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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,集成电路制造工艺简介,生产工厂简介,国外某集成电路工厂外景,1,Fab,Two was completed,January 2, 1996,and is a State of the Art facility. This 2,200 square foot facility was constructed using all the latest materials and technologies. In this set of,cleanrooms,we change the air,390 times per hour,if you do the math with ULPA filtration this is a,Class One facility.,We have had it tested and it does meet,Class One,parameters (,without any people working in it,). Since we are not making microprocessors here and we dont want to wear,space suits, we run it as a,class 10,fab,. Even though it consistently runs well below Class Ten.,1,级净化厂房,/10,级净化厂房,2,Here in the,Fab,Two,Photolithography area,we see one of our,200mm 0,.35,micron I-Line Steppers,. this stepper can image and align both 6 & 8 inch wafers.,投影式光刻机,3,Another view of one of the,Fab,Two Photolithography areas.,投影式光刻机,4,Here we see a technician loading,300mm wafers,into the,SemiTool,. The wafers are in a 13 wafer Teflon cassette co-designed by,Process Specialties,and,SemiTool,in 1995. Again these are the,worlds first 300mm,wet process cassettes (that can be spin rinse dried).,硅片清洗装置,5,As we look in this window we see the Worlds First true 300mm production furnace. Our development and design of this tool began in,1992, it was installed in December of 1995 and became fully operational in January of,1996,.,12,英寸氧化扩散,炉,6,Here we can see,the loading of,300mm,wafers,onto the Paddle.,12,英寸氧化扩散炉装片工序,7,Process Specialties,has developed the worlds first production 300mm Nitride system! We began processing,300mm,LPCVD Silicon Nitride,in May of 1997.,12,英寸氧化扩散炉取片工序(已生长,Si,3,N,4,),8,2,500 additional square feet of State of the Art,Class One,Cleanroom,is currently processing wafers! With increased 300mm & 200mm processing capabilities including more PVD,Metalization, 300mm Wet processing / Cleaning capabilities and,full wafer 300mm 0.35um Photolithography, all in a Class One,enviroment,.,PVD,9,Currently our,PS300A,and,PS300B,diffusion tools are capable of running both 200mm & 300mm wafers. We can even process the two sizes in the same furnace load without suffering any uniformity problems! (,Thermal Oxide Only,),12,英寸和,8,英寸氧化扩散炉,10,Accuracy in metrology is never an issue,at Process Specialties. We use the most advanced robotic laser,ellipsometers,and other calibrated tools for,precision thin film,resistivity, CD and step height measurement,. Including our new,Nanometrics,8300 full wafer 300mm thin film measurement and mapping tool. We also use outside laboratories and our excellent working relationships with our Metrology tool customers, for additional correlation and calibration.,检测工序,11,One of two,SEM,Labs located in our facility. In this one we are using a field emission tool for everything from looking at,photoresist,profiles and measuring CDs to double checking metal deposition thicknesses. At the helm, another one of our process engineers you may have spoken with Mark Hinkle.,扫描电镜,SEM,检测工序,12,Here we are looking at the,Incoming material disposition racks,库房,13,Above you are looking at a couple of views of the facilities on the west side of,Fab,One. Here you can see one of our,18.5 Meg/Ohm DI water systems,and one of,four,10,000 CFM air systems,feeding this,fab,(left picture), as well as one of our,waste,air scrubber units,(right picture). Both are inside the building for easier maintenance, longer life and better control.,去离子水生产装置,空气净化动力装置,14,芯片制造净化区域走廊,15,离子注入,16,化学汽相沉积,CVD,17,化学汽相沉积,CVD,18,检查晶圆,19,烘箱老化在烤箱中,100%,检测,20,激光打字,21,


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