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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1 College,希望英语 第二版 综合教程 1,Unit 1 College,希望英语 第二版 综合教程 1,外语教学与研究出版社,吕梁职业技术学院 王学勤,S-Task 1,Look at the pictures on Page 2 and list words or phrases about them. Then share your work with others.,Speaking,Task,S-Task 1,Suggested Words:,library campus school bus hike backpack,trekking pole teaching building tutor/teacher,hike noun, verb 徒步旅行,远足,backpack noun, verb 背包旅行,trek noun,verb 长途跋涉 ;尤指在山里,远足,徒步旅行,Use the following sentence patterns and the words or phrases from Task 1 to describe the pictures on Page 2 to your classmates.,A. In you can see,B. There is/are in,In this picture, you can see a professor tutoring a student in the teaching building.,There are some students hiking in the mountain in this picture.,A,sking your partner the following questions and Work in pairs. Take turns make notes. Organize your notes and report to the class using the given paragraph as a model.,Why do you come to college,How do you like your college life,What are the problems of living on campus,What do you want to get from attending college,technologe 科技,工艺,技术学,technique 技巧,技艺,工艺;技术,技能,Model Report,Tom is a college freshman. He studies computers because he wants to start his own Web company in the future. He enjoys what he studies, but he is having some problems with his roommates. He hopes he can get over the problems soon.,Reading A Task 1,Try to work out the meanings of the highlighted words with the help of other words. The first one has been done for you.,1. I must make,adjustments,to my watch. Its slow.,changes; corrections,2. If students dont like the food in the college,cafeteria,they can go to the restaurants nearby.,a restaurant, bar, etc. where people collect their own food and drink, often in a factory, college, etc.,3.,The television,interferes,with his,studying. He cannot concentrate.,m,ake hard for somethingto happen,prevent something from happening,4.,Excessive,beer drinking will cause stomach problems.,greater than what is normal or,necessary; too much,5.,Philip works as a school,counselor,to,give advice and help to college students.,a person who gives advice to people who need it,Reading A Task 2 Text,Going to College,There are things youve never dealt with before: living away from home,dealing with,roommates, washing your own clothes, but with a little preparation, you can,build enough confidence,to,tackle,any,stress,that,comes your way,.,deal with sb.,To take appropriate action in a particular,situation or according to who you are talking to,manage (handle ), etc,应付, 应对,e.g She is used to,dealing with,all kinds of people in her job.,deal with sth. 1) to solve a problem or carry out a task etc.,解决,处理,应付,2) to be about sth. 涉及,论及,关于,e.g. Have you delt with these letters yet,Her poems often deals with the subject of death .,but with a little preparation,but if you make a little preparation ahead of time,build enough confidence,t,ackle,to deal with,应对,e.g.,The question was so difficult that the students,didnt know how to,tackle,it.,Ill,tackle,my homework after supper.,stress,N.,pressure caused by difficulties,in life,压力,e.g.,Hes under,stress,because his wife is very ill.,Not all of us can cope with the,stresses,of,modern life.,come your way,to happen to you by chance ,or when you are not expecting it,意外落在.头上,e.g. He took whatever,came his way,.,无论什么事落在他头上,他都认了 。,Living away from home,tends to,be the toughest adjustment for first-year students. Youve had a,job description,that clearly tells you your role within your family,all your life,.,Whichever,role you,fulfilled,at home, when youre gone, youre not sure where you,fit in,. It may seem like your family is doing fine without you, and you may feel sad about these changes.,adjustment,role,change,tend to,V ;,to be likely to,易于,往往会,e.g.,Janet,tends to,get very angry if you annoy her.,Young people,tend to,be self-centeredness.,年青人都趋于以自我为中心。,大一, 大二, 大三, 大四,first year ,second year ,third year,,fourth year,freshman, sophomore , junior, senior,all your life,all the time,job description,职位描述,工作说明,A job description is a list of the general tasks, or functions, and responsibilities of a position.,Typically, it also includes to whom the position reports, specifications such as the qualifications needed by the person in the job, salary range for the position, etc.,e.g.,A typical,job description,will contain the job title,to whom the person is responsible, their main,duties, followed by a more detailed list of tasks.,Whichever role you fulfilled at home, .,Here “whichever can be substituted by “no matter,which.,e.g.,Whichever,he chooses, they wont be pleased.,Whichever,he picks, it will result in misunderstanding.,不管他选哪个,都会导致误会。,fulfill,v;,履行,完成,v.,todo, perform; to make true; to carry out,e.g.,I have,fulfilled,many of my youthful ambitions.,We must,fulfill,our promises.,我们必须履行自己的诺言。,fit in with sb / sth) 与合的来; 适应,to live or work ,etc. in an easy and natural way with sb / sth,e.g. You cant bring outsiders into a place like this;,they wouldnt fit in.,They work hard and,fit in,well.,他们工作努力,相处融洽。,c,ompatible adj; 和睦相处的,关系好的; 兼容的,You may also feel homesick in your first weeks and months. The first thing you should know is that homesickness is very common. In fact, just about everyone experiences it at some point in his or her life. But you still may feel,lonely,or,left out,.,homesickness, lonely,alone adj. without any other people 单独,单独,e.g. I like being alone at home .,He is alone in the lab now.,lonely adj 孤独的,寂寞的 unhappy because you,have no frieds or people to talk to,e.g. Sam was very lonely when he first moved,to New York.,She lives alone and often feels lonely .,leave out,V;,to,omit; to neglect to put in,consider, etc.,不包括,不涉及,e.g. Youve left out the article “the in this sentence.,Leave me out of the quarrel, please.,be/feel left out,to feel as,if you,are not accepted or welcome in a social group,e.g.,All the others in the room seemed to know,each other and I began to,feel left out,.,He hadnt been asked to the party and,was feeling,very,left out,.,他未被邀请参加聚会,感到很受冷落。,Some students,turn to,alcohol, heavy partying,excessive,sleep or smoking to deal with these sorts of problems. However, too much partying can,result in,a lot more problems and can seriously,interfere with,your ability to keep up with all your assignments, papers and exams, and that will only,make matters worse.,problems, interfere with,turn to somebody/something,verb;,求助于,to try to get help, advice or sympathy from someone or by doing something,e.g.,Nobody seems to understand the poem so I,dont know who to,turn to,.,You can always,turn to,me for help.,你随时可以来找我帮助。,excessive,a.,too much, too great,e.g.,She takes an,excessive,interest in clothes.,He is an,excessive,drinker.,他是一个酒徒。,result in,结果是,导致,to cause to happen,e.g.,Fifty percent of road accidents,result in,head injuries.,他的懒惰导致了他的失败。,His laziness,resulted in,his failure.,interfere with 阻碍,阻碍,to prevent something from succeeding or from happening in the way that was planned,e.g.,Anxiety can,interfere with,childrens performance,at school.,The pillar,interferes with,the sight.,这柱子碍眼。,Try to,identify,your feelings and fears, and talk about what youre,going through,. The sooner you deal with these,issues, the sooner youll feel better. If you are homesick, it can help,to call, write, or e-mail your parents, other family members, and friends from home to let them know how youre doing and to tell them you miss them.,identify, talk,Identify,v.,识别,认出,to prove, show or recognize,who or what a particular person or thing is,e.g.,I,identified,the coat at onceit was my brothers.,The light was too dim for me to identify her.,灯光太暗dim,我没法认出她。,go through 遭受,经受,经历 苦难等,to suffer or experience something bad,e.g. How does she keep smiling after all the hardships,shes gone through,You will have to go through a severe test.,你得经受一次严峻severe的考验。,i,ssue,n.,重要议题,问题,忧虑,an important question; an important point; a topic for discussion or of general concern,e.g.,I want to raise several,issues,at the meeting.,There was no,issue,at all between us.,我们之间毫无争议。,Who else can you talk to First of all, that person sharing the dorm room with you. Roommates are great built-in buddies, and as first-year students themselves, theyre probably experiencing many of the same fears and worries that youre dealing with.,buddies, same fears,But what if you dont get along with your roommate,what if,used,to ask what will happen, usually if an unpleasant or frightening situation happens,e.g. What if it rains while we are a long way from,shelter,What if its true,如果这是真的又如何?,opposites, differences,Your,roommate might be as unlike you as the cafeterias mystery meat is from your moms,pot roast,.,In some cases,thats a good thing;,opposites sometimes attract,. And a different point of view may be what you need. But if you just dont,get along, theres no reason to be mad. Youll still have to spend the year together, so try to respect your differences.,Your roommate could be very different from yourself, just like the meat in the college cafwhich you cant recognizeis different from the pot roast your mom makes.,Your roommate might be as unlike you as. roast.,. opposites sometimes attract.,One tends to like those people who are,very different from himself.,get alongwith相处融洽,to have a friendly relationship,e.g.,I used to,get along,really well with my boss.,They just cant,get along,together.,他俩就是合不来。,It can,help,to find someone you do feel understands you. On a campus with,plenty of,people of your age,chances are great youll find someone to talk to,. And if you cant wait for that, make a stop at,the school counseling center,. All universities have one, and first-year fears are something the counselors know well.,find, talk to,help,v.,to make easier,e.g.,I get terrible headaches but it,helps,if I lie down,in the dark for a while.,The medicine,helps,digestion.,这药助消化,(,digestion,)。,Its likely/probable that you will find someone,you can get along well with.,e.g.,Chances are good that you will win.,Its (quite/very/not) likelythat. with.,.,chances are great youll find someone,to talk to.,Chances are (good/great/slim ).,As long as I walk around pretending to look for,something, chances are that no one will tell me,to leave.,C E G F D A B,Put the following statements in the correct order according to the reading on Page 5.,A. It might be a good thing to have a roommate different,from you.,B. It is easy for you to find a person or a counseling center,on campus that can give you help.,C. When you go to college, you need to deal with a lot of,problems.,D. Communicating with others is a good way to solve your,problems.,E. Adjusting roles in college can be difficult for you.,F. Some students tend to use unsuitable means to solve,their problems.,G. Homesickness is common for freshmen.,Work in pairs. Find the supporting details for the following ideas from the reading.,Ideas,Details,things never dealt with before,ways used by some students,to deal with homesickness,living away from home; dealing,with roommates; washing,clothes,alcohol; heavy partying;,excessive sleep; smoking,Work in pairs. Find the supporting details for the following ideas from the,reading.,Ideas,Details,ways that can be used,for communicating your,problems,peopleor organizations you,can turn to for help,call; write; e-mail; talk to;,counsel,parents; other family members;,friends; some people who,understand you; counseling,centers,Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the reading on Page 5 that,match the meanings in the column on the right.,t,_ be likely to act in a certain way,c,_a feeling of being certain,e,_too much or too large,t,_,try to deal with (a problem or dif,ficulty),i,_,discover or notice the existence of,f,_,perform, carry out,t,_,dif,ficult to do or solve,r,_ lead to, have a specified end,t,_ go to somebody/something for help, advice, etc.,g,_experience or suffer something,Reading A,Task 5,end,xcessive,ackle,dentify,ulfill,ough,esult in,urn to,o through,onfidence,Complete the following sentences with words or phrases from Task 5.,Change word forms if necessary.,1. Nobody can answer that question with complete,_ at,this time.,2. I dont want to eat here any longer: the food is bad but the price,is _.,3. Since we _ the problem, now the question,arises of how to overcome it.,4. Without them you will not be able to _ the tasks you,have before you.,5. In seniors groups there are more women than men because men,_ to die younger.,Reading A,Task 6,confidence,excessive,have identified,fulfill,tend,6. They are not likely to,_ private sources for money,at higher rates of interest.,7. It is reported that eating too much often _ sickness.,8. No matter who wins the election, he is going to have a(n),_ job to get more people employed.,9. We went to him for some advice on how to _,the problem of air pollution.,John loves Mary very much and is willing to,_ fire,and water for her.,Reading A,Task 6,turn to,results in,tough,tackle,go through,fulfill leave out result in tend turn to,1. Children _ to be very curious every time,_ .,2. Remember not to _ anyone when,_.,3. If you want to _ this task in time you,_.,4. The big fire _ the immediate death of two,passengers and_.,5. Please dont hesitate to _ us if _.,Complete the sentences using the following words or phrases plus some,words of your own.,Reading A,Task,7,tend,they see something strange,have to start as early as possible,fulfill,results in,more died in the hospital,turn to,you are in trouble,leave out,you write invitations,Rewrite the following sentences after the models.,Model 1:,you deal with these issues, youll feel better,The sooner,you deal with these issues,the sooner,youll feel better.,1.,we talked with each other, we understood each other,2.,you learn, you earn,Reading A,Task 8,The more we talked with each other, the better we,understood each other.,The more you learn, the more you earn.,3. you know many people, you have little time to see them,4. you give me much support, I will have confidence in myself,5. he spent much time considering this matter, he felt it was,serious,Reading A,Task 8,The more people you know, the less time you have to,see them.,The more support you give me, the more confidence,I will have in myself.,The more time he spent considering this matter, the,more serious he felt it was.,Rewrite the following sentences after the models.,Model 2:,Youre very likely to find someone to talk to.,Chances are,great (,that,) youll find someone to talk to.,1. It is possible that you can find a cheap flat in this city.,2. The train will have probably left by the time we get there.,Reading A,Task 8,Chances are that you can find a cheap flat in this city.,Chances are that the train will have left by the,time we get there.,Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the,highlighted parts.,要是我赶不上飞机或火车怎么办呢?,2. 那位演员在成名之前,经历了一段困难困苦时期。,Reading A,Task 9,What if I miss the plane or the train,That actor had gone through a period of hardships,before he became famous.,在抄写这份文件时,注意不要漏掉任何字。,大家一致认为,他的粗心大意造成了这次事故。,5.,在冬天,天往往会黑得早一些。,Reading A,Task 9,When copying this paper, be careful not to leave,out any word.,Everyone agreed that his carelessness resulted,in this accident.,It tends to get dark earlier during winter.,


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