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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1,Unit 1 Project,Reciting a poem,赠汪伦,李白乘舟将欲行,,忽闻岸上踏歌声。,桃花潭水深千尺,,不及汪伦送我情。,李白,Can you translate this poem into English,Possible example:,To Wang Lun,by Li Bai,Imonboard;Wereabouttosail,Whentheresstampingandsingingonshore,PeachBlossomPoolisathousand,feet deep,Yetnotsodeep,WangLun,as your love for me.,Think about it!,Whats poetry,2.Whats more important than the language in the poem,Poetry is a form of literature which often focuses on love or other feelings.,The emotions expressed by the poet.,The poetry of Robert Burns,Read the report on poetry of Robert,Burnss A Red,Red Rose on page 14 and skim for its main idea and structure.,Main idea of paragraphs,Para.1-4,Para.5-6,Para.7,introduction of Robert Burns,some information about a,movement of poets called the Romantic Movement,the poem“A Red,Red Rose with its introduction and explanation,1.Read the poem“A Red,Red Rose,and talk about the meaning of each,line.,2.Put the poem into modern language,and recite it.,Work in pairs,Time,Event,1759,1780,Detailed reading,Read the report again and rearrange the events in the order of time.,Robert Burns was born.,The Romantic Movement started around 1780.,1794,1796,1830,1877,Robert Burns died at the age of 37.,The Romantic Movement ended.,The monument in honour of Burns was first shown to the public.,The poem A Read,Red Rose,was published.,Fill the blanks with no more than one word.,Robert Burns,His life,The Scotlands great poet Burns,(1759-1796)came from a poor,family heavily in(1)_.,A hard life and weak(2)_,made Burnss life short.,He started writing poetry with the(3)_ of his first love.,debt,health,encouragement,His influence,All of Scotland mourned his,death,many people donated,money to(4)_ his,widow and children.,The monument to him was first,(5)_ to the public in 1877.,The house in Alloway where,Burns was born is now a,(6)_ of his life and,work.,support,shown,museum,The(7)_ Movement,Other representatives,John Keats and William Wordsworth,Themes,Freedom and beauty,and use(8)_ and touch on strong(9)_.,Romantic,feelings,imagination,“A Red,Red Rose”,The poem was(9)_ in,1794 and intended to be a song.,It has four short sections,consisting of four lines each.,The second and fourth lines of,each section rhyme.,With the line O my Luves like a,red,red,rose,he(10)_,the girl he loves to a red rose.,published,compares,Project:Reciting a poem,You and your group are going to choose a poem and recite it for your classmates.You need to discuss what poem to choose,and what you will need to do in preparation.The questions below will help you get organized.,1.Do you like poetry Why or why not,2.What does the author introduce about,Robert Burns and his poem A Red,Red Rose,3.What poem will you choose to recite,4.What kind of information about the,poem and the poet will you need,5.Where will you collect the information,Who will do this,6.Who will recite the poem,7.Who will give the class some,background information about the,poem and the poet,8.Will you need objects or pictures to,make the poetry recital more,interesting If yes,who will find or,make them,Planning,Get into groups(6-8).,Decide which poem to use.,Clear assignments.,Preparing,Discuss the tasks and decide which,group member will be responsible,for each task.,Interview your classmates.,Give comments and raise questions.,Analyze the answers and write the report.,Report the result.,Producing,Present your poem to the class.,Have a speech contest.,Presenting,The poetry of this period is not only,about love,although Romantic themes,tend,to be more emotional.,尽管浪漫主义的主题趋向于更加情感化,但这一时期的诗歌并不仅仅是关于爱情。,Language points,不及物动词tend可表示“向某个方向延伸,,向开展。其后常跟介词to,towards,等,或表示方向的副词,如upwards,eastward等。如:,Interest rates are tending downwards.,tend还可表示“容易,有某种倾向。,其后常跟动词不定式,构成tend to do sth.结,构。如:,People tend to get fat when they grow older.,tend,vi.,趋向,倾向,用tend及汉语提示完成以下句子,1.It _(往往雨量多),in summer here.,2.My brother _(容,易出错)when he is tired.,3.The bicycle _(倾斜),the left.,tends to rain a lot,tends to make mistakes,tends to/towards,2.With the line O my Luves like a red,red rose,he compares the girl he loves to a red rose.,在“啊,我的爱人像一朵红红的玫瑰中,他把她所爱德姑娘比作一朵红玫瑰。,compare to 把.比作,Hecomparedthe girltothe moon in the poem.他在诗中把那姑娘比作月亮。,compare,vt.,比喻为;比作,指出两个事物之间的关系或相似之处,常与介词to连用。,Young people are compared to the sun at eight or nine in the morning.,年青人常常被比作早晨八、九点钟的太阳。,compare vt.比较;对照,着重人与人或事物与事物之间的异同,常和介词with连用。,If you compare both of our cars,you will find them very much alike.,如果你比照我们的两辆汽车,你就会发现它们非常相似。,compare,vi.,与相比/匹敌,后接介词with。,No one can compare with Shakespeare as a writer of tragedies.,作为悲剧作家,没有人能同莎士比亚相比。,compare n.比较,不可数,常用于惯用语中。,The view of the little hill is beyond,compare.这小山的风光无与伦比。,_ the size of the whole earth,the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.,A.Comparing with,B.When compared to,C.Comparingto,D.When compared with,【分析】该题考察状语从句的省略及动词compare的用法。compare.with.意为“把与相比较,该句前面补全为When(it is)compared with the size


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