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Reducing our stress level in college will improve our power of concentration, our work level and also our marks.,2. Continuous high stress levels lead to things like headaches, high blood pressure, and ultimately also to physical complaints like kidney problems.,3. We should consult a medical doctor about our situation.,4. Because it covers our medical expenses and also contributes to peace of mind.,5. We can talk to our counselors for personal and financial issues.,6. We can take a rest, slow down the pace of our life and spend a few quiet nights recharging our batteries.,7. We should change our diet to include more fruit and vegetables.,8. They are recommended to have a daily 30-minute walk outdoors for some exercise and fresh air.,Reading,Through,New Words,stress,pressure,maintain,continuous,harmful,complaint,kidney,consult,physician,symptom,medication,comprehensive,coverage,contribute,halve,financial,imaginable,contradict,recharge,battery,disturbance,insurance,diet,sporty,circulation,qualification,pursue,basis,more,Phrases and Expressions,keep. under control,把,保持在可控范围内,contribute to,有助于;促使,stress. out,使紧张;使焦虑;使疲惫,depending on,根据,recharge your batteries,使自己恢复精力;养精蓄锐;休整,on a daily basis,每天,Structure,Part I (para. 1),Introducing the,Topic by pointing,Out the importance,of keeping stress,managed and,under control,in college.,Part IV(para. 2-9),Mother tried to,find every way,to solve the,strained relationship,between them,but it doesn,t work.,Part VI (para. 13-14),The problem is,solved and,they were,reconnected,again.,Intensive Reading: Para. 1,Pressured,and Stressed Students,In order to,maintain,focus on your college work, it is important to keep,stress,levels low. Reducing your stress level in college will ultimately improve your power of concentration, your work level and your marks. Lets face it. There are lots of things to get stressed about when youre in college, from earning good grades to co-existing with your roommates, or getting accepted to a sports team, a society for students, or other organizations. Every aspect of life is a potential source of stress. Its all about keeping it managed and under control, or taking different approaches to dealing with certain issues.,Chinese,Para. 2-3,Whats the relation between stress and medical problems Have you ever heard someone saying: “Its all in your mind. The effects of stress often lead to some mental problems. It is also a fact that continuous high levels of stress can be harmful to your body, not just your mind.,Continuous high stress levels lead to things like headaches, high blood pressure, and ultimately also to physical complaints like kidney problems. If you suffer from constant stress, you should consult a medical doctor about your situation. Physicians can advise you on how to reduce your stress levels or help you with medicines.,Chinese,Para.,4-5,If you are likely to get highly stressed or if you have a stress-related illness, medicine is important to keep the stress level low and to avoid other stress-related diseases or symptoms. Taking your medication will not only help you reduce the stress level, but also help protect your body from developing physical side effects. Even though you are usually young when attending college, you should consider comprehensive health care coverage; this also contributes to peace of mind.,What are the strategies to reduce stress,Chinese,Para. 6-7,There is an old saying that claims “A problem shared is a problem halved. Just by talking to someone with a sympathetic ear, you may discover that whatever is bothering you is half as bad.,As a college student, youll have contact with academic tutors for any student problems, counselors for personal and financial issues, and your friends and roommates for everything imaginable. And if living on campus or student life in general is stressing you out, then leave university and stay at home for a few days.,Chinese,Para. 8,The next two ways to reduce stress seem to contradict each other, but,depending on,your personality, one of them may work well for you. If youre a bit of a party animal and if you are on the way all the time, take a rest. Slow down the pace of your life and spend a few quiet nights recharging your batteries. The alternative, if youre more reserved, is to gather with a few friends and go out and have some fun.,Chinese,Para. 9,Whatever you do, try to avoid these common problems most students experience. Stress is often related with eating disturbance because if you are stressed, you either eat nothing or eat too much and above all unhealthy things like fast food. Eating too much could result in becoming overweight, and an earlier claim on your life insurance policy! So, if youre eating too much junk food, change your,diet,to include more fruit and vegetables. And if you do not have a regular sleeping pattern, develop some regular sleeping hours. Finally, even if youre not the sporty type, get some exercise and fresh air. Just a daily 30-minute walk outdoors will improve your blood circulation and help you clear your head. Youll feel refreshed and ready to start again.,Para. 10,Being a college student is all about earning a,qualification,that will help you develop your interests and,pursue,them down a chosen career path. It should be something that you can enjoy and look forward to on a daily,basis, not something that you dread. No one wants to be stressed, but if you are stressed, there are people you can talk to, and who will help you overcome whatever your difficulty is.,pressure,:,vt.,对,施加压力;迫使,我们中的许多人都想要,甚至感到有这样的压力,,要在我们做的每件事情上都获得成功。,e.g. - Children are often,pressured,into studying very hard from an early age by their parents.,孩子常常受到父母的逼迫自年幼起要努力学习。,-,Many of us want toand even feel,pressured,tosucceed in everything we do.,stress:,n.,压力;紧张,瑜伽是一种非常有效的抗击压力的方法。,e.g. - Not all of us can cope with the,stresses,of modern life.,不是所有的人都能应付现代生活的各种压力。,-,Yoga is a very effective technique for combating,stress,.,maintain,:,vt.,维持;保持,Food is necessary to,maintain,life.,e.g. - Despite living in different countries, the two families have,maintained close links.,尽管生活在不同的国家,两个家庭一直保持着严密的联系。,食物对于维持生命是必要的。,continuous,:,adj.,连续的;持续不断的,大脑需要连续不断的血液供给。,e.g. - Stop smoking and you will see a continuous improvement in your health.,停顿吸烟,你的安康会不断地得到改善。,The brain needs a,continuous,supply of blood.,complaint,:,n,.,疾病,Hes got a heart,complaint,.,e.g. -,Arthritis is a common,complaint,among the elderly.,在老年人中,关节炎是一种常见的疾病。,他有心脏疾病。,Im not quite sure how to get thereId better,consult,a map.,consult,:,咨询;查阅,我不是很确定到那里怎么走,我得查一下地图。,e.g. -If the symptoms get worse, consult your doctor.,如果病症加重,请咨询你的医生。,comprehensive,:,adj.,全面的;综合的,他写了一本非常全面的介绍罗马的指南。,e.g. - Is this list comprehensive or are there some names missing,这份名单全面吗?还是有些名字被遗漏了?,He has written a fully,comprehensive,guide to Rome.,新鲜空气有助于身体安康。,contribute to,:,有助于;促使,e.g.,-,The drivers carelessness,contributed to,the accident.,司机的大意导致了事故的发生。,Fresh air,contributes to,good health.,depending on,:,根据,e.g. - Starting salary varies from 26,000 to 30,500, depending on experience.,根据每个人的经历,起薪从26,000 英镑到30,500 英镑不等。,他是英雄还是叛徒,这要看你问谁了。,He is a hero or a traitor,depending on,who you ask.,diet,:,n.,日常饮食,e.g. - A balanced diet is necessary for health.,均衡的饮食对于安康是必要的。,世界上不同国家的饮食各不一样。,Diet,varies between different countries in the world.,qualification,:,n.,学历;资格,e.g. - In this job, experience counts for more than paper qualifications.,担任这项工作,经历比文凭更重要。,你没有学历的话,不会找到好工作的。,Youll never get a good job if you dont have any,qualifications,.,pursue,:,vt.,追求;从事,e.g.,- She wishes to,pursue,a medical career.,她希望从事医学工作。,他在大学求学。,He is,pursuing,his studies at the university.,basis:n.根底;要素,e.g.,- Unwise decisions are often made on the,basis,of incorrect information.,不明智的决定很多时候是基于错误的信息。,美满婚姻的根底是信任。,The,basis,of a good marriage is trust.,Exercises,Using the Right Word,Working,with,Expressions,Focusing on Sentence Structure,Translating,Using Topic-related Terms,Basic Writing Skills,Using the Right Word,1 Fruit juices can be _ to childrens teeth.,2 He is also thought to suffer from a heart _ .,3 Have you _ your doctor about those chest pains,4 He decided to _ a career in television.,5 He is under a lot of _ because of all the extra work given to him recently.,6 Cigarette smoking is a major factor _ to cancer.,7 The army has been brought in to _ order in the region.,8 Recovery after the accident will be a _ process that may take several months.,Fill in the blanks with the words given below, changing the form if necessary.,harmful,complaints,consulted,pursue,stress,contributing,maintain,continuous,Working with Expressions,1. Ive been busy at home and have hardly had any contact,_,the outside world.,2. This paper presents a new approach,_,solving complex business problems.,3. The committee meets,_,a regular basis to discuss,environmental issues.,4. It took two hours to bring the fire,_,control.,Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb.,with,to,on,under,5. She was looking,_,to seeing her grandchildren again.,6. Interviews always stress me,_,.,7. He was wearing dark glasses to protect his eyes,_,the sun.,8. Stress and tiredness often result,_,a lack of concentration.,forward,out,in,from,Focusing on Sentence Structure,Model 1:,Despite the fact that you are usually young when attending college, you should consider comprehensive health care coverage; this also contributes to peace of mind.,Key:,Even though,you are usually young when attending college, you should consider comprehensive health care coverage; this also contributes to peace of mind.,A. Rewrite the following sentences after the model, using the phase “even though structure.,1.,She left him although she still loved him.,2. The interview went terribly yesterday, but he still got the job.,3. In spite of being a millionaire, he lives in a very small flat.,She left him,even though,she still loved him.,-,Even though,the interview went terribly yesterday, he still got the job.,-,Even though,he is a millionaire, he lives in a very small flat.,Model :,Finally, whether youre the sporty type or not, get some exercise and fresh air.,Suppose he wins the lottery jackpot, he wont have enough money to pay off his debt.,B. Rewrite the following sentences after the models, using the phrase “even if.,Key:,Finally,even if,youre not the sporty type, get some exercise and fresh air.,Even if,he wins the lottery jackpot, he wont have enough money to pay off his debt.,Whether you offer him a good price or not, he wont sell his car.,2. You can take a taxi, but you will miss your train.,3. Suppose he quits smoking today, he will stay have a greater chance of developing health problems than a nonsmoker.,Even if,you offer him a good price or not, he wont sell his car.,-,Even if,you take a taxi, you will still miss your train.,-,Even if,he quits smoking today, he will still have a greater chance of developing health problems than a nonsmoker.,1 She always buys her friends expensive presents,_,she cant really afford them.,2 We will go ahead with the project,_,our partners pull out.,3 This white shirt still looks dirty,_,Ive washed it twice.,4 He hated to go to Springville,_,he had had a happy childhood there.,5,_,the government may survive this crisis, it will still face enormous problems.,6,_,the building was in perfect condition, it would still be impossible to use it for modern offices.,C. Complete the following sentences with “even though or “even if.,even though,even though,even though,even if,Even if,Even if,Translating,2,她的演唱将极大促成晚会的成功。,(contribute to),A. Translate the following into English.,1,压力大时,人们可能会出现头痛、睡眠困难等问题。,(stress),People under a lot of,stress,may experience problems like headaches and sleeping difficulties.,Her singing will,contribute,greatly,to,the success of the party.,4,他一生都在追求成名,但从来没尝到过成名的滋味。,(pursue),3 你选择居住的区域不同,生活本钱也会有所不同。(depending on),The cost of living varies,depending on,the area you choose to live in.,He has,pursued,fame all his life, but has never experienced it.,1 In order to maintain focus on your college work it is important to keep stress levels low.,B. Translate the following into Chinese.,2 Just by talking to someone with a sympathetic ear, you may discover that whatever is bothering you is half as bad.,为了把注意力集中在大学的学业上,让你的压力保持在较低的水平是非常重要的。,只要和一个乐意倾听的人诉说烦恼,你可能会发现困扰你的问题就会减轻一半。,3 Whatever you do, try to avoid these common problems most students experience.,4 Being a college student is all about earning a qualification that will help you develop your interests and pursue them down a chosen career path.,不管你做什么,尽量防止大多数学生都会遇到的一些常见的问题。,作为一名大学生,你的任务是获得一个资质,这个资质会帮助你开展你的兴趣,同时,它会有助于你在以后选定的职业道路上继续追随自己的兴趣。,Using Topic-related Terms,All of the following underlined words and expressions are related to college stress. Read them closely and use them to complete the passage that follows. Make changes if necessary., Reducing your,stress,level in college will ultimately improve your power of,concentration, your work level and your marks., It is also a fact that,continuous,high levels of stress can be harmful to your body, not just your mind., If you,suffer,from constant stress, you should consult a medical doctor about your situation., A problem,shared,is a problem halved., Slow down the pace of your life and spend a few quiet nights,recharging,your batteries., If youre eating too much junk food, change your,diet,to include more fruit and vegetables., No one wants to be stressed, but if you are stressed, there are people you can talk to, and who will help you,overcome,whatever your difficulty is.,Many students deal with 1),_,in college. Although a small amount of stress keeps you active and alert, 2),_,high levels of stress can prevent you from functioning well and reduce your power of 3),_,. Your health, work level and social life will all 4),_,when stress becomes too much to handle. The good news, however, is that there are people you can turn to and strategies you can use to help you 5),_,stress. 6),_,your problems with someone you trust. They will help you to put things in perspective and think more positively. A healthy lifestyle is also very important in stress management. Keep a healthy 7),_,and have enough sleep. If you dont eat the right food and are sleep-deprived, you are more sensitive to stress. Last, exercise regularly. Remember your body and your mind work together. Just a daily 30-minute walk outdoors will relax you and make you feel 8),_,again.,stress,overcome,continuous,diet,suffer,concentration,Share,recharged,Basic Writing Skills,英语写作中,描述性文字要做到栩栩如生可以用以下两种方法:,1. 用具体描述代替抽象概述。例如:,Less vivid: Praise is good for the healthy growth of children.,More vivid: An ounce of praise is worth a pound of criticism. To give praise costs one,nothing but a few words. It is an investment that has nothing to do with money. It will help,children grow up healthily.,2. 用比喻对事物进展形象比较。例如:,Less vivid: When they learn to turn and fly forward, they realize that they are now able to fly,freely in the sky with the help of a parachute.,More vivid: When they learn to turn and fly forward, they realize that theyre not just a flying,stone. They realize that theyre like a bird: they can fly.,Less vivid: The power is yours go and try out other bosses before you promptly take this,job for the long run.,More vivid: The power is yoursgo and check out other bosses before you jump aboard for,the long run.,Practice,Examine the following sentences below. Choose the sentences that are more effective in describing a situation or event.,Model:,a. There were ashes falling from the sky.,b. A rain of ashes was falling from the sky.,Key:,b. A rain of ashes was falling from the sky.,1.,a. The first bright star appeared in the night sky, and it didnt move.,b. Like a yellow diamond in a wine colored sky, the first star appeared,immobile and perfect.,2. a. The water in the bay was dead calm.,b. The water in the bay was not moving.,3. a. It seemed as if my body was glowing, with all the sun of the,afternoon embedded under my skin.,b. I felt sunburned and hot after being in the sun all day.,4. a. The wind blew my shirt.,b. The icy wind whipped my shirt.,5. a. From midnight on, my right knee began to hurt and I felt as,though the water had penetrated my bones.,b. From midnight on, my right knee began to hurt and it was painful.,6. a. I feel like our relationship is hanging by a thread.,b. I feel like our relationship is delicate and unstable.,7. a. The president was in a dangerous and difficult situation.,b. The president was skating on very thin ice in trying to achieve this goal.,8. a. Allies feelings have gone underground.,b. Allie has kept her feelings from being shown.,Para. 1,承受重压的大学学子,为了把注意力集中在大学的学业上,让你的压力保持在较低的水平是非常重要的。在大学期间,减轻压力最终将提高你的注意力,你的工作水准以及同样重要的学习成绩。让我们面对现实吧,在大学期间,有很多事情会让你感到身受压力,从取得优异的成绩到和室友共处,到能否入选某个运动队或者加入某个学生社团或其他一些组织,生活的方方面面都是潜在的压力源,而一切的关键是应对压力并把它保持在可控的范围,或者采取新的方式来处理某些问题。,译 文,Para. 2-3,压力和疾病之间存在着什么样的关系呢?你有没有听说过这样一句话:“一切都源于你的思想?”压力产生的结果往往会导致一些精神上的问题,事实上,持续过大的压力不仅可以造成精神上的伤害,它还可以伤害到你的身体。,持续过大的压力会引起诸如头痛,血压升高等问题,最终甚至会导致肾脏病之类的疾患。如果你被持续的压力所困,你应该就你的问题咨询医生,医生会建议你如何减轻压力,或者使用一些药物来帮助你。,译 文,Para. 4-5,如果你容易过度紧张或者患有与压力有关的疾病,服用药物对你来说是很重要的,这可以使你的压力维持在较低水平,也可防止其他一些 由压力导致的疾病和病症的出现。服用药物不仅可以帮助你减轻压力,而且也有利于保护你的身体,防止一些不良反响。虽然上大学时通常很年轻,但是你还是应该考虑全面的医疗保险,这也可以让你安心。,有哪些可以减轻压力的策略呢?,译 文,Para. 6-7,常言道,“分享烦恼,烦恼减半。只要和一个乐意倾听的人诉说烦恼,你可能会发现困扰你的问题就会减轻一半。,作为一名大学生,你可以和指导你学业的教师交流学习上的问题,也可以和辅导员交流个人和经济上的问题,或者和朋友、同住一室的同学交流可以想象的任何事情。如果住在学校或者学生生活让你觉得压力太大,你可以暂时离开学校,在家呆几天。,译 文,Para. 8,接下来的两个减轻压力的方法似乎是相互矛盾的,但取决于你的个性,其中一个可能会比较适合你。如果你喜欢社交或者总是忙个不停,那就好好休息一下,把你的生活节奏放慢,安静几个晚上让自己休整一下。还有一种做法是,如果你比较内向,那就和几个朋友出去好好玩一下。,译 文,Para. 9,不管你做什么,尽量防止大多数学生都会遇到的一些常见的问题。压力往往和饮食不规律有关,因为如果你的压力很大,你要么不吃,要么吃得太多,而且吃的都是一些快餐之类的不安康的食物。吃得太多会导致体重超重,也意味着你要提前支取你的人寿保险索赔!所以,如果你吃太多的垃圾食品,那就改变你的饮食,让它包含更多的水果和蔬菜。如果你睡眠习惯没有规律,那你就应该制定有规律的睡眠时间。最后,即使你不喜欢运动,你也应当适当参加一些锻炼,呼吸一下新鲜的空气。每天在户外30分钟的步行会提高你的血液循环,帮助你清醒一下头脑,你会感到神清气爽,可以重新开场做你要做的事情。,译 文,Para. 10,作为一名大学生,你的任务是获得一个资质可以帮助你开展你的兴趣并且在一条


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