.,l,. We 4.,b,to learn Chinese three years ago.,veryone,tudent,earning,egan,点拨:,由后文可知,主人公是一名学生。,点拨:,由,“three years ago”,,可知用一般过去时。,We have learned 5.,l,of words and sentences. We learned Chinese by 6.,l, speaking, reading and writing. Our teacher often asked us to 7.,p,our Chinese in and out of class. We are very 8.,i,in topics like sports, clothes, food and animals. Now I can 9.,a,write a little Chinese 10.,a,my real life.,ots,istening,ractise,nterested,点拨:,be interested in,对,感兴趣。,lso,bout,(,六,),Bob and Sam are in the 1.,s,school,2.,b,they are in different classes.,ame,ut,点拨:,由下文的,“different”,可知,这里应填“相同的”。,点拨:,由前后文可知此处表示转折。,They go to school on 3.,w,. They often play games 4.,w,their friends at school. Classes 5.,b,at eight. Now Bob and Sam are in 6.,t,own classrooms. They are listening to their 7.,t,carefully. Bob is studying English. Sam is having a Chinese 8.,l,.,eekdays,ith,egin,heir,点拨:,在工作日上学。,eachers,esson,They both study 9.,h,They love their teachers and they like their 10.,s,very much.,ard,chool,(,七,),Heres my travel 1.,p,for the 2.,s,holidays. Im going to travel 3.,a,Singapore 4.,w,my parents.,点拨:,travel plan,旅行计划。,lan,ummer,round,ith,点拨:,travel around,环游。,Were going to stay there 5.,f,three days. In the first two days, were going to 6.,v,Sentosa, the Singapore Zoo and the Singapore Flyer. For the 7.,l,day, were going to visit Chinatown.,点拨:,表示持续的一段时间用“,for,一段时间”。,or,isit,ast,点拨:,由前文可知,旅游天数还有最后一天,故填,last,。,We can enjoy the 8.,f,there and learn more,9.,a,the history of Singapore. We will have a lot of 10.,f,.,ood,bout,un,(,八,),Everybody wants to 1.,b,healthy. And healthy food is very 2.,g,for our health. You can have some pears, apples, 3.,b, cabbages and tomatoes, because fruit and 4.,v,are good for us.,e,ood,ananas,点拨:,be good for,对,有益处。,egetables,5.,B,we shouldnt eat too much meat or junk food. Its 6.,n,good for you. Healthy food can 7.,h,you keep strong and happy. There is a saying, “An apple a day keeps the 8.,d,away. ” 9.,S,can also keep you healthy. 10.,G,up early and do some sports every day. Then you will be healthy and happy.,ut,ot,elp,点拨:,由后文可知,体育运动也可以让我们健康。,octor,ports,et,(,九,),Look at the 1.,m,of our city. Its a 2.,v,big city. And I 3.,l,hereNanjing Street. Its on the,4.,l,of a park. Nanjing Street is a main street. There are many 5.,b,there.,ap,ery,ive,eft,uildings,点拨:,后文谈论的都是关于各种建筑物,故此处应填,buildings,。,Look! There is a hotel 6.,n,the hospital. The hospital is behind the supermarket. The bank is beside the bookshop. In 7.,f,of the shoe shop is a 8.,c,shop.,ear,ront,lothes,My mother and I often buy 9.,b,clothes there. This is a busy, clean and nice 10.,s,.,eautiful,treet,点拨:,本文主要是介绍,Nanjing Street,周围的建筑,故文章最后进行总结“这是一条繁忙、干净、好看的街道。”,(,十,),My name is Zhou Pei. The 1.,w,holidays are,2.,c,. Im going to Canada. My brother 3.,l,there. He has a farm. Ill feed animals there. My 4.,f,animal is the rabbit. Im going to 5.,t,photos with animals.,inter,oming,ives,点拨:,are coming,就要来到。,avourite,ake,点拨:,take photos,照相。,Ill stay there for two weeks. Yang Ming is my,6.,c,. He is going to Sanya with his parents. He will 7.,p,on the beautiful beach. Hes going to,8.,s,. Its cool and 9.,s,there. He is going to stay there for ten days. I think we will have a lot of,10.,f,.,lassmate/cousin,lay,wim,unny,un,(,十一,),Kate is ill today. She 1.,h,a bad cold. She cant go to school. She stays 2.,i,bed at home. Her classmates come to see her. They bring her a lot of fruit. They tell her not to worry about her lessons and 3.,t,a good rest. They want to 4.,h,her 5.,w,her lessons. They hope she will get 6.,w,soon. Kate feels very happy.,as,n,ake,elp,ith,ell,


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