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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Module4 Unit2,Seeing the doctor,课前准备:,课本,练习本,笔记本,行知天下,大自主,授课人,:,王洪美,2015 3 30,能力目标,一,语言知识,:全体同学能默写单词和短语。,二,语言技能,:,全体同学能理解课文并背诵,并正确运用,get exercise by doing,sth,take part in too to,的用法,三,语法知识,:,1 ,学会运用,since for,并能够区分它们,Since,自从 ,一般 后面要接,时间点,,如月份,年份,For,持续 ,一般后面接,时间段,, 如几年,几个月 注意:一般情况下有,since,与,for,在的句子,我们都要考虑用现在完成时,所以,,since,与,for,常常看做是现在完成时的标志性词。,2,延续性动词和非延续性动词(终止性动词,),Words and expressions,well,heart,active,pet,member,take part (in,sth,.),adj.,健康的,n.,心;心脏,adj.,积极的;活跃的,n.,宠物;宠畜,n.,成员;会员,参加,参与,(某事),Words and expressions,condition,in excellent condition,sleepy,then,daily,weak,n.,状况;身体状况,身体状况很好,adj.,困的;想睡的,adv.,当时;那时,adj.,每天的;天天的,adj.,弱的;虚弱的,Words and expressions,illness,exercise,awful,feel awful,all over,perhaps,n.,病;疾病,v.,运动;锻炼,adj.,极讨厌的;极,坏的,感到不舒服,浑身;到处,adv.,可能;也许,主要短语,check ones heart,检查某人的心脏,very active,非常活跃,take,sb,. for a walk,带某人散步,decide to do,sth,.,决定做某事,a girls football team,女子足球队,feel very well,感觉身体好,the first member of the team,球队的第一个成员,in excellent condition,处于好的状态,take part in,参加,go to work,去工作,on the underground,乘地铁,part of my life,生活的一部分,ride to work,骑车去上班,daily exercise,日常锻炼,arrive at work,到达工作地,with a smile,带着微笑,on ones face,在某人脸上,a long illness,生病了一段时间,want to exercise,想锻炼,why not +,句子 为什么不做某事,go for a run,去跑步,enjoy running,喜欢跑步,feel awful,感觉不舒服,all over,到处,too,weak,to do,太,虚弱,以致不能做某事,Unit 2,We have played football for a year now.,We have played football for a year now,I was not feeling very well so the doctor checked my heart and said I needed more exercise.,我感觉不太舒服,所以医生检查了我的心脏并说我需要多锻炼。,I,have,never,been,very active, and I do not like sports. I have always,wanted,a pet, so my parents gave me a dog for my birthday.,我从来都不很活跃,而且不喜欢运动。我一直想要一只宠物,所以我的父母给了我一条狗作为生日礼物。,Now I get exercise by taking him for a walk every day. I,have had,him for three months now and I feel really healthy.,现在,我每天通过带它去散步我得到了锻炼。现在我拥有它已三个月了,我感到非常健康。,-Anna,-,安娜,Our teacher decided to start a girls football team and I thought: “What a great idea!” I was the first member of the team.,我们的老师决定成立一支女子足球队,我想:“多好的主意啊!”我是这支队的第一名队员。,We,have played,football for a year now and we all feel very fit.,我们现在踢足球一年了,我们都感到很健康。,Our teacher is the coach, and she also takes part in the same training with us. She is in excellent condition too.,我们的老师是教练,她也和我们一起参加训练。她身体状况也很棒。,- - Wang,Wei,-,王薇,In the last few years, I went to work by underground. When I got to work, I always felt very sleepy and I was not happy.,在最近的几年里,我乘地铁上班。开始工作时,我总感觉很困倦而且不开心。,I bought a bike in January.,Since,then, it,has become,part of my life. Now I ride to wok every day.,一月份我买了一辆自行车。自那时起,它成了我生活的一部分。现在我每天骑车上班。,It is my daily exercise. I arrive at work with a smile on my face.,这是我的日常锻炼,。,我面带微笑去上班,。,- Thomas,-,托马斯,Feeling weak after a long illness, I wanted to exercise more. Then a friend suggested, “,Why dont,we go for a run before school?”,久病之后,我很虚弱。因此,我想多锻炼。于是一位朋友建议,“我们为何不在上学前跑步? ”,So we started running a week ago. But I do not enjoy running, and when I get to school, I feel awful.,所以我们一周前就开始跑步。但是我不喜欢跑步,而且到达学校时,我感觉不舒服,。,My legs hurt and I am hot all over. Perhaps I am too weak to do any exercise. What do you think?,我的腿疼而且全身发热。也许我太虚弱了不能锻炼。你认为呢?,-Richard,-,理查德,根据课文内容填空。,(1) The doctor told Anna to _ _ _, but she doesnt like sports. So her parents gave her a _ for her birthday. Now she gets exercise by _ _ _ _ _every day.,(2) Wang,Wei,_ _ _ the girls football team in her school. They have played football _ _ _now they all feel very _. Their teacher is also _ _ _.,take more,exercise,dog,taking him for a walk,took part in,fit,in excellent condition,for a year,(3) Thomas felt very _, but he bought a bike in January. _ _, he has ridden to work. Now he is _.,(4) Richard wanted to exercise more after _ _ _. So he accepted his friends suggestion to _ _ _ _ before school. But he feels _, because hes too _ to do any exercise.,sleepy,Since then,happy,a long illness,go for a,run,awful,weak,Complete the sentences with the words in the box.,active awful condition daily member Perhaps,1. Tom runs six miles every morning, so he is in very good _.,2. Jill is a very _ girl and plays lots of sports.,condition,active,Quiz,3. I had a very bad headache yesterday, and I felt _.,4. Ben is,a(n,) _ of the school football team.,5. You do not look very well. _ you should see a doctor.,6. I saw your grandfather taking his _ walk this morning.,awful,member,Perhaps,daily,perhaps awful sleepy weak pet,1. That beer made me quite _.,2. The film was _.,3. The illness had left her feeling tired and _.,4. _ the weather will change this evening.,5. They have many _, including three cats.,sleepy,awful,weak,Perhaps,pets,Language points,1.,Now I get exercise,by,tak,ing,him for a walk every day.,现在我每天借着遛狗运动一下,。,got exercise,锻炼身体,exercise,在这里是不可数名词,by doing,sth,.,表示“,通过某种方式,”,用,how,引导的特殊疑问句提问,。,How,do you learn English?, I learn,Englislh,by,listening to cassettes,(,盒式录音带),.,2., and she also,takes part in,the training with us.,她和我们参加同样的训练。,takepartin,指,参加活动,,如体育运动、比赛、游戏或讨论,含有,积极参与并发挥作用,之意,多用于正式场合。,I,takepartin,allkindsofafter-school activity.,Would you like to,take part in,the party?,注意与,join,和,join in,的区别:,join,多指,加入某一个组织或某些人,,成为其中一员。,joinin,指,参加活动,,在,口语,中可,与,takepartin,通用,。,We both,joined,the Labor Party.,我们俩都加入了工党。,They all,join in,singing the song.,他们一起唱这首歌。,用,takepartin,joinin,和,join,的适当形式填空。,1. I hope that youll all _ the discussion this afternoon.,2. It is three months since he _ the football club.,3. All the students _ the activity of planting trees last week.,join in,joined,took part in,3.,She is,in excellent condition,too.,她的身体状况也很好。,in excellent condition,或,in condition,表示“,健康状况良好,”。,Do exercise every day and you will be back,in condition,soon.,out of condition,则指“,健康状况不佳,”。,The horse is still,out of condition,after a serious illness.,4.,Why dont we,go for a run before school?,上学前我们跑跑步吧?,Why dont you/we?,和,Why not?,意为“,你为什么不做,呢?,”用来,向别人提建议,。,Why not,stay with us for some more days?,Why dont you,join us?,5.,too to ,太,以至于,不,能,(1),当句子的主语和动词不定式的主语不是同一主语时,加,for sb.,,即,too. for sb. to do,sth,. “,对于某人来说太,以至于不能,”,This box is too heavy for me to carry.,(2),句子主语和不定式的宾语相同时,则宾语不能重复,必须省掉。,The water is too hot to drink.,(,3,),too.to,结构可与,enough to,结构相互转换,不过要改为反义的形容词,。,(,4,),too.to,结构与,so. that,的否定句可以互换,拓展:,enough to,结构可与,so.that,结构互换,。,The box is,too,small,to,hold these things.,=,The box isnt big,enough to,hold these things.,The water is,so,hot,that,I cant drink it.,=,The water is,too,hot,to,drink.,The boy is strong,enough to,carry the bag.,=,The boy is,so,strong,that,he can carry the bag.,Since,和,for,for+,时间段,(two year three week,等,) for,用来说明动作延续时间长度,since+,过去的时间点,(1989 yesterday ),用来说明动作起始时间,Since +(,时间段,+ago),Since +,一般过去式从句,Since +then,Eg,. I,havet,dne,much exercise since I got my computer .,I have lived here for 15years.,he has studied English since 1997.,he has been in the Army since two years ago.,Since,then,it,has become pate of my life.,延续性动词和非延续性动词(终止性动词),终止性动词转换为相应的延续性动词下面列举几例:,cloce,be closed open be open,begin/,startbe,on,finishbe,over,diebe,dead,borrowkeep,buyhave,joinbe,in/be a member of,leavebe,away became be,go out be out put on wear,get,upbe,up catch a,coldhave,a cold,come be here wake up be a wake up,句型转换,1,、,The old man died three years ago.,The old man _ three years.,2,、,Tom bought this book two weeks ago.,Tom_ _this book _two years_.,3,、,The firm began 10 minutes ago.,The firm _ _ _ _10 minutes .,4,、,Daming,joined the Army two years ago.,Daming,_ _ _ the Army _ two years _.,Daming,_ _ _ the Army _ two years.,Daming,_ _ _ _ _ _the Army _two years ago.,Daming,_ _ _ _ _ _the Army _ two years.,5,、,The Greens left Beijing three years ago .,The Greens _ _ _ _Beijing _three years ago,has been dead,has had,since,ago,Has been on for,Has been in,Has been in,Has been in a member of,Has been in a member of,since,ago,since,for,have been away from,since,for,My,healthy life,I didnt,feel very well last summer, and,I was,too heavy. My doctor said I ate too much fast food.,She said I should,get some exercise, eat different food and drink a lot of water.,I started to go exercising with two friends.,At first,I didnt like it, because it was tiring. My friends said to me, “Dont stop! You can do it!”,So,I didnt give up.,Later,I began to enjoy exercising and now I feel very well and happy.,My life is very different now!,homework,How can you be healthier?,


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