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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Mooring lines,New words and expressions,Head line,头缆,Stern line,尾缆,Forward=fore,前部的,向前的。,Afterward=aft,后部的,向后的,Lead,通向,Pivot point,支点,旋转点,Shore,岸,Forward spring,(,line,)前倒缆,Aft spring,(,line,)后倒缆,Forward breast line,前横缆,Aft breast line,后横缆,Right angle,直角,Manila rope,麻绳,白棕绳,Lashing wire,捆扎钢丝,Heaving line,撇缆,Hawser,粗缆,nylon,尼龙,Towing line,Fiber rope,纤维绳,Eye splice,琵琶头,Rat guard,防鼠挡,挡鼠板,Heaving line,Head line,Towing line,Which lines does the picture show,?,Pattern drills,he/she/it has(got)(not),We/they/I have (got)(not),Have you/they(got)(not)?,A ship has got a,head line.,It leads,fore,from,head,to the shore.,船舶有一根头缆,从船头向前延伸到岸上。,It leads from,forward of a ships pivot,to the shore.,A ship has got a,stern,line.,It leads from afterward of a ships pivot point to she shore.,船有一根尾缆,从船后部的支点向后伸到岸上。,A ship has got a,fore spring line,.,It leads,aft,from the,forecastle,to the shore,.,A ship has got an aft spring line.,It leads forward from the port or starboard quarter to the shore.,A ship has got an,aft breast line,.,It leads,at right angles to the center line,from the,stern,to the shore.,Aft breast line,Head line,aft,Fore breast line,Forward spring,Aft spring,fore,Stern line,1.The line leading forward to the tug from the bow is _.,A.the forward towing line B.the headline C.the forward breast line,2.The line leading aft from the stern to the stern tug is _.,A.the stern line B.the aft spring C.the aft towing line,3.The line leading at a right angle to the centerline from the stern to the shore is _.,A.the forward breast line B.the aft breast line C.the aft towing line,缆绳练习,4.The line leading aft from the forecastle to the shore is _.,A.the aft spring B.the forward spring C.the head line,5.The line leading forward from the port bow to the shore is called _.,A.the aft spring B.the stern line C.the head line,1.Mooring lines,A.,系缆,B.,撇缆,C.,倒缆,D.,横缆,2.Heaving line,A.,头缆,B.,撇缆,C.,倒缆,D.,横缆,3.Spring line,A.,头缆,B.,撇缆,C.,倒缆,D.,横缆,4.Stern line,A.,尾缆,B.,撇缆,C.,倒缆,D.,横缆,词汇练习,5.Breast line,A.,尾缆,B.,撇缆,C.,倒缆,D.,横缆,6.Bollard,A.,系缆桩,B.,缆绳,C.,挽牢,D.,松倒缆,7.Headline,A.,头缆,B.,撇缆,C.,横缆,D.,倒缆,8.Line runner,A.,带缆,B.,带缆水手,C.,甲板,D.,带缆小艇,9.,系缆桩,A.Fender B.Headline C.Line runner D.Bollard,10,撇缆,A.Stern line B.Spring line C.Headline D.Heaving line,11.Fender,A.,碰垫,B.,缆绳,C.,系缆桩,D.,挽牢,12.Rat guard,A.,测量仪,B.,挡鼠板,C.,望远镜,D.,车钟,homework,1.,掌握本次课所学词汇。,2.,能用英语描述缆绳,并能进行问答。,


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