Science and the Environment - Aurora High School

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,8/17/2012,#,Science and the Environment1.Understanding Our Environment2.The Environment and Society,p.5-23,Key Terms,Environmental Science,Ecology,Agriculture,Natural resources,Pollution,Biodiversity,Law of supply and demand,Ecological footprint,Sustainability,Understanding our Environment,Define environmental science,and compare environmental science with ecology,List five major fields of study that contribute to environmental science,Describe the major environmental effects of hunter-gathers,the agricultural revolution,and the Industrial Revolution,Distinguish between renewable and nonrenewable resources.,Classify environmental problems into three major categories,How do you define,Environment,?,Rain-forest,Backyard or neighborhood,Everything around us,Both natural and manmade,Complex web of relationships that connects us with the world we live in(,interconnectedness,),What is,Environmental Science,?,The study of how humans interact with the environment.,Goals:,To understand and solve environmental problems by studying humans and their environments,How we use natural resources(water and plants),How our actions alter our environment,Many Fields of Study,Ecology,-,study how living things interact with each other and their nonliving environment,Biology,-study of living things(Zoology,Botany,Microbiology,Ecology),Earth Science-,is the study of the Earths nonlving systems and the planet as a whole(Geology,Paleontology,Climatology,Hydrology),Physics,-study of matter and energy(Engineering),Chemistry,-study of chemicals and their interactions(Biochemistry,Geochemisty),Social sciences-,study of human populations(geography,anthropology,sociology),Our Environment Through Time,Manhattan was a place where Native Americans hunted and fished(,H,unters-Gathers,),The,N,ative American set fires to burn prairies to prevent,succession,(growth of trees)keeping them as open grasslands so they could hunt,Gathers spread plants to areas they didnt normally grow in,Over hunting-lost of species,Agricultural Revolution,10,000 years ago,The practice of growing,breeding and caring for plants and animals that are used for food,clothing,housing,transpiration and other,Growth of human populations(500 x times support than HG),Changed food we ate,Caused soil loss,floods,water shortages,non fertile soils,loss of habitats,Industrial Revolution,1700s shift from animal muscle and running waters to fossil fuels(coal and oil),Increased the efficiency of agriculture,industry and transportation,Large scale productions of goods became less expensive then manmade,Light bulbs,sanitations,nutrition and medical care,pollution and habitat loss more common,Artificial products makes life easier but just starting to see environmental problems it caused,Spaceship Earth,Earth is like a spaceship traveling that cannot dispose of its waste,Earth is a Close System(large amounts of energy enter and large amounts of heat leave),Resources are limited and produces more waste than we can dispose of,IR and AR allowed for human populations to grow to large too fast,Major problems-habitat loss,pesticide pollutions and feeding the world,Main Environmental Problems,Resource Depletion,(non and renewable),Natural resources-any natural material that is used by humans,Pollution,-undesired change in air,water,soil that adversely affects the health,survival,or activities of humans or other living things(bio and nondegradable),Loss of Biodiversity-,number and variety of species that live in an area(extinction),The Environment and Society,Describe the“Tragedy of the Commons,Explain the law of supply and demand,List 3 differences between developed and developing countries,Explain what sustainability is,and describe why it is a goal of environmental science,The,Tragedy of the Commons-,Hardin,Take human societies and how they act before we can solve problems,Short term interest of the individual and the long-term welfare of society,Overuse and depleting-someone hast to take responsibility for maintaining a resource,Community gardens,Economics and the Environment,Supply and Demand-,greater the demand for a limited supply of something,the more that the things is worth(oil-pay higher prices,use less,find new resources),Cost and Benefits-,the cost of the action against the benefits one expect from it.Who does the analysis can change the outcome),Risk Assessment-,perception of the risk,used to protect our health and environment,Developed and Developing Countries,World choices affect us ALL!,Unequal distribution of wealth and resources around the world influences the environmental problem,Developed,-higher incomes,slower population growth,diverse industries and strong social support(US,Canada and Japan),Developing,-lower incomes,simple agriculture based economies,rapid pop growth(Mexico,Brazil and Malaysia),Population and Consumption,Local population pressures-,populations


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