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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,7.,shoot,shoot,sb/sth,shoot at,他朝着树上的鸟儿开枪却打中了树下的猎狗。,_,8.,frighten,vt,.,1)The dog,frightened,the little boy,into crying/out of walking any farther,.,_,2)His sudden appearance frightened me,to death/out of my wits,.,_,He,shot at,the birds in the tree,but,shot,his hunting dog under the tree.,那条狗把小男孩吓哭了,/,吓得小男孩不敢再多走了。,他的突然出现简直把我吓死了!,fright u.n,3)I nearly,died of fright,at the sight of the escaped lion.,_,4)You gave me,a,fright by knocking so loudly on the door.,_,看到那头逃跑的狮子我几乎被吓昏过去。,你敲门那么大声,吓我一跳。,9.,interview,1),爸爸就我的学习和老师进行了一次面谈。,_,2)The manager,gave an interview to,twenty people for this job.,_,interview/cover,3)The newspaper reporters are _ the Prime Minister about the government policy(,政府政策,).,4)Lots of reporters/journalists were sent to _ the sports events of the 11th National Games.,Father,had an interview with,the teacher about my study.,为这一职位,经理面试了二十个人。,interviewing,cover,10.,event,事件,赛事,比赛项目,1),这份报纸报道的是国内外的重要事件。,_,2),你知道,2008,奥运会有多少比赛项目吗,?,_,11.,exhausted,/,ing,We felt quite _ after the _ journey.,12.,downtown,adj./n./adv.,If you,go,youll find many malls,in the (area,),.,This newspaper,covers,the important,events at home and abroad,.,Do you know how many,sports events,there are in 2008 Olympics?,exhausted,exhausting,I.A.,短语大练兵:,请从方框中选择合适短语并用其适当形式完成句子。,at midnight be short for more than in the middle of,out of date allow to do look out of try doing look like,at a speed of make a trip for the first time,1)This site _ and has been taken down.,2)The car ran _ 50 kilometers per hour.,3)WTO _ World Trade Organization.,4)Kate was _ a teacher.She also did what she could to take care of her pupils.,5)Now that this way is useless,why not _ it some other way?,6)It was _ that we reached the small town.,is out of date,at a speed of,is short for,more than,try doing,at midnight,7)She was invited to an important ball _in her life.,8)We _ to the coast last Saturday.,9),Henan,Province is _ of China.,10)My father wont _ me _ (take)the wheel.,11)He _ a beggar from his appearance.,12)She _ the window and saw the postman coming up the path.,for the first time,made a trip,in the middle,allow,to take,looks like,looked out of,II.Key phrases and sentence patterns:,1.some of the verbs can refer to more than one means of transport.,a.means:,方法,手段,工具(单复数同形),e.g,There is no doubt that radio and television are important _,(,交流工具,),你知道吗?方法不同,介词也不同,:,_ this means;_ the method;_ the way,b,.refer to:,Do you know the meaning of,refer to,in each sentence?,1)In the course of his speech,he,referred to,notes several times._,2)These books,refer to,Asian problems._,3)I dont know whom she was,referring to,when she said that._,means of communication,by,with,in,查 询,参照,涉及,提及,活学活用,Every possible means _ to prevent the air pollution,but the sky is still not clear.,A.is used B.are used C.has been used D.have been used,2)It was foolish of him to _his notes during that important test,and as a result,he got punished.,A.stick to B.refer to C.keep to D.point to,2.,原句再现,:,_,_,我们在悉尼,(Sydney),上车,在埃里斯普林斯,(Alice Springs),下车,它位于澳大利亚的中部,离悉尼 四千多米。,你注意上下车的表示方法了吗?,get _/_ a bus/a train/a plane/a ship,(,上,/,下,),get_/_ a car/a taxi/a canoe/a boat(,上,/,下,),跟,get,相关的短语你还知道多少?,get up _ get over_,get together _get on/along with _,We got on in Sydney and we got off in Alice Springs,right in the,middle of Australia,more that 4,000 kilometers away.,on,off,into,out of,起床;站起来,克服困难;从(疾病惊恐中)恢复,相聚,聚集,工作进展;与,相处,get down to _ get hold of _,get ready _ get away(from)_,get through _,3.take off,用法大集结,:,1)The plane Flight 2016 _at 14:06 this afternoon.(,起飞,),2)Its rather hot in the room;youd better _ your coat.(,脱掉,),3)It was at this point that her acting career really _.(,开始成名,),4)Im _Thursday _ because Im moving house that day.(,休假,),开始认真做某事,捉住,抓住,准备,离开,;,除掉,通过考试,议案;完成,;,用光,;,takes off,take off,took off,taking,off,此处,to,为介词,4.,原句再现,:,_,你认为大多数人是住在这个国家哪儿,是中部还是海滨?,do you think,是,_,语,插入在特殊疑问词之后,其基本结构为:,e.g,When do you think _?,你认为会议什么时候举行?,Where do you suggest_?,你建议我们去哪里度假?,上面的句式叫做,_,疑问句,在这个句式中,由于插入的一般疑问句部分已经采用了疑问语序,故它后面的部分需用正常语序。,即,:,在这个句式中,它后面的从句部分需用正常语序,。,b)_,你认为这个国家的中部是什么样子的?,注意:双重疑问句的疑问词如果是主语,则要构成:,_,Where do you think most of the people live,in the central part of the,country or on the coast?,插入,疑问词,do you think/believe/suppose/suggest/guess+,主语谓语,the meeting will be held,we go for our holiday,What do you think the central part of the country is like,?,双重,疑问词,do you think+,谓语,e.g,Who do you guess_?,你能猜出谁将得到这个奖励?,活学活用:,1,),-How do you _ we go to Beijing for our holiday?,-I think wed better fly there.Its much more comfortable.,A.insist B.want C.suppose D.suggest,2),(2005,福建高考,)Mum is coming.What present _ for your birthday?,A.you expect she has got B.you expect has she got,C.do you expect she has got D.do you expect has she got,5.,课文原句再现,:,_,一次多么美妙的乘车旅行!,本句为感叹句,主谓语被省略。全句应是:,what a(,beautiful)ride,_ _!,很多感叹句是由,what,和,how,引起的,,_,修饰名词,,_,修饰形容词,副词和动词。,will get the prize,And what a ride!,it is,what,how,熟能生巧:,1,)它是一本多么有趣的书啊!(两种方式翻译),_/_,2),我们的老师


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