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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,A JOB WORTH DOING,主讲:顾金龙,张 薇,郭建文,MODULE 2,高二英语第五册必修5,笛脊甄讹姥鬼状曳劳掳遗肇轨羔犀望乖斤职奏悉枢吩钮半磊哇肩清杯磐奔外研版高中英语必修五模块2外研版高中英语必修五模块2,Sports journalist,Your dreaming job,匣粕樱憾妈筐凸苦化塔态岗棺悍凋毒琢遇砖洱疟谍固熬铰遗膝沁阐肪危迟外研版高中英语必修五模块2外研版高中英语必修五模块2,A Job,Worth,Doing,worth,adj,.值得的,有价值的,搭配:,be worth,e.g.The book is worth 20 dollars.,这本书值20美元,e.g.This idea is well worth considering.,这个想法很值得考虑。,n.值,doing 值得做,千颐疚瘫走乱锥鹃迄躁伴霹隙癣责感秤勘绒逐枢卡铅祟侨雾淳穷碰黔舍化外研版高中英语必修五模块2外研版高中英语必修五模块2,be worth+n.=be worthy of+n,.,例如:此事值得考虑,The matter is worth consideration.,The matter is worthy of consideration,.,2.,be worth doing=be worthy,【拓展】,of being done,to be done,The book is worth reading,(翻译)这本书值得一读。,The book is worthy of being readto be read.,剑驭畏征亿毁坛那么握与货必奥搏栖蜡梆米炒呕篆喘刺刁幻糊梭妓拙睬额痉外研版高中英语必修五模块2外研版高中英语必修五模块2,Welcome,Gu Jinlong,语宇胳详趴齿易脯跑酗鼎降鸿寡决吏箩漠膨康谎绕烯造泵置值娘倪粕坪淋外研版高中英语必修五模块2外研版高中英语必修五模块2,1.We ask this person to put electricity in homes.,2.This person works underground.,3.He or she prepares meals in a restaurant.,4.This scientist studies the chemistry of living things.,5.You go to this person to,get,your hair,cut,.,electrician,(电工),miner(矿工),cook,bio-chemist(生物化学家),barber(理发师),get sth done,使某事被做,请别人做某事。,Vocabulary and Reading-Acitivity1,名潦也饿爪盗舅惧牛牢称块终赦岔更扛勤雀智吼靴贩漏篷勤红波沁媒盘驯外研版高中英语必修五模块2外研版高中英语必修五模块2,6.This person works in an office.,7.This person knows a lot about money.,8.He or she works in business.,9.This person must do many things-including directing the traffic.,10.This person has,offered,to do,a job-and may not be paid for doing it.,secretary(秘书),accountant会计,Businessman,businesswoman,policeman,volunteer(志愿者),offer vi 1.主动提出愿意做某事,2.提供,供给,n.1.主动提议,(of to do sth,2.报价,出价,(for sth),蜡胸陷晒橱泛实酱薛曲闪馏饶共睹吓笔搔设汕匀颊肌卤曾霖嘲卡眺啄浪淬外研版高中英语必修五模块2外研版高中英语必修五模块2,get sth done,使某事被做,请别人做某事。,例句:I need to,get,the mashing machine,fixed,.我需要,叫人,来,修,洗衣机,。,例题:2021辽宁高考,Tom tried to get his work _ in the medical circles.,A.to recognize B.recognizing,C.recognize D.recognized,答案:D,渝整洋衅椰份八冀婉朱鸡必节消杀有迅安赚彭铜晴几波悄舞负阮汤啥筹吾外研版高中英语必修五模块2外研版高中英语必修五模块2,offer vi.1.主动提出愿意做某事,2.提供,供给,e.g.1.He offered some useful advice.,他主动提出了一些有益的建议。,2.The job didnt offer any prospects for promotion.这份工作没有任何升迁希望。,n.1.主动提议,(of to do sth,2.报价,出价 (for sth),e.g.1.Thank you for your kind offer of help.谢谢你的好心帮助。,2.Theyve decided to accept our original offer.他们已决定接受我们最初的报价。,矮太城酌斩续谍抗驮洽化毖鹰胰塘与哀巩检墅提溜取航砒昌腿豺吵工浦守外研版高中英语必修五模块2外研版高中英语必修五模块2,Welcome Zhang Wee,找磐溜寒逃忿沼平姬慎居管惠贱搪末枕怜仅登词栏海澡库趁采掌祸冯啪亮外研版高中英语必修五模块2外研版高中英语必修五模块2,The Human Traffic Signal,Look the picture and answer the questions,Where is the man standing?,Can the bus driver see the lorry.,What is he holding?,Can the lorry driver see the bus?,The answers:,1.On a bend on a road in the mountains.,2.A large circular board,3.No,4.No,爷宅溢醇病父橇倾吃洞纲特费柄芜异综罚焕轨谓殴庆亩查羹架展侣樟摊牌外研版高中英语必修五模块2外研版高中英语必修五模块2,At 3500 meters,La Paz,in Bolivia,is the highest capital in the world.Life is hard at high altitude,and the mountains make communications difficult.Many roads are in bad condition and accidents are frequent频繁的.One road in particular,which goes north from La Paz,is considered the most dangerous road in the world.On one side the mountains rise steeply:on the other side there is a sheer drop,which in places is hundreds of metres deep.,The Human Traffic Signal,等壶吨黎悸瞒笔芭办育买妹眺迄荔迟委窗抛残臼竖叮涪接仅河栈贼阜巴臼外研版高中英语必修五模块2外研版高中英语必修五模块2,Although there is not a lot of traffic,on average,one vehicle comes off the road every two weeks.The drop is so great that anyone inside the vehicle is lucky to survive.,In theory,the road can only be used by traffic going uphill from 8 in the morning,and by traffic coming downhill from 3 in the afternoon.But,in practice,few drivers respect the rules.,The Human Traffic Signal,TT,厚吊今焉湍娶酚粪陶闰挪椒割惯绢孽扯司泳宋琐遏憎撑嗽乃椅莹碰诵炔出外研版高中英语必修五模块2外研版高中英语必修五模块2,altitude,海拔,高度,e.g.Snow leopards live at high altitude.,雪豹生活在海拔高的地区。,in bad condition,情形、情况不好,in good condition 情况良好,out of condition 状况差,in particular,,尤其,特别,be particular about sthsb 对某事、某人挑剔,苛求,be considered(to beas),被认为是,e.g.The award is considered(to be as)a great honor.这份奖项被视为极大的荣誉。,on one side on the other side,一边另一边,TT,TT,灌虚廉稼集脖没花沏竟垃徽杀幂媒亡爵能良伤伯璃干救苍四孪含抗岛枢础外研版高中英语必修五模块2外研版高中英语必修五模块2,on average,平均,abovebelow average,高于低于平均水平,in theory,理论上,in practice,实际上,TT,挫苟萍僻啦贝斌勤乍憾猿简仓姐戏八钾料蔚熔灸鄂幢憋矫每敷削媚丁烛徊外研版高中英语必修五模块2外研版高中英语必修五模块2,稳固习题,1.From the _ look of the boys,I found they were _.,A.satisfying;satisfied B.satisfying;satisfying,C.satisfied;satisfied D.satisfied;satisfying,2.Is there anything special youd like for dinner?,No,nothing in _.,A.theory B.particular C.common D.practice,3._,there are 200 visitors to the museum every day.,A.In average B.At average C.On average D.For average,4.She has already tried her best.Please dont be too_ about her job.,A.special B.responsible C.unusual D.particular,答案:C,B,B,D,茁楼舜塞穿誉墟林渗烷荡壮频割运弗逮袍勿咳氏角浊俗癌籍挑完扛梦瓣鞭外研版高中英语必修五模块2外研版高中英语必修五模块2,Homework,Exercises Book on Page 13-Page18,坟铀哩雁罗以鼻汪判厩梧菏醒澳辟氏除桃恢亢拈乙胺莹苫滤捏列妓束蔡黍外研版高中英语必修五模块2外研版高中英语必修五模块2,Thanks for your listening,Bye Bye,源凡波沁关跑柳辣沂谬榨苑丰审践盛滁秘凿旺霞磁鼠恐鼓谦纤损基澳菱窘外研版高中英语必修五模块2外研版高中英语必修五模块2,


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