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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Gonline,中国运营分析,*,Business PlanSkynet,07/2010,Philosophy of the company:,Make tomorrow a colorful day!,Mission of Skynet,Teenage-oriented,,,integrating community,、,virtual world as well as large scale on-line products to make a leading social amusing platform to let teenagers to show themselves and interact with their friends.,Jiao Zhixiang,Gu wei,Jiao Zhixiang,Chu Meng,D&R department,Du Ying,Marketing department,Lin Xiaohan,R&D department,Gu wei,Du Ying,Sha sha,Gu Wei,Chu Meng,Financial department,Sha Sha,Li Meijing,Board of directors,Management team,RenZhiFeng,game development director,29,Graduated from China textile university,1999,adult education college of decoration.The original dongxing(Shanghai)software Co.,LTD and kelemei(KONAMI)software(Shanghai)Co.,LTD.Is engaged in r&d manager and producer,game development:nine years,At the end of 2000,the development KONAMI FROGGER GBA won the best in North America,has sold more than 40 million copies.,Practical marketing experts,International trainer industry association,Terminal construction managementand marketing experts,Many training consultants charge him as part-time training instructor,Chinas major league career trainer,member of international trade,the American member of trainer ICQAC international professional trainers.7 years experience in sales management,over five years terminal training experience.,Strategy of Skynet,With completed integrated social community,virtual world as well as larger-scale on-line games to build social activities common date platform.Skynet is aimed to become the teenager social and amusing portal website,.,Milestone 1,:,To be a leading teenager community and a larger-scale on-line platform through independent development and authority,particular developing community and leisure MMOs(Massive-Multiplayer On-Line)(in 23years,)。,Milestone 2,:,To be the largest scale teenager community social entertainment portal platform.,(,in 45years,),8,Community,Take full use of the forum,To totally,integrate games into community,Focus on community incidents and tasks,To connect the kindred spirit through community activities,Other functions including forum,、,club,、,personalized file,、,blog,、,vote,、,etc.,9,Virtual world,Basic virtual world and personalized reload are integrated all the features.For example users can create unique clothing and cars,compete with friends,win Gold Coins,buy better auto parts,show in the personal documents and join the higher-level games.,Skynet will fully balance the comprehensive ecosystem and auction based on the fair,Plot,。,Skynet will own absolute plot.the users will be invited to participate the movie.,Product strategy,Social entertainment portal platform,self-expression and show off,Hot topic,blog,Virtual space,Personal file,Community,club,forum,friends,fair,Entertainment,Plot and incident,fashion,Mini games,Music and video,Service,Study system,Recommendation,Competition and scholarship,Target users,Teenagers from 15-24 and youth below 40,Chinese Internet users,:,2 hundred million,proportion of teenager users,:,50%,game players,:,60 million,MMORPG game players,:,30 million,leisure/social,game players,:,40 million,Internet market,:,6 billion dollars in,(,growth rate with 50%per year,),MMORPG(Massive-Multiplayer On-Line Role-playing Game)=,大型多人在线角色扮演网游,:,2 billion dollars in 2007,(,growth rate with 60%per year,),Internet is the main source of the teenagers,MMOG is the most accessible and economical way,Huge business opportunity,society-oriented and leisure users,(,mostly are female,),Market opportunity,Skynet will meet demand of three parts,For parents,it has a larger quantity of channel of learning and life-form community.,For teenagers,,,Skynet is a unique community to show themselves.,For teachers,Skynet is the marketplace offering service.,For government and society,Skynet is a positive and healthy community as well as entertainment platform.,Market in China,资料来源:,IDC,数据来源:,IDC,Computer games in China,Competitive assay,Advantages,Philosophy.Social entertainment common date platform,integrating the community and games.It will gain huge market.,Globalization location.Though the content need localized,Skynet will introduce the global citizens to meet the needs of the whole world.,Recreational and creative.,Disadvantages,Most needs to start from scratch,including plot,forum,incident and artwork.,Relation with the government is vital to become the portal of teenagers.,Local management team and the designer of product is also vital at starting stage.,综合门户,代理运营,自主产权,电信运营,第一阵营,第二阵营,盛大、九城,光通、游戏新干线、网星等,金山、联众,中游、可乐吧、天晴数码等,网易,新浪、搜狐,上海热线、天府热线等,Marketing strategy,Medium-and-large MMO,.,Present,,,two leading games hold the game market,one is the MMO like WOW and Perfect World,,,the other is the mini online games like board and card games.,Our goal is to become the common date platform of medium-and-large leisure game.We will achieve it by self-development and authority.,Anima


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