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,Unit 3,Where did you go?,PEP,六,年级下册,课时,5,Part B,Read and write,Lets wrap it up,提示,:,点击,进入习题,四,五,二,三,一,六,一、选词填空,补全句子。,1,.Hes going to work in the,_.,2.Jack played the _ of a puppet at the party.,3.The dog _ her hand.,4.The farmer put strawberries in,the _.,5.We talked and _ for a long time.,basket,part,licked laughed,countryside,countryside,part,licked,basket,laughed,二、给句子选择相应的图片。,A,.,B,.,C,.,D,.,E,.,(,)1.Amy rode a bike in the countryside.,(,)2.Jack fell off the bike and hurt his leg.,(,)3.Tom went fishing yesterday.,E,D,A,A,.,B,.,C,.,D,.,E,.,(,)4.Bob went camping with his friend,last Sunday.,(,)5.John took lots of pictures in the park.,B,点拨:,做题时要仔细观察图片中的关键信息,然后与句子提供的信息相匹配。如,A,图为“一个男孩在钓鱼”,只有第,3,题“汤姆昨天去钓鱼了。”与其相符,即可得出答案。,C,三、根据图片用完整的句子回答问题。,1,.Where did you go over your summer holiday?(,回答城市,名,),_,I went to Beijing.,2.How did you go there?,_,I went there by taxi.,3.What did you do on the farm?,_,We ate fresh/delicious food.,4.Did you go swimming?,_,No,we didnt.,四、阅读对话,判断句子正,(T),误,(F),。,A:You didnt come to school.What happened,John?,B:I fell off my bike and hurt my foot.,A:Oh dear!Are you all right?,B:Yes,Im OK.Thanks.,A,:Can I come and visit you?,B:Sure!You can see my photos from the Labour Day holiday.,A:Did you go to Turpan?,B:Yes,I did.I saw lots of grapes and ate lots of mutton kebabs.They were delicious.,A,:Who did you go with?,B:My parents and my uncle,.,(,)1.John didnt come to school,because he,hurt his leg.,(,)2.John took photos on Labour,Day holiday,.,(,)3.John went to Turpan with his friends.,(,)4.John went fishing in Turpan.,(,)5.John ate delicious food in Turpan.,F,T,F,F,T,五、补全对话。,(,有两项是多余的,),Peter,:Tomorrow is Sunday.Lets go camping.,Mike:But I went camping yesterday.,Peter:Really?1.,_,A.Where did you go?,B.When did you go?,C.Did you take photos?,D.Who did you go with?,E.What did you do there?,F.Why did you go there?,G.How did you go there?,D,Mike,:My family.,Peter:2._,Mike:We went to Mr Blacks farm.,Peter:3._ The forest park is the best place to camp.,A,A.Where did you go?,B.When did you go?,C.Did you take photos?,D.Who did you go with?,E.What did you do there?,F.Why did you go there?,G.How did you go there?,F,Mike,:Because the farm has a small river and large grass.,Peter:Oh,yes.4._,Mike:We went there by bike.,G,A.Where did you go?,B.When did you go?,C.Did you take photos?,D.Who did you go with?,E.What did you do there?,F.Why did you go there?,G.How did you go there?,Peter,:Its good exercise.,5,._,Mike:Yes,I did.And we ate delicious food.,Peter:Sounds great,.,C,A.Where did you go?,B.When did you go?,C.Did you take photos?,D.Who did you go with?,E.What did you do there?,F.Why did you go there?,G.How did you go there?,六、阅读,Amy,的朋友圈,完成下列各题。,I went to Xiamen with my parents over the summer holiday.,It was a beautiful city.The people there were kind and friendly.The weather was sunny and hot.Xiamen is not far from my home,so we went there by car.,We,went to the beach first.The sea was blue and the beach was really nice.I went swimming and took lots of pictures.After that we went to the countryside of Xiamen to go fishing.It was very interesting.We ate fresh food in the restaurant.The food was delicious and not expensive.On the last day,I bought postcards and sent them to my friends.,We,stayed there for five days and I had a good time.It was a wonderful trip.,(,一,),阅读短文,选择正确的答案。,(,)1.When did Amy go to Xiamen?,A.On Labour Day holiday.,B.In summer holiday.,C.In winter holiday.,B,(,)2.How did they go to Xiamen?,A.By train.,B,.By car.,C.By plane.,B,(,)3.Which of the following is TRUE?,A.The weather was sunny and hot,in Xiamen,.,B.Amy went swimming and rode a bike.,C.Amy took lots of pictures of the beautiful countryside.,A,(,二,),阅读短文,将句子补充完整。,1.They _ _ in Xiamens countryside.,2.Amy _,_,and sent them to her friends on the last day.,3.They stayed in Xiamen for _ days.,bought,postcards,went,fishing,five,


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