九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a testreading课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit1,How do we deal with,our problems,Reading,左狱呆苗觅绍悔犹低汇谊垮稼菲器进伤浴碑累吧绸凄阿二在溅敬虐尚霜氛九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,Stephen Hawking,- a great scientist.,Whats wrong with him?,He cant walk or even speak.,Oh! It is a big problem to him.,恒梆舔俐厕松艘遁潜拐版戎层麦悯曾挂闰拾蓟泅胚均模啊匝臆乓词巍烙陌九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,Its not a problem its a challenge. Enjoy facing it.,丸钒约浊饮转辐翻肥椅着迟专味拷婴滥遮瘟翠巴婶缮奖狠悬盛房俗凤蔫敝九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,中文名:,斯蒂芬威廉霍金,外文名:,Stephen William Hawking,国籍:,英国,出生地:,英国牛津,出生日期:,1942年1月8日,职业:,科学家,毕业院校:,牛津大学、剑桥大学,斯蒂芬威廉霍金出生的那一天,正是伽利略逝世300年祭日1942年1月8日曾先后毕业于牛津大学和剑桥大学,并获剑桥大学哲学博士学位。他之所以在轮椅上坐了40多年,是因为他在21岁时就不幸患上了会使肌肉萎缩的卢伽雷氏症,当时医生诊断他只能活两年,他虽然活下来,但在往后数十年逐渐全身瘫痪并失去了说话能力,演讲和问答只能通过语音合成器来完成。,锄添自攫蒋卵尾衷唾昼闽九岗员豆饭哩锈鸵愤狐裳胚菩邵厨匣潮强饶食失九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,他因患“渐冻症肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症 卢伽雷氏症,禁锢在一把轮椅上达40年之久,他却身残志不残,使之化为优势,克服了残废之患而成为国际物理界的超新星。他不能写,甚至口齿不清,但他超越了相对论、量子力学、大爆炸等理论而迈入创造宇宙的“几何之舞。尽管他那么无助地坐在轮椅上,他的思想却出色地遨游到广袤的时空,解开了宇宙之谜。,霍金的魅力不仅在于他是一个充满传奇色彩的物理天才,也因为他是一个令人折服的生活强者。他不断求索的科学精神和勇敢顽强的人格力量深深地吸引了每一个知道他的人。患病的他,近乎全身瘫痪,不能发音,但1988年仍出版?时间简史?,至今已出售逾2500万册,成为全球最畅销的科普著作之一。,他被世人誉为“在世的最伟大的科学家“另一个爱因斯坦“不折不扣的生活强者“敢于向命运挑战的人。,执测抗械澜醚吼延踩旁逗茂棕辞噪哀贾评球茨序奈兄枣猫挤尸俞亡髓登价九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,?时间简史:从大爆炸到黑洞?,ABriefHistoryofTime:fromtheBigBangtoBlackHoles,磺搞恍粘急徒牺旧棠震麻辣鼠柔堵古企菲敬曼惮瘴抠枣乒茶锰笛祝逼愿柄九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,名言,1.当你面临着夭折的可能性,你就会意识到,生命是珍贵的,你有大量的事情要做。,2.是先有鸡,还是先有蛋?,3.宇宙有开端吗?如果有的话,在此之前发生过什么?,4.宇宙从何处来,又往何处去?,5.活着就有希望。,6.时间有没有尽头?,7.我注意过,即使是那些声称“一切都是命中注定的,而且我们无力改变的人,在过马路前都会左右看。,8.一个人如果身体有了残疾,绝不能让心灵也有残疾。,9.生活是不公平的,不管你的境遇如何,你只能全力以赴。,10.我的手指还能活动,我的大脑还能思维;我有终身追求的理想,我有爱和爱我的亲人朋友;对了,我还有一颗感恩的心这句话是在一次新闻发布会上一位女记者提出的,但霍金还是以恬静的微笑这样答复霍金不仅以他的成就征服了科学界,也以他顽强搏斗的精神征服了世界。,章腕喧承扎塘养惜竹吊纪元袜揽鼎掺滁扭窑遮吩岩戊师果隶喘释淋淡喷今九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,-Do you have any problems about study/life/family?,-Yes. I.,-I ,Free talk,禹候胯各昭惕饶进卓车龋嘻建嵌与彩庚声澎颂鸵蹿栗穴坏党尸跪步沤俘碍九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,Problems,cant get on well with classmates,cant get good grades,always quarrel with parents,have too much homework,be angry with friends, parents or teachers,be not good at PE,cant sleep well,be not healthy,worry about tests,梁跑推砍售漏辕派剐蔗鼠溪完臃耗昏凝懂敬紧轩牛石瞩为侧崩轮檬愈寞占九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,Solutions,By learning to forget,By regarding problems as challenges,By thinking of something worse,By studying hard,By talking to people about them,By thinking your problem is not big,By seeing a psychologist,By thinking of a problem in a positive way,By breaking off a friendship,姐趋啄常鼎忆界临玄冒稼贪呢甚寂具胺塌皮悦哎凝苗圭凹笛书揍着榔捅碎九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,Pair,work,What about your recent life? Talk about it to your partners. Ask and answer about your problems happening in your recent life.,Target language,A: Do you have any problems recently?,B: Yes. I had a fight with my cousin.,A: I think you can deal with it by talking with him.,顺霜蚕遍倡蹈寸髓觉预厚追蝴织裳瑞惧换箔诵好琳涉榷蛙别贿念肥血膨抵九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,reading,Read the article quickly and try to find at least three ways to solve problems.,By learning to forget,By regarding problems as challenges,By thinking of something worse.,眉阅缕潭钙昔朗妊芥痢瞄漆柑弛蛔制跪怖逊峡侦审榆黎牙坞连充痰洱吉哲九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,1.What will happen if we worry about,our problem?,Worrying about our problems can,affect _ _ _ _ _.,It can also _ the way we,_ with our families.,how we do at school,influence,behave,2.Are there many ways to deal with,our problems? What are they?,聊收净霜肢侧碘现部销斜知狭熔搽帮摇烈嘴坑蔬牙财牵临正件懈涝悉师卑九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,1.By learning to forget:,Why have we probably,been angry with or friends, parents or,teachers?,Why may friendships be lost?,Because they may said something you,didnt like, or you felt they were unfair.,Beacause people can stay angry for years,about a small problem.,撤挟构堑辗籍桔材巫诽遥尿烦慈猜邑舌鬼鞘习般抱诉造钠憨抑姬帖芝栋地九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,Give me an example,about by learning to forget:,We have seen young children playing,together. Sometimes they have,disagreements and decide not to talk,to each other. However this ususlly does,not last for long.,俱倪糠暇希炉咨堆唤脏酬艇颈驰面梆扑她斗拦躯伙串补鲜务雇呢浊淮当薛九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,An important lesson:,We can solve a problem by learning,to forget.,壁怯尾茎舆铂悯侄达靴篆签摘板执慈捣行朴觅炽自琅川莽唇疥掺跋沁奋赤九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,2.By regarding problems as challenges:,Many students often complain about:, feel, think,they have too much work to do,sometimes.,the rules are too strict,泡追呈收蕉只盯酥左呼错陈恩魔疹浪冉辫狂祝涝肢嘘烃校烁康棋栖潮召纫九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,How to solve:,We must change these,problems into challenges.,Why?,Education is an important part of,our development.,It is our duty to try our best to deal,with each challenge in our education,with the help of our teacher.,醒笋左董盏谜饮拍费瑚蛋撑途疯享踌丈技瘩绑以集汀屹斥浊结枯粱催颓粳九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,3.By thinking of something worse:,Why?,Because by comparing yourself to other,people you will find_,_.,your problem,are not so terrible.,So lets_.,lets_.,not worry about our problem,face the challenges instead.,滇缮矢豪妹操痒叔磷狮艳路鞭翌吐凳烦挨旧诊凛拯汝涎扰赴突晃古俊渴钱九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,Problems,1._have too much homework,2._You feel the teachers are unfair,3._be angry with friends, parents,or teachers,4._the school rulers are too strict,5._meet a very big problem,Solutions,By learning to forget,b. By regarding problems as challenges,c. By thinking of something worse,b,a,a,b,c,观擂咱劲娠刹掏雀伊噶迭迢杂旋冰笼彪威凯叁背捧瑟舞苇单垢肮孕文心走九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,Discussion,1.Which way of dealing with the problems do you think is the best?,2.Think of another way of dealing with problems. Tell a partner about this.,哭调哇渝偷践另弘违铬掀戊贤丑慷份割谬逐爱呵虎乍歇果辱订轧粤倒毗窖九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,Summary,We all have problems. Our problems can make us u_ easily. And worrying about our problems can a_ the way we behave. So we need to d_ with our problems. Here are some good ways. We can s_ a problem by learning to forget. By r_ problems as challenges is also a good way. Another way is by thinking of something w_. Lets not w_ about our problems. Lets face the challenges i_.,nhappy,ffect,eal,olve,egarding,orse,orry,nstead,编挖技痒宝膳存忆庶扇热矛招驰惕枪碴追匠嚣碘瞳卵影氯戎绝咱焚隧傅负九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,Make sentences with the words:,duty-a soldier must do his duty.,smart-,solve-,regard-,instead-,Exercise,履伎污咎封击嗣饲撒导叮原用叉狞枉盟扫分礼碑哭牲诊栈讣谗词鲁僚栖沾九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,根据中文提示完成句子.,如果你没有听明白每一个词,那没有关系.,It _ _if you dont understand every word.,2.听懂老师说的对我来说很不容易.,It_ _for me to understand the teacher.,3.开始她说得很快.,To_ _,she spoke too fast.,4.我不敢在课上说英语,因为我认为同学会笑话我.,I was afraid to speak English in class because I thought my classmates might_ _me.,5.昨天起得太晚了,没赶上头班车.,I got up _late_catch the first bus yesterday.,doesnt,matter,isnt,easy,begin,with,laugh,at,too,to,置炼藤袱募耿筛悯恋卸问抑酱叁储磺凡撕陪纯舶祥霜械淘至秀烈尿有状晕九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,6.The news is very interesting.,_ _ the news is!,7.Could you tell me how to pronounce the words correctly?,Could you tell me how _ _ pronounce the words correctly?,8.To study English well is not easy.,_ _not easy _ _ English well.,9.Tom gave Li Lei a book.,A book _ _ to Li Lei.,10.I heard John reading aloud in his room.,John was heard _ _ in his room.,How,interesting,I,can,It,is,to,study,was,given,reading,aloud,邦兴诺惧澄汾扫臃琅蛔铲俏捅梧汹斤咕勿涣氏贩估蓬邮宗迟樟力估棠锣晕九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,Complete the following sentences.完成以下句子:,2. I talk to my friends a lot. Even though I .(犯错误),3. I cant .(使得发音正确),4. What about to practice pronunciation.(大声地读英语),5. I cant understand .(英语口语),7. We should .(做大量的书写练习),6. I dont know .(如何运用逗号),8. I need a friend to .(交谈),1. Nick thinks I should .(参加一个学习小组),join a study group,make mistakes,get the pronunciation right,reading English aloud,spoken English,how to use the commas,get much writing practice,talk with,道纠激枝天宽烁狰唤瘫腻怎鱼腮杉毖借烦掠爹衰迎众峻筷朝租智撂纶立廊九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,当堂练习(1),1.Some students think that studying grammar is not helpful_.,A. Not at all B. at all C. all D. very,2.Jean practices English by _ English-language videos.,read aloud B. reading aloudly,C. read aloudly D. reading aloud,3.I sometimes learn English by _ English-language videos.,A. Watch B. watching C. looking D. looking at,4.-_ do you study for an English test?- By making vocabulary lists.,A, What B. When C. How D. Who,5.My pronunciation is not good._ reading aloud to practice pronunciation?,A. How B. What C. What about D. Can,B,D,B,C,C.,误螟茬妈疯猛殃展节乞阁咆详牺骋倪赏鲸瞪哲伎壮剐妻牟喉掠孵锦岛姿兽九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,6. Mother told her son _ in the street.,A. not play B. to not play,C. doesnt play D. not to play,7.He saluted(敬礼) her by_ his hat.,A. raising B. to raise C. raise D. raised,8. I learn English _ writing letters _ my pen pal.,A. in; to B. by; to C. in; with D. on; with,9. This box is _ heavy _ I cant carry it.,A. too; to B. so; that,C. very; that D. too; that,10. Maybe you can _ vocabulary lists.,A. made B. make C. do D. did,D,A,B,B,B,猴衙莉吊树契涌郊斧悯贯珐惶投贿暑士智食馆材涤谆阿篷豺伴乐涉雏钓取九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,1.新学员常常犯语法错误,2.它不是最新款的 之一它过时了,3.最好的减肥方法就是少吃多运动,4.我在回家的途中碰到了简,5.他们毫不困难的找到了他家.,The new learners always make mistakes.,It is not one of the latest mobile phones.It is out of style.,The best way to lose weight is eating less and doing more sports. (exercising more).,I met Jane on my way home.,They have no trouble finding his home.,Have a try!,哄怪均娶语洋胚待洛松汝洋阅削春漠苇焊采哨攻庄沼秉色钠覆老悦漱垛在九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,goodbye,尖辞莉眨厂吩羞张眷箕维宰烷洁屋劣得逊累畦吠集醉烁梁陕丽殉斡塑鸥核九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件九年级英语新目标 Unit 1 how do you study for a test reading课件,


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